
johanghave you guys considered changing the kernel packages to not depend on linux-firmware and instead suggest or recommend linux-firwmare? linux-firmware is something like 900 MB.21:39
JanCjohang: ideally there would also be a way to only download firmwares you actually need  :)21:45
johangyeah, imagine that21:46
JanCand I think it's 950 MiB by now, probably going to break the 1 GiB barrier soon21:47
JanCyou'd still need the whole bunch on install media, of course  :-/21:48
johangnot really sustainable. split in linux-firmware-{gpu,wlan,video,other} maybe?21:53
johangwhen I build a minimal ubuntu image for my embedded board, linux-firmware is more than half of the image.21:54
JanCsplitting it up into 4 packages isn't very useful if you need 1 firmware from each of them...21:57
johangif would be useful if split into more than 4.22:04
jeremy31I think Debian has some split by vendor22:06
sarnoldubuntu tries to keep disks useful enough if you move them from one computer to another; I doubt there'll be much enthusiasm to split the package apart22:07
johangalso in debian the firmware packages are only "rec" and not "dep".22:08
JanCI don't think splitting up the packages makes sense when you want to (or have to) install them all anyway, but OTOH having a way to use Ubuntu on small disks does makes sense (even if that means you can't move such disks to another computer--they might not be removable anyway...)22:11
sarnoldapply more soldering iron? :) hehe22:13

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