[07:22] "Oh so that's what it means 😏..." <- > <@karma_vil:matrix.org> Oh so that's what it means 😏 [07:22] > There is a classic from Trendtemøller I've always loved. Definitely a song you could relate to a bug. [07:22] > There's something to learn in every corner. Thank you 😊 [07:22] It's something of a mix of yawn / moan / morning ;) (and then, sorry if obvious, `o/` is a hand wave) [07:23] Good morning \o [09:29] Saviq: should I cherrypick #2982 and #2983 into the release branch for a 2.14.1 tag before merging? Or are things "good enough"? [09:31] alan_g[m]: Since we need a new release, might as well. Otherwise we won't have Mir 2.14.1 for Ubuntu devel, which would be a bit meh [09:42] alan_g remember the CMake version before you tag ;) [09:43] Saviq: Did I miss something? [09:43] https://github.com/MirServer/mir/blob/8918974abc76b40b2cc235fb9e1e185bbd6449ea/CMakeLists.txt#L27-L29 [09:44] I've canceled the PPA Upload for 2.14.1, otherwise PPA would be burnt again [09:47] Got it. Thanks! [09:58] You need to git push -d origin v2.14.1 and tag again [10:00] I just was going to ask that. Thanks [10:32] alan_g so now you can grab the signed tarball from https://github.com/MirServer/mir/actions/runs/5621072227 [13:12] alan_g we also have the wlcs FTBFS in the PPA: https://launchpad.net/~mir-team/+archive/ubuntu/release/+sourcepub/15032311/+listing-archive-extra [13:13] Saviq: We do. I have it on my list, but haven't started yet... [13:13] We already have a workaround for ppc64el: https://github.com/MirServer/wlcs/blob/main/debian/rules#L27-L35, but that looks like a different problem [15:54] alan_g does this (intermittent) failure stem from the lack of wlcs 1.6? [15:54] ```plain [15:54] 18 - wlcs.ClientSurfaceEventsTest.* (Failed) [15:54] ``` [15:54] Hmm no, that's only on mantic, and those failures are across the board [15:55] Saviq: No, that would only be VirtualPointerV1Test.* [15:56] Filed https://github.com/MirServer/mir/issues/2986 then [16:03] Good weekend all o\ [16:05] "No, that would only be VirtualPo..." <- I think I misspoke - Chris also did some cleanup there [17:26] Today: [17:26] * Shepherding Mir 2.14.1 [17:26] * Reviewing today's Alt Tab rev of PR [17:26] * Poking at wlcs FTBFS [21:41] Update: [21:43] My update:... (full message at )