
xubuntu99ihi folx. I'm  about to rock rock the new Xubuntu 23.04. I went for a minimal install, as I prefer not to have bloatware. What's your xubuntu experience been like?17:15
diogenes_Vx15xubuntu99i, awesome17:17
xubuntu99ithis is my first time trying out xubuntu. wish me luck. i got some problems with the fedora 38 system such as hotkeys not working and stuff, so maybe xubuntu will be less of a bumpy ride17:17
diogenes_Vx15good luck!17:18
xubuntu99ithanks diogenes! what kind of setup are you running?17:18
diogenes_Vx15xubuntu99i, the most minimalistic.17:19
xubuntu99iright, that's what i'm also looking for with the xfce desktop and less of extra stuff than with the fedora 38 which had gnome. maybe it will run faster17:20
hhhuuujjjfirefox should be dumped 21:00
hhhuuujjjgoogl shit running by default21:00
hhhuuujjjtill version 90.?? some21:00
hhhuuujjjevery distro putting firefox im sick of it21:01
hhhuuujjjif u start hardinfo youll see that firefox is making connection with google servers  IDONT wish that my computer doing that   add to this distro gufw FUCKgoog and fuck firefox that always stands its super privacy and meanwhile is fund by googl shit21:40
gnrphhhuuujjj: Check out Waterfox or Librewolf.21:40
gnrpmozilla always received loads of money from Google21:41
tomreyndon't they use google safebrowsing then?22:27
gnrptomreyn: they do22:33
tomreynso i assume they will 'secretly' connect to google on startup22:34
tomreyn(unless they only use the quickly outdated offline variant)22:35
gnrpor unless you switch it off22:35
gnrpanyway, that page details what they do in terms of automatic connections ^^22:35
tomreynhmm i could swear that i read on one of those user.js privacy wikis that there are some phone home anti features in firefox which just can't be disabled with just preferences. this may be outdated info, though.22:45
gnrpI wouldn't trust it, anyway. The next version, they introduce a new setting or "feature", etc.22:46
gnrpI don't know, but I'd guess that the connectivity check to mozilla cannot be easily switched off without re-compiling?22:46

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