[18:57] * Mooncairn prays to the computer gods, waiting and hoping the migration to 23.04 goes well. [19:06] Good luck [20:02] So far, so good. Some manual package management needed, particularly for PPAs, but nothing too bad. [20:20] yeah, ubuntu is boring now, in a good way [21:20] Sadly, the migration to Python 3.11 isn't as boring. Nothing worrisome system-wide, but $HOME/.local/lib stuff needs to be transitioned over. [21:22] Worse, pip3 doesn't seem to want to have anything to do with $HOME/.local/lib. [21:25] Yup, everything Python-based is borked with no fix in sight. [21:25] might need to rebuild the venvs [21:26] (I mean everything under $HOME. It appears that the only sanctioned way to install Python packages is through apt.) [21:26] I install a number of utility programs that are written in python, with invocation scripts in ~/.local/bin. [21:30] And python3.10 is gone from Ubuntu 23.04, so going back to it isn't an immediate option. [21:31] I did it when it just came out with a derivitive (Regolith Linux) and had zero issues. [22:21] pipx (https://github.com/pypa/pipx) seems to be the new way to manage Python-based programs. I don't think it works for Python libraries used by editors like Neovim, so I'm still stuck with whatever is in Lunar and nothing else. [23:11] deadsnakes is an option [23:12] https://launchpad.net/~deadsnakes/+archive/ubuntu/ppa