[17:48] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/2023-July/007563.html [17:48] guiverc[m]: ^^ [21:45] [telegram] More progress made on LXQt 1.3, quite a few other packages uploaded too. [21:46] [telegram] Right now we're waiting on binary NEW to progress further [21:46] [telegram] Perfect!!! (re @tsimonq2: More progress made on LXQt 1.3, quite a few other packages uploaded too.) [21:46] [telegram] Thanks @tsimonq2 [21:47] [telegram] No worries - I'm half tempted to start Qt 6 builds [21:48] -queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- New binary: libfm-qt [amd64] (mantic-proposed/universe) [1.3.0-0ubuntu1] (lubuntu) [21:48] -queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- New binary: libfm-qt [s390x] (mantic-proposed/universe) [1.3.0-0ubuntu1] (lubuntu) [21:48] -queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- New binary: libfm-qt [ppc64el] (mantic-proposed/universe) [1.3.0-0ubuntu1] (lubuntu) [21:52] -queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- New binary: libfm-qt [arm64] (mantic-proposed/universe) [1.3.0-0ubuntu1] (lubuntu) [21:52] -queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- New binary: libfm-qt [armhf] (mantic-proposed/universe) [1.3.0-0ubuntu1] (lubuntu) [21:55] Oh wow, there's a lot less people in here than I thought. Heh. [21:55] wxl: hai [21:55] * wxl waves [21:56] wxl: You'll be pleased to know that I'm back on irssi for now, since Matrix bridging was pulled. :P [21:56] matrix bridging was pulled? [21:56] Yeah, within the last like... day or two I want to say. [21:56] How am I here? [21:56] The problem could be localized? Let me see if I can access IRC on my phone... [21:57] Either way I know they're pulling it soon. [21:57] Is working for me... [21:57] well that's dumb [21:57] [matrix] This one could very well be working, but that's not my main Matrix account [21:58] wxl: but yeah I agree [21:58] * tsimonq2_ephemer glances at the everflowing autopkgtest queue [22:02] I have a feeling this source NEW processing might take a bit. I would not be opposed to sponsoring some uploads to ppa:lubuntu-dev/backports-staging to get that going, if anyone is particularly interested. [22:02] *binary NEW [22:03] I also want to start Qt 6, probably in a PPA. As I commented in -release, I'm unsure on whether it can be the same source package. I think overall it'd just be cleaner to separate them out. [22:03] meaning you're asking for folks to package? or you're saying you'll upload and you need testers? [22:03] As I go, I've been making sure GitHub and GiTea are in sync. I see lynorian[m] has been working on the manual, too. :) [22:04] Well, the vast majority of the packaging is done. It'll essentially be a no-change rebuild uploaded to the PPA. [22:04] I'm hoping for some general packaging eyes, but if it's me, it's me. :) [22:04] * tsimonq2_ephemer has keys [22:04] do it and i can do some testing. i'm sure guiverc[m] would be willing to help, too [22:05] Sweet. I'll post back with progress. [22:05] sounds good [22:06] wxl: btw wanna go to Latvia? [22:06] i need to get a packaging environment set up. i wish i had something portable. [22:06] in Nov there's an Ubuntu shindig [22:06] ummm yes please if funding is available [22:06] * tsimonq2_ephemer nods and makes note of the VPS, which I thought teward had access to already :P [22:06] wxl: funding is very available, let me send a message over [22:07] he had mentioned something about that but it didn't seem like he had permission or something? i don't know. scroll up :) [22:07] the OVH dedi i have access to. You messed something with perms so I can't get into the DO system [22:07] i haven't been to a conference in FOREVER and would love to go to something. also latvia would be super awesome [22:07] which i said ten times already @tsimonq2_ephemer and you just ignored all my messages [22:08] teward: probably, looking now to see what I can do for you [22:08] useraccount + IP + import all my keys from LP [22:08] wxl: I went to SCALE this past year which was, well, okay... the Ubuntu Summit is above awesome, though. [22:08] teward: ack looking [22:08] SCaLE was just ok? [22:08] i'm working on getting my passport now, but there's like a 9 month wait period so i'm starting that early xD [22:09] if i'm offered for next year (Community Council, Lubuntu, or direct) i'll be going :P [22:09] wxl: honestly I was underwhelmed... my little brother LOVED it tho [22:09] i don't think i've been to any of the actual official ubuntu events. so that would be fun, too [22:10] teward: I got mine less than a week before stepping on a plane :P [22:10] teward, wxl: The three of us in a room would be dangerous. :P [22:10] tsimonq2_ephemer: i mean relative to like SeaGL it was underwhelming? cuz SCaLE