=== zxmpi_ is now known as zxmpi [17:04] heyhey [17:22] \o [17:22] how goes, knightwise ? [17:51] doin some livestreaming [17:51] www.knightwise.com/streamywindows [17:51] testin a server [17:53] ooh one of those WFH safe staged scenes with a minimalist shelf - nifty [17:53] hahah :) [17:54] thank you :) [17:55] red ligh district working girl light included [17:55] xD [17:55] i can't even see the tourists walking past behind the camera, amazing [17:55] they are all in my waiting room [17:56] ooh the pitfalls of popularity [17:57] that and chafing on my inner thighs [17:58] lmao [18:01] thanx D for stopping myt [18:01] by [18:02] :D interesting software pairing with the decks there, out of interest 3Mb seems quite low for 1080p60 - is it using H.264 or H.265? [18:03] i ga264 [18:03] srr H264 [18:04] ah ha, might be relying on the scene not changing much then as the image quality is good