=== tristan123 is now known as tristan_ [02:40] [telegram] is there a place where to put feature request? I know Ubuntu is a big machine, but just asking anyway... [02:41] [telegram] Does Lubuntu inherits everyhing from Ubuntu or what degree of flexibility/independence does it have? [02:42] [telegram] My feature request is: create an option to locate the mouse cursor when the user press a given key (eg CTRL) [02:42] [telegram] it sounds super silly yet I can't find a simple way to do it without installing 3rd party (if any) apps [04:03] @Rodrigo, you can file a bug (just mark it clearly as a FEATURE REQUEST), request on Lubuntu's discourse (again highlight its a feature request etc). If it's a LXQt specific feature you want you may want to go upstream & file with LXQt (note: we're still on 1.2 so one step behind upstream; debian are packaging 1.3 currently) [04:05] fyi: I can appreciate your request.. I have five screens & often lose my mouse-pointer; on iRC the #lubuntu-devel would be appropriate but good chance it'll get lost & you'll be requested to file via bug report or discourse... I'm not sure where/how the 'feature' would be implemented though (I have oneko running on this box) [04:25] [telegram] thanks a lot @guiverc 😊 [04:27] [telegram] oneko!!!! how cool!!!!πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ˜„ [04:29] it doesn't annoy me.. (not sure it helps much.. but i can move mouse & then just scan looking for the 'cat' moving on screens instead of having to keep moving the mouse & getting frustrated etc..) [04:29] Well Rodrigo there is the qeyes panel widget which looks towards where the mouse pointer is in a panel which if you have 23.04 would have that in there but with a lot of screens just provides a direction. [04:31] :) great suggestion lynorian[m] ! (disappointed I didn't think of that... I think I always chase 'my cat') [04:32] [telegram] haha I love oneko... no more problems for me😁 [04:32] [telegram] already added to my autostart [04:36] you can always use the qeyes panel widget as well... (at least it doesn't sleep over something you want to read!) [04:37] [telegram] 😊 [04:38] Also maybe try a different cursor theme to have one that is birght and stands out more I remember making my cursor purple and it didn't hide as much there is oxygen-cursor-theme-extra [04:39] [telegram] yes, I see your point. My problem is mainly when I'm editing documents, the cursor becomes invisible. And to thicken it I have to go to obscure configurations (ie, I am not 100% what I am doing) (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) Also maybe try a different cursor theme to have one that is birght and stands out more I remember making my cursor purple and it didn't hide as much there is oxygen-cursor-theme-extra)