
xu-irc81whello. I've installed xubuntu on my macbook which doesn't have a physical right click button on the track pad. I'm wondering how I set it up to right click when I tap in the button right corner. I've looked at the manual for mouse settings but the setting I am looking for doesn't seem to be in there.10:41
xu-irc81w*bottom right corner10:42
guivercxu-irc81w, you've not said what release of Xubuntu, but on the few devices I've used with only trackpad (but no buttons) I've not needed to make any change to allow bottom-right be treated as right click; inc. both HWE & GA stack for supported releases.10:55
guivercnote:  I've no experience with macbook or apple hardware10:55
xu-irc81wallright, thanks anyway11:11
xu-irc81wI'm using 22.04.2 LTS  btw11:11
xu-irc81wMaybe a think I can add. I've had the ¨regular" ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS installed with GNOME and that seems to have a way to make it work. Changing it from 2-finger tap or something.11:13
xu-irc81wI have a follow-up question. how can I make it not lock the session when it turns off the screen?11:36
guivercif you go into screensaver preferences there is a LOCK SCREEN after xx mins box; uncheck that the checkbox xu-irc81w 11:54
xu-irc81wfound it, thanks. I was only looking at the energy settings. Didn't think to look there, d'oh11:56
xu-irc81whave a nice day everyone, I'm off now11:56
xu-help37wI'm using xubuntu 20.04 and after upgrade pritunl the VPN stay instable and was necessary downgrade to work. I using 1.3.3585.79 and update is 1.3600.11. Are there any bugs reported? Tanks!12:34
guivercxu-help37w, Xubuntu 22.04 LTS is the oldest supported release; if you read https://xubuntu.org/news/xubuntu-20-04-released/ you12:34
guivercyou'll read Xubuntu 20.04 LTS was supported until April 2023; ie. being a flavor only 3 years of support is offered (like other flavors)12:35
xu-help37wOk. Tanks!12:35
guivercfyi: your packages that were from MAIN thus same as Ubuntu Desktop will get 5 years of security fixes/upgrades 12:36
adrian__good morning14:37
docdiogenes_Vx15: thanks for the help yesterday. Rebooted with a cold reboot to the old kernel, wifi worked. Rebooted to newer kernel... wifi worked... I guess it was the cold reboot that did it?  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯15:18
diogenes_Vx15doc, glad it worked :) enjoy!15:22

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