=== michel_c13 is now known as michel_c12 === chris14_ is now known as chris14 [02:31] Hi I am on ubuntu 22.04 recently something went wrong with nautilus. If I plug in a USB or even try to view my secondary HDDs in "Other Locations" the "On this COmputer" section does not list the other drives to mount [02:31] how to troubleshoot this. lsblk shows everything fine. [02:33] Other Locations only shows the root partiton on the os drive [02:33] aiena: is there anything in journalctl output? [02:34] gnome-shell[2491]: Window manager warning: Property WM_NAME on window 0x120003d contained invalid UTF-8 [02:34] this line is there but doesnt look related [02:35] gnome-shell[2491]: Window manager warning: Buggy client sent a _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW message with a timestamp of 0 for 0xa0000b [02:35] to [02:35] anything that looks like udisks2? [02:35] sarnold, found something [02:35] sda3: Process '/usr/bin/unshare -m /usr/bin/snap auto-import --mount=/dev/sda3' failed with exit code 1. [02:35] what is this unshare ? [02:36] unshare is a command line tool for working with linux namespaces [02:37] https://s3.opensuse-project.net/paste-o-o/arc08adtfqnp557s6k3h4f3md9za?response-content-disposition=inline%3B%20filename%3D%2243bd0ea7d309178f3a77f125b6e776fb.txt%22%3B%20filename%2A%3DUTF-8%27%2743bd0ea7d309178f3a77f125b6e776fb.txt&response-content-type=text%2Fplain&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=YI5KOnADj6WdQSae%2F20230721%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20230721T023721Z&X-Amz-Expires=300&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=3 [02:37] 483345ad19e9a82ef32f68ceb22e5350e969523409d46bef6a1fffe2485cfbb [02:37] sorry [02:38] dear geckos: that can't be right :) [02:38] sarnold, sorry [02:38] https://bpa.st/25VQ [02:38] this is what journalctl gives whn i plug in my usb stick [02:38] mybe this failing is causing nautilus not to show the drives [02:38] how to fix this [02:42] why is that triggered [02:43] aiena: do you get any output if you run: sudo unshare -m snap auto-import --mount=/dev/sdc ? [02:44] yes auto-import is disabled on classic [02:44] `auto...` is the output of that command [02:48] hrm. I was hoping it was going to say something a bit more meaningful. [02:48] yes [02:48] oh well. you can probably get udev to stop running it by: sudo touch /etc/udev/rules.d/66-snapd-autoimport.rules [02:49] found https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1971955 [02:49] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 1966203 in snapd "Syslog shows 'systemd-udevd[2837]: nvme0n1: Process ... failed with exit code 1.' in Ubuntu 22.04" [High, Confirmed] [duplicate: 1971955] [02:49] reading [02:51] sarnold, is classic some snap distribution [02:51] is the auto-ompirt command missing on the classic snap itself [02:51] no it exists but snp disabled it [02:51] not sure how snaps work [02:52] this specifically looks like it's intended primarily for IOT devices [02:53] hmm [02:53] I dont know whats messing nautilus up then [02:54] I just ran this line I saw while reading and got this output https://bpa.st/EAVQ [02:54] does this shed any further light [02:56] not really; I was making a *huge* guess that if the snap auto-import failed that that might cause udev to stop processing the disk [02:56] so I suggested something that I believe will cause that file to be ignored [02:57] one sec [02:57] .. and hopefully you can confirm by removing/inserting the disk again, hopefully you won't see the message. and *very* hopefully you'll see something in nautilus [02:57] li didnt see [02:58] sarnold, well it doesnt make a difference [02:59] sarnold, the interesting this is alsao internally attaches SATA disks show up in lsblk bunt not nautilus [02:59] I am sure it used to work very well [02:59] can i test deleting some config files [03:01] i'll just reboot and brb [03:26] /20 [03:33] lotuspsychje: if aiena returns, please pass along my apologies, it's time for me to run [03:33] i will [03:34] thahkya kindly :) [03:36] lotuspsychje: .. from the problem "can't see disks in nautilus when plugging them in", there were these messages in journalctl https://bpa.st/25VQ and aiena found https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1971955 [03:36] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 1966203 in snapd "Syslog shows 'systemd-udevd[2837]: nvme0n1: Process ... failed with exit code 1.' in Ubuntu 22.04" [High, Confirmed] [duplicate: 1971955] [03:37] checking [03:37] that looks lovely, maybe ill go to sleep too :p [03:41] good idea :D === tristan123 is now known as tristan_ [04:46] sarnold, it was something in nautilus configs (: [04:47] renamed ~/.local/share/nautilus to nautilus-old and rebooted and drives are showing ok [04:47] grrr [04:54] aiena: sarnold went to sleep, but he left you bug #1971955 [04:54] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Bug 1966203 in snapd "Syslog shows 'systemd-udevd[2837]: nvme0n1: Process ... failed with exit code 1.' in Ubuntu 22.04" [High, Confirmed] [duplicate: 1971955] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1966203 [04:54] aiena: could you update the bug and write a new comment how you fixed plz? [04:55] (if its related to that bug) [04:55] its not related [04:55] it is something in the