=== shokohsc510 is now known as shokohsc51 [17:08] Maybe I'll have better luck here... [17:09] I'm trying to debug unattended install with ubuntu-server. I've got `ds=nocloud-net;seedfrom=` on the kernel cmdline, but the cloud-init log says there was no valid source there. [17:09] I've confirmed from my web server log that it *is* getting the correct file. [17:13] bahamat: what else does the cloud-init.log say? [17:14] minimal: Seed from not supported by DataSourceNoCloud [seed=None][dsmode=net] [17:14] In /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud, both the meta-data and user-data file are empty [17:15] But in /var/lib/cloud/instances/nocloud, both cloud-config.txt and user-data.txt have my correct config in it [17:16] (cloud-config.txt looks like it's rearranged all the keys and changed the whitespace formatting, but otherwise it looks fine, I think) [17:16] bahamat: a common problem with people doing autoinstall with cloud-init providing the data is that the autoinstall keys have to be under the top level key `autoinstall` - example here https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/install/autoinstall-quickstart [17:16] s/providing/helping to carry/ [17:16] If I do `sudo cloud-init schema --system`, it says `Config file /var/lib/cloud/instances/iid-datasource-none/cloud-config.txt does not exist` [17:17] But if I symlink iid-datasource-none to nocloud, and run it again then it says `user-data at /var/lib/cloud/instances/iid-datasource-none/cloud-config.txt: Valid cloud-config: user-data` [17:18] I do have everything under autoinstall [17:19] user-data file is here: https://github.com/TritonDataCenter/triton-cloud-images/blob/main/http/ubuntu/22.04/user-data [17:20] Full kernel cmdline is: autoinstall console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200n8 ds=nocloud-net;seedfrom= tsc=reliable [17:20] ok, I haven't looked too close, but the user-data file looks correct enough to start. I think you need to debug the cloud-init side of this. [17:21] bahamat: your meta-data file is empty [17:22] i.e. no instance-id specified [17:23] Well, this worked literally two weeks ago with it empty. [17:23] that's ok in this context, to have an empty meta-data file. I test like that routine [17:23] So unless the installer was swapped out in the past two weeks and that's suddenly become a strict requirement, then I don't think that's the issue. [17:23] cloud-init generally makes use of instance-id so don't know what happens if you do not specify one [17:24] My ubuntu-20.04 build still works, and that's here: https://github.com/TritonDataCenter/triton-cloud-images/blob/main/http/ubuntu/20.04/user-data [17:24] It also has an empty meta-data file. [17:25] bahamat: I suggest comparing the cloud-init logs of your working and failing cases [17:25] I'm not saying that is the problem, I'm merely pointing out that I've never seen cloud-init used without an instance-id being specified and that cloud-init makes use of the instance-id for various purposes [17:26] minimal: ok, for the moment, let's assume it's not. dbungert indicates that it's not an issue, in my experience it hasn't been an issue. [17:29] bahamat: so is debugging enabled for cloud-init? [17:29] I assume not, since I didn't explicitly enable it. [17:29] How would I go about doing that? [17:30] cloud-init.log has this at the top: [17:30] 2023-07-25 17:12:34,370 - main.py[DEBUG]: No kernel command line url found. [17:30] So...maybe something in my cmdline is fucked up? [17:30] in /proc/cmdline it has: BOOT_IMAGE=/casper/vmlinuz --- autoinstall console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200n8 ds=nocloud-net;seedfrom= tsc=reliable [17:31] And I *can* curl ``, and it *is* the data I want. [17:32] bahamat: so it does appear to debug enabled. So what about the log lines around the "not supported by DataSourceNoCloud"? can you pastebin the logs somewhere? [17:33] https://pastebin.com/dkqYyz2Q [17:39] yeah that line is misleading, it did load from the seed urls [17:41] Yeah, reading much further down it does seem like it's fetching it, but then it's just not working [17:42] basically that was a failure for DataSourceNoCloud to handle seed url - as it does not handle seed urls, later DataSourceNoCloudNet succeeded, as it *does* handle see durls [17:42] bahamat: can you also pastebin /var/log/installer/subiquity-server-debug.log? [17:44] dbungert: https://pastebin.com/an2p5znz [17:45] I don't see any issues in the cloud-init.log [17:46] bahamat: when you say you're testing 22.04, what iso specifically are you testing? I think you're hitting some bugs since Ubuntu 22.04.2 was released. [17:46] well aprt from this which may or may not be "normal" for Ubuntu: [17:47] 2023-07-25 17:12:36,168 - activators.py[WARNING]: Running ['netplan', 'apply'] resulted in stderr output: Failed to connect system bus: No such file or directory [17:47] Falling back to a hard restart of systemd-networkd.service [17:47] So, background here, I'm trying to create cloud-origin images. [17:47] I'm using a combination of packer+ansible, and I used this to publish images on July 11. [17:48] But, I found something I need to change so now I'm running it again, and it's failing. [17:48] bugs in the installer sound like it may very well be what's going on. [17:48] bahamat: there are fixes in flight for the problem you're hitting on both cloud-init side and the subiquity side [17:49] https://github.com/canonical/subiquity/pull/1735 needs to land + a compatible cloud-init version [17:49] -ubottu:#ubuntu-server- Pull 1735 in canonical/subiquity "Obtain autoinstall from combined-cloud-config" [Open] [17:49] OK, so maybe I can just force the 24.04.0 or 24.04.1 iso for now? [17:49] I see an IscDhclient error in the subquity log [17:50] minimal: yea, things are hosed, pickle errors. cloud-init is kindly providing the data subiquity wants in a flat file to address that pickle error. [17:51] its c-i 23.2.1 and there were changes made to c-i around that time to support other DHCP clients [17:52] bahamat: well, I think you mean 22.04, but yes forcing an older ISO is probably prudent. I expect this to all be resolved by the time 22.04.3 is released. [17:52] Oh, yes. 22.04 [17:52] no 24.04 yet ;) [17:55] bahamat: another option, if you're building install media anyhow, is that you can put autoinstall data directly on the install media in a file named /autoinstall.yaml. That is not affected by the above bug. Remove the top level autoinstall key if doing so. [17:55] I'm not building installer media [18:02] Hard coding the ISO from jammy/daily-live/20230518 works [18:03] Thanks for the help folks. It's good to know that I'm not completely insane and that it's not a hallucination that this *did* work two weeks ago. [18:04] ah, you're using dailies, that's how you ran into this. also hard-coding the 22.04.2 iso should probably be ok. === shokohsc516 is now known as shokohsc51