=== arraybolt3_ is now known as arraybolt3 [03:39] RikMills: Right off the bat, there is no OEM mode. That's a serious bummer. Other stuff does look more modern. [03:39] But if ain't broke [03:41] Nice slideshow. [03:45] https://ubuntu.com/blog/how-we-designed-the-new-ubuntu-desktop-installer [04:41] mmikowski: OEM mode is coming, scheduled for 24.04 afaik. (Basically, the desktop team gave themselves a deadline when they made the new installer default for 23.04) [07:05] Hi Erich, thanks. I was going to ask that very question! [11:13] mmikowski: Eickmeyer yeah, I also read somewhere oem was 'in the works' [12:19] Hi all [20:21] RikMills, Eickmeyer: Thanks. I loaded the VMs last night, but need to redo Ubuntu for the system diffs. So we'll know what major differences we have. I could also swap out Ubiquity with new flutter installer to see what kind of train wreck we get there :P [20:21] :) [20:21] The Budge port should be instructive [20:22] I've got notes, and will soon add a tracking ticket.