[02:21] exit [17:03] I have an asus g14 running 22.04 where wifi networking was workng but now seems to have stopped working after a reboot. The card is showing in lscpi -vv and there seems to be drivers associated to it. I've tried different kernels, no luck. All 6.x kernels [17:07] doc, dual booting with windows? [17:07] diogenes_Vx15: nope, all linux [17:08] doc, sudo rfkill list [17:09] what does it say? [17:11] can't copy paste, different machine obviously :) but has "hci0: Bluetooth", "asus-wlan: Wireless LAN" and "asus-bluetooth: bluetooth" , none blocked [17:11] doc, try tethering [17:12] With bluetooth? [17:13] doc, no, just plug in your phone via USB and allow to use it as modem. [17:16] diogenes_Vx15: ok, that's working === doc_ is now known as doc|work [17:17] doc, now: sudo rfkill list | nc termbin.com 9999 [17:18] share the url [17:19] i will be away for awhile [17:20] diogenes_Vx15: ok, url is https://termbin.com/frqu [17:25] meanwhile try to fully update your system and reboot. [17:28] will do [17:45] no change after upgrading everything, kernel now on 6.4.3 but tried back as far as 6.2.2 [18:34] After upgrade pritunl the VPN stay instable and was necessary downgrade to work. I using 1.3.3585.79 and update is 1.3600.11. exist any related bug? [18:35] I'm using xubuntu 20.04 [19:05] doc|work, still here? [19:08] diogenes_Vx15: yep! [19:09] doc|work, run: inxi -Fxxc0 | nc termbin.com 9999 [19:09] share url [19:12] diogenes_Vx15: https://termbin.com/bw8e [19:13] may be on and off, talking to client [19:17] doc|work, lspci -nnk | grep -iA3 Net | nc termbin.com 9999 [19:18] sudo dmesg | grep -i firmware | nc termbin.com 9999 [19:32] diogenes_Vx15: https://termbin.com/6skh https://termbin.com/dny0 [19:40] doc|work, so you said it was working before right? [19:44] diogenes_Vx15: yep [19:47] doc|work, so what exactly happened tht is stopped working? Any update? [19:49] diogenes_Vx15: not that I'm aware of. Was working last night. Came back to my machine this morning and it had rebooted, so I logged in, no connection. Tried going back a few kernels in case that was it (there might have been an update installed since I last rebooted), no change [19:50] doc|work, do you still have the USB installation media? [19:52] diogenes_Vx15: yep, you thinking boot up with that to test? [19:53] yes just boot a live session but, do a cold boot, completely shut down and unplug from the power. [20:05] ok, thanks, will try that [20:59] diogenes_Vx15: fun, it's working fine under the usb setup :D [21:04] write down the kernel version there and cold boot again into your system. [21:11] ! [21:11] :D Right as I was about to say the cold reboot seems to have solved the problem