=== jcea1 is now known as jcea [07:03] why doesn't xscreensaver lock my screen in wayland? it displays my random wallpapers with nice effects but it's not locking. [07:30] greetings, konsole: ctrl-pgup/pgdn and scrolling the mouse wheel will increase/decrease the font size. How do I reset it back to normal with a shortcut?? === paolo is now known as paoop === mkv is now known as m4v [12:59] Hi all [14:21] hi, i want to make a kubuntu fork, where do i find the source? [14:24] can anyone help? [14:55] systwi, on launchpad, but this channel is not about helping creating a fork, good luck! [14:55] oops systwi, ignore [15:10] WGNV [15:11] R R F Z [15:40] anyone know of a good dock other than latte that works with wayland? I was using cairo-dock until I switch to wayland which stopped working. SO I need something like cair0-dock if possible. [15:41] iomari891, pick one, https://itsfoss.com/best-linux-docks/ [15:42] thanks, I'll check them out. [15:44] I've seen all those docks. Either they don't work with wayland, like ksmoothdock doesn't or they are just too old looking. [17:08] Is there are particular reason that kubuntu 23.04 doesn't have MOZ_USE_XINPUT2=1 by default? === Woenx1 is now known as Woenx === m_antis is now known as phreak === phreak is now known as phr34k === oerheks is now known as SureAViking === SureAViking is now known as oerheks === mybalzit1h is now known as mybalzitch === Iamthehuman1 is now known as yuker === TheMaster is now known as Unit193 === saidi is now known as ahmed