
aciba[m]Hello DP84: cloud-init looks for config modules in the current dir and `<installation-path>/cloudinit/config`. The current dir is useful in the case where `cloud-init init|modules` is manually run but, when run as systemd unit, the current dir is tipically /07:36
aciba[m] Code exercising this: https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/blob/f755bad5d3c683a7102acdf053c4121a5d568be8/cloudinit/config/modules.py#L19507:36
Akilahi, I need  help to know: how to provide a seed-url of a webserver or public cloud that needs authentication...like auth-token or bearer token...how and where to specify it19:08
Akilain datasource19:08
minimalare you the person who raised an Issue about this recently?19:24
Akilano...first time raising this query19:25
minimalso you're using a public cloud but not using their specific DataSource?19:28
minimalholmanb: #4271 is not a bug, see the note I added19:28
Akiladoes thi mean that the public cloud should enable/support cloud-init, thereby exposing a datasource rule to use..19:30
minimalAkila: which cloud is this?19:33
Akilatrying to see if we could get this supported in hpe greenlake19:34
minimalGreenlake appears to support cloud-init but no mention of which DataSource is used19:36
minimalAkila: a seed url is only used by the NoCloud datasource in cloud-init19:37
minimaltypically for a cloud provider you use a different (cloud-specific) datasource19:38
Akilabased on what I read I see 2 ways: 1. datasource with seed-url : having url of the service/webserver that can provide me the config..But how to pass token if that is looking for authentication....19:40
Akila2nd method is: each cloud provider has given a config to use: like in datasource: [EC2]: then URL and some additional config19:40
Akilafor 2nd option, then I need to check with greenlake cloud team on datasource to use....19:41
Akilaany idea for 1st option to specify a token if I use as Nocloud19:41
minimalAkila: typically you should use the relevant datasource for that cloud in order to get configuration such as network config19:43
minimalas the cloud provider typically "controls" network configuration19:43
AkilaUsecase is bit different ..i'm trying to use a configuration( supplied by cloud) on a on-prem server...19:48
Akilavia cloud-init19:48
minimal"configuration (supplied by cloud)"? what configuration19:48
Akilalike scripts to apply, user-data and meta-data will come from cloud (user enters these values in cloud interface)19:51
minimalregarding authentication for seed URLs, this is not supported. Where would you expect any authentication info to come from?19:52
minimalAkila: I'm confused, you just said it is on-prem, but now you're referring to "cloud" and "cloud interface"19:53
minimalso is this Greenlake running on-premises as a "private cloud"?19:54
Akilaok..the use case is: i'm a cloud user..using cloud service I manage my on-prem servers..would like to install OS on those servers and configure as well...this configuration will be supplied by user via cloud interface19:54
minimaland where does network configuration information for servers come from?19:56
minimalor do they just DHCP on (all) network interfaces?19:56
Akilayes..to start with let us take dhcp is the setting19:58
Akilawhen server comes up, it is dhcp - gets IP19:59
minimalso if you want to use seed url then you need to use NoCloud datasource and provide the url somehow (pass it from bootloader in cmdline or hardcode it into a file in /etc/cloud/)20:00
minimalthen cloud-init will fetch "meta-data", "user-data" etc by appending those to the "base" url specified20:01
minimalhowever as I already said there is no authentication support for this20:01
minimalalso you may find some problems with using seed URLs20:01
holmanbminimal: just saw your comment on that bug, see my response20:03
minimalholmanb: ah, I thought it was a copy of the /etc/cloud/ file20:04
minimalI was confused as there was mention of passing the seed stuff on the cmdline20:05
holmanbminimal: all good - I think the fix is a one character change in ds-identify, but I'm working on an integration test to cover this use case now.20:05
minimalholmanb: I still need to get around to raising an issue about seed-url handling in general - just need to find the time to do it20:06
holmanbminimal: gotcha20:31
holmanbminimal: got a fix up https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/427320:32
-ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 4273 in canonical/cloud-init "Kernel Commandline: Fix 4271" [Open]20:32
minimalah, a fix of a fix, the best type ;-)20:32
holmanband a fix of my own fix, so no one to point fingers at but myself ;)20:33
minimalI'm not one to point fingers, especially as I'm trying to fix the PR I just opened lol20:34
holmanband that reminds me, we can un-document nocloud-net now that nocloud can automatically detect mode20:34
=== jrm2 is now known as jrm
minimalall those test fails were due to just a single missing quote, lol21:39
meenaminimal: don't you love programming22:00
minimalits a love-hate relationship lol22:01
minimaland now I'm trying to figure out why a single integration test failed :-(22:01
minimalmeena: I remember programming on batch systems in the 80s, you submitted your compile job and came back the next day to see the result - you soon learning to carefully check for typos after a few days of failed compiles ;-)22:30
meenaminimal: i was born in the 80s. but I was also born in Bosnia, so it's kind of like being born in the late middle ages22:37
meenaI didn't programme, or even use computers until the turn of the millennium22:37
minimalit was more fun back then lol22:47
blackboxswthe 70s were way better. given your start of programming. you may have missed out on programming in logo and the turtle22:48
blackboxswcrucial moments in early education and development :). 22:48
meenablackboxsw: i started programming in C, got some pascal on the side, then we had C++ and pic assembler, then Java and PL/I with some REXX and S/360 assembler. after that, i mostly got by with perl, Ruby and php for a long time22:56
meenalots of 70s tech there…22:56
meenaC, REXX, PL/I, S/360 are all 70s tech. honorary mention for php, a razorblade thin layer on top of C, and Ruby, a Smalltalk23:03
minimalI did BCPL, Pascal, COBOL, Fortran, Lisp, Prolog, Basic, 6502 assembler23:30
minimaland bits of Modula-2, C, 68000 assembler, Poplog, and Z80 assembler23:31
minimaldBase, even did some FI/PHP (the first version of PHP), Netscape LiveWire (server-side Javascript long before NodeJs)23:32
minimaloh, Forth as well, not sure if I did any Logo23:33

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