
lubot[telegram] <lynorian> you did enter an encyrpytion passphrase right00:10
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> I think they left. If you don't enter a passphrase it won't encrypt the drive even if you tick the box on.00:12
lubot[telegram] <Rodrigo> Is that related to NVIDIA support? (re @lynorian: unforatently we no longer support power pc)00:15
Guest39hey, I want to change my Mouse on Lubuntu 22.04, I only have two settings, white and black.00:22
xanguahttps://www.gnome-look.org/browse?cat=107 Guest39 00:33
Guest39anyway to change the shape00:34
Guest39beyond color00:34
Guest39ty tho00:34
TancHi. I have an old computer with lubuntu 17.10 on and I'd like to update it to 23.04 without wiping out all the hard disk, is it possible?22:54

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