=== cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer [09:35] glib Simon McVittie 412853 * commented merge request !23 * https://deb.li/ilQQh [11:52] Hello desktop team! [11:52] seb128: I have a question - I'm helping out with kinetic EOL and I see that the nautilus kinetic SRU is phased to 0% since 100+ days [11:53] So, it's a bit worrying, but I think if an update is in kinetic-updates for 100+ days, I'm pretty sure a lot of users already manually upgraded to it via apt [11:53] I'm leaning towards fully phasing it [11:53] But I'd appreciate someone from the desktop team looking at these errors [12:32] sil2100: sorry, the nautilus crashes are likely fixed with nautilus 43.4 (and some crash fixes in https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/nautilus/-/commits/gnome-43 after that release) [12:33] we have already shifted our dev efforts to lunar & recommend users upgrade to lunar [12:44] sil2100, hey, I've no strong opinion about kinetic either way at this point, feel free to do whatever makes more sense to you [13:13] gnome-settings-daemon Gunnar Hjalmarsson 412953 * commented merge request !15 * https://deb.li/UJP1 [13:26] GunnarHj: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-meta/1.507 [13:28] jbicha: Yay! [13:29] the other desktop flavors will need to update their meta packages too, which would switch them over to the snap printing stack too [13:29] I believe Budgie is all set [13:31] jbicha: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/font-configuration-news-in-23-10/37114 [13:39] jbicha: do you think fully phasing nautilus with these crashes would be worse than leaving them on the old nautilus? [13:45] sil2100: I don't know how phasing is normally handled at EOL. We strongly urge people to use 23.04 instead of 22.10 so we are happy with however you handle the phasing [13:47] hmmm, so I remembered just now that in 23.04 I think apt also does phasing, so maybe there's less people actually using that than I thought [13:47] So I'll get rid of the update in that case [13:47] Thanks! [13:49] kenvandine: Waiting for your response to https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft-desktop-integration/pull/14#issuecomment-1642549785 . If we change the directory, I will need to change language-selector-common accordingly. [13:49] -ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Pull 14 in snapcore/snapcraft-desktop-integration "Load fontconfig files from special 'snap-config-hack' directory" [Open] [13:52] sil2100: yes, I agree that most on kientic probably aren't using the new nautilus. I believe in *LTS* releases, point releases can include 0% phased updates [14:49] seb128, bandali, FTR we should land cron job to produce "snap like upstream" on treeherder soon now, and the people working on mozregression are looking into adding snap support [14:50] seb128, bandali, next week I'll have a quick chat with them (currently scheduled on the 25th at 1630 Paris, but I need to move it to another day)