is much older [22:10] tsimonq2_ephemer: who said i'd be in a room with y'all xD [22:10] anxiety diagnosis means i'm in a room on my own :p [22:10] not like... staying but hanging out XD [22:10] hah [22:10] more dangerous if i'm deprived my coffee [22:11] wxl: yeah honestly it was... I mean, the JPL tour was cool and all but I wasn't as connected with the conf. too big [22:11] no coffee, the world will burnnnnnnnnn [22:11] i'm sure it will be fun… especially with teward hiding in the bushes outside [22:11] teward: Has DNS already been pointed for the sandbox? [22:11] XD [22:11] tsimonq2_ephemer: give me the IP first and i'll point it. [22:11] assuming it's the same IP then there *is* a hostname pointed to it [22:11] if the IP changed then no [22:11] tsimonq2_ephemer: bummer. i've always wanted to go, too [22:12] # ssh-import-id teward [22:12] 2023-07-26 22:12:23,215 INFO Already authorized ['4096', 'SHA256:el3uvnpyPXew8n9oW2oaF7+xWZPZW50ipNyzKCuTbmo', 'teward@ubuntu-devel', '(RSA)'] [22:12] 2023-07-26 22:12:23,221 INFO Already authorized ['4096', 'SHA256:GZx6+a2Q72DynFd+TEHxkykIrfIXQoTdh/ES89Xk23E', 'yubikey', '(RSA)'] [22:12] 2023-07-26 22:12:23,227 INFO Already authorized ['4096', 'SHA256:kT5TACaC50Yf+tGQ5ZtTkvZsmgT8ewBmWmya/xbndZ0', 'teward@lpdev', '(RSA)'] [22:12] 2023-07-26 22:12:23,234 INFO Already authorized ['4096', 'SHA256:g0AVG9prA4NfQi/aB/8wTpzvajKkyL5XexnmLLlT1ZA', 'yubikey', '(RSA)'] [22:12] 2023-07-26 22:12:23,240 INFO Already authorized ['16384', 'SHA256:jhYWFw4cu0tS2aYeOTT4ltMGATOAYT5+YwrWJIawQEk', 'overlord_rsa_16384', '(RSA)'] [22:12] 2023-07-26 22:12:23,247 INFO Already authorized ['521', 'SHA256:swKDtaMWeLYVEz+xSAW1W2oA2dazI75ksX2utCGzNhE', 'teward', '(ECDSA)'] [22:12] 2023-07-26 22:12:23,248 INFO [6] SSH keys [Authorized] [22:12] would have been kind of rad to meet ken thompson [22:12] wxl: it's not a bad conf, I've just been to more engaging ones [22:12] note to self remove the yuibkey keys [22:12] because those keys kind of... died. [22:13] is that for root? [22:13] wxl: ngl we were all falling asleep to start, until he got going... absolutely historical to be there but the actual talk wasn't any better than the others :P [22:13] teward: affirmative [22:13] ok let me dredge out the XPS laptop and run a test connection [22:14] oh well opening/closing keynotes are usually a total waste of time [22:14] * tsimonq2_ephemer reverse tunnels into teward's XPS [22:14] wxl: he made a jukebox... from complete scratch [22:14] cool stuff but not Linux at all XD [22:14] that's… interesting [22:15] *goes to obtain a second 3060Ti for his gaming rig, while testing SSH* [22:15] wxl: LFNW is a step up I'd say, then SELF (distancing myself from the politics) [22:15] teward: can it run SimCoaster [22:16] SELF=SCaLE? [22:16] SELF is in Charlotte, SCALE is in Cali [22:16] Complete opposite politics, SELF is much smaller but you know everyone. [22:16] lol SimCoaster can run on Intel Xe xD [22:16] ahh never been to either. [22:16] (ESR shows up to SELF basically every year) [22:16] XD [22:17] wxl: good stuff, good BBQ [22:17] a single 3060Ti works wonders on gaming, but *two* GPUs = twice the compute and video power [22:18] twice the SimCoaster [22:18] XD [22:27] tsimonq2_ephemer: i'm in, though my computer just told me to screw myself because it's running on old as dirt updates [22:27] also my IP range(s) will likely change in the near future going to try and dump Comcast Business for Verizon FiOS Business and get symmetric gig >:D [22:31] THANK YOU though to Windows for cloning OPenSSH client into a Windows build for emergency access though, so I can add my gaming PC rig as an emergency access solution [22:32] -queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- New binary: libfm-qt [riscv64] (mantic-proposed/universe) [1.3.0-0ubuntu1] (lubuntu) [22:34] [telegram] niceeee [22:36] ye the Comcast gateway exploded a while ago. so it just fubar'd hard. still don't have a replacement but kind of disliking the non-symmetric speeds. [22:37] emergency NAT is up though on my network with failover for some stuffs' outgoing via the home FiOS line so i don't have *no* internet [23:19] * guiverc notices lxqt 1.3 mention in #ubuntu-release; thanks tsimonq2 [23:55] Looks like https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libfm-qt/1.3.0-0ubuntu1 is still in NEW. [23:55] In the meantime, let me prep some Backports packages and work my way back. [23:58] https://launchpad.net/~lubuntu-dev/+archive/ubuntu/backports-staging/+packages [23:59] That should have lxqt-build-tools shortly. Already pushed to Git. [23:59] I'm going to create a new PPA under ~lubuntu-dev to house the Qt 6 porting work for Mantic. [23:59] I'm *hoping* we can run it through a smoke test before uploading to source NEW.