local nautilus config as I did not change anything else [04:56] okay [04:56] I will try to look at my nautilus-old folder to see if I can identify what file got goofed up [04:57] lotuspsychje, well nautilus makes a bunch of .db files [04:57] not sure how to read/diff data in those to analyse what actually happened [05:09] https://imgur.com/a/Rbx4UBf [05:11] hi my laptop is having some issues after i had it cleaned and thermal paste change, windows kept going into automatic repair, i went to a repair shop and they replaced its ssd and after a week same issue, so i installed Ubuntu and now it just keeps restarting with this message at start [05:37] i hate debian and debian base so mjch === root__ is now known as costco [05:54] if any1 needs help, ON IT as usual [05:55] what is best way to test internet speeds ubuntu [05:55] oh thats easy costco in a terminal type [05:55] wget https://proof.ovh.ca/files/10Gb.dat -O /dev/null [05:55] oh wow [05:55] very ezey and fast [05:56] yeah i am on 5th stage of canical interview === Mikro is now known as Leo [07:31] damn. canical.com is already registered. would have sent you some phising mail from that domain. [07:32] ravage 2 bad u dont know my email law of the land punk [07:33] at least i can correctly write the name of my employer :) [07:33] ur just mad and jealius i am stage 5 of canacal interview [07:33] u arent! hah a [07:33] ravage i got 1400 std amazing. math not so great english canacial understand. [07:34] good luck at your 5 stages of grief thing then :) [07:34] what griefs what i have [07:34] this is amazing [07:35] most people not get past stage 1 of canacial becuz scared of interview process but i take bull by the tal [07:35] i prepared my whole life for this, middle, highschool, std, college [07:35] !ot | fastwifi_ [07:35] fastwifi_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [07:36] !contribute | ravage [07:36] ravage: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu [07:36] i have worked effortlessly and tiredlessly to remember all my achievemant in high school so when cancial ask i can answer correctly [07:36] i have liberoffice spreadsheet, now tell me what do u have? spelling of employment name? [07:37] honestly do u even have employer name or are u thru staffer ravage [07:38] canacial no expiration like staffer, no daily pay like staffer NO GENERAL LABORER [07:39] both my parent staffer and i have worked so hard entire life tiredlessly to work for amazing company like canacial i set my eye own it and i SCOPE IT. [07:39] !ot | ravage [07:39] ravage: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [07:45] if you keep spelling it canacial they might pass you by [07:47] ducasse nope they understand my english i have already told them so still learning [07:47] i am capable of learning english and doing canacial interivew at same time [07:47] good friend told me in usa i can sue them for racist for that btw law of land [07:51] !ops | fastwifi_ bad news, repeated offtopic [07:51] fastwifi_ bad news, repeated offtopic: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant [07:51] !ops | lotuspsychje bad news, repeated offtopic, spamming ops command, annoying [07:51] lotuspsychje bad news, repeated offtopic, spamming ops command, annoying: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant [07:53] tomreyn: you around? cleanup in aisle 1! [07:54] fastwifi_: This channel is for support questions on Ubuntu, it's not a social channel. [07:54] apologies i will continue only be on it for help, i joined off topic of course but discussion was in here intial [07:55] Unit193 ^ moving cancial to ubuntu off topic now thx === root is now known as Guest8745 === Leo is now known as Mikro [08:15] !ops | ravage bad news, repeated offender [08:15] !ops | ravage bad news, repeated offender [08:15] !ops | ravage bad news, repeated offender [08:15] ravage bad news, repeated offender: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant [08:15] !ops | ravage bad news, repeated offender [08:15] !ops | ravage bad news, repeated offender [08:15] !ops | ravage bad news, repeated offender === shokohsc56 is now known as shokohsc5 [09:20] 23.04 - all of my audio devices are missing after a reboot [09:20] I installed oss4-base was trying to get darkice working. I removed it and rebooted but no audio devices present now [09:22] $ apt-cache show oss4-base|grep Replaces [09:22] Replaces: linux-sound-base [09:22] PvtJoker, ^^ start with reinstalling that ... [09:24] (i'm pretty sure apt has warned you about that replacement with a y/n question ... yoou sould make sure to understand what it is asking before hitting Y ) [09:24] hey thanks [09:24] well let me reboot and see if i am back in business :) [09:25] tere might be mor involved ... but this is the starting point [09:25] (geez, can't type today) [09:27] yes there must be more [09:27] no audio devices after reboot [09:28] ls -lah /dev/snd shows pretty empty. no devices where there were many before [09:33] hi, can I enforce the regeneration of /run/motd.dynamic by hand (from a script)? [09:37] PvtJoker, it probably went up the dependency chain up to uninstalling ubuntu-desktop (which should really alert you when apt asks for this), try reinstalling that too [09:37] (and any other ubuntu-* packages it uninstalled) [09:47] ogra i did [09:47] at this point since my install is less than a week old i am considering just re-installing the whole thing [09:47] ugh what a mess i've made [09:49] PvtJoker, well, at least you did it early on 🙂 [09:49] very true. lesson learned === EriC^^_ is now known as EriC^ === ord is now known as quem === mkv is now known as m4v [12:56] how to tell what installed package required samba / smbclient etc? Is it installed and activated by default in Kubuntu 22.04.2 ? [12:56] !samba | pickanick [12:56] pickanick: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/samba-introduction [12:57] no, not installed standard. [12:57] likely the package samba is the metapackage. [12:58] how can I tell when/why apt installed a package ? [12:58] look in the dpkg log? [12:59] Hi all [12:59] cat /var/log/dpkg.log | grep samba [12:59] heya BluesKaj \0/ [13:00] hey oerheks [13:04] m [13:04] n [13:07] good afternoon how can i check status of nvidia390 vs 6.1/6.2 kernel i want to try 23.04 again but only with nv driver [13:07] ?* [13:08] status? nvidia-390 is available in 23.04, AFAIK [13:08] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-390 [13:12] thank you for story those driver were bugged left with blank screen no keyboard ... was painfull [13:13] zniavre, did you try 23.04 with 390? [13:13] and on what hardware? [13:15] gt610 vs I5 itried when it ask for upgrade then crashed and reimaged to 22.10 [13:15] a week after outing i guess [14:03] So I have an old system with a zoo of drives, i made copies of the partitions with dd, and check that they mounted and i can nav into dir structure. What else should i check to make sure that dd copies are correct? I want to 0 out old drives, get rid of some of them and reinstall the system with zfs, and encryption [14:06] ruser: you will not be able to use the disk image(s) on a new filesystem, encrypted or not [14:08] So i created a ext4 partition with copy of images via dd. My plan is(?) to setup new system with encryption, mount the ext4, copy the images into encrypted and get rid of ext4. Am I missing something why I shouldn't be able to use that? [14:08] s/use/do/ [14:08] yeah, you can copy the mounted contents to another filesystem [14:09] leftyfb: can you expand on what you meant I won't be able to use the disk images? [14:09] also, time and again, I want to say thank you for your help [14:10] I thought you were going to try to dd them to a zfs filesystem [14:10] ah, no, I'm mostly keeping them for a backup to deal with later. [14:11] personally, I backup my home directory and reinstall the OS. Using something like ansible to reinstall whatever apps you had installed and add back any customizations [14:11] using disk images doesn't help you with upgrading across releases [14:12] leftyfb: yeah, the machine was primarily a win10 gaming machine that i'm planning on moving to linux server setup with maybe some lightweight tiling manager [14:12] so there isnt' much to automate/upgrade at the moment [14:12] I did have ubuntu installed on it that was barely used, and last few years sat collecting dust [14:13] while I've got your attention, my internet pipe is getting upgraded to 3Gpbs what NICs are supported that play well with that? [14:13] idk what my router is going to actually support itself [14:24] ruser: you want to ask in #hardware [14:24] leftyfb: thank you === ord is now known as quem === phonemic8 is now known as phonemic [14:37] ok, im getting a weird bug on 22.04 with kernel 6.2 a white hotspot tab pops up full screen, on my laptop dissapeared, but on my NUC it remained, anyone else seeing these? [14:39] lotuspsychje: is that 6.2 from -edge? [14:39] leftyfb: im on 6.2.0-25-generic HWE [14:41] right, -edge. The non-edge is on 5.19 [14:42] oh i should purge edge then [14:51] ok back on 5.19 leftyfb tnx, but my NUC also had the hotspot window and is on 5.19 aswell [15:51] Hello. I'm using a server that is shared with others. How do I create a directory that is visible only to me?(and of course to root) another user mustn't be able to view it if they ls in the parent directory [15:51] chmod 700 privat_directory [15:52] mok0 the content of this directory (if I add new) will also be invisible to other users? [15:53] Yes they can't see what's in it or read any file even if they know the name of it [15:53] ApostleInTriumph: they also can't see any directories below [15:54] thank you, mok [15:54] mok0 [15:54] ApostleInTriumph: n/p :-) [16:07] i would use 750, https://www.phoronix.com/news/Ubuntu-21.04-Private-Home [16:08] recently the home folder changer from 755 to 750, no longer world and other users readable [16:13] so [16:13] upgraded to 23.04 i loose my video driver [16:14] just install it again? [16:17] yep nvidia failed to load === kentucky4440 is now known as kentucky444 [17:46] yooo my budgie wont run gnome or the de when i start it [17:46] its just going to a terminal login [17:46] user: === Woenx1 is now known as Woenx [17:58] leibniz: So log in and see what's wrong. [17:58] i do login [17:58] leibniz: journalctl, /var/log/messages/, dmesg [17:59] leibniz: What changed recently? Did this use to work? [18:06] i'm not on it right noq [18:06] i'll let you know when i get to it === oerheks is now known as SureAViking === SureAViking is now known as oerheks === veegee_ is now known as veegee