[10:22] hello, [10:23] bandali, are you still on holidays ? [13:20] hey lissyx, no i got back on monday, but now seb is away on holidays this week :p shall we skip meeting today or do you still want to meet? [13:20] and other people being at GUADEC [13:20] bandali, nah I have a conflicting meeting (about snap though) [13:21] bandali, I was wondering if you had time to look into the github nightly failure :( [13:24] lissyx, ack. as for nightly failure, not yet sorry, but i plan doing so today. it *seems* like it might be a memory-related issue? my first thought for a workaround is to try switching nightly away from using rustup like the other branches and see if it helps [13:24] it's OOM [13:24] I'm not sure how rustup is related ? [13:25] you need to use the appropriate rustc version [13:25] so you need it [13:26] hmm i was going by https://github.com/canonical/firefox-snap/commit/2078640f64eae9f56d1a528335b39a0eca7848f5 [13:26] -ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Commit 2078640 in canonical/firefox-snap "Do not use rustup to pull the rust toolchain, to work around https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/armhf-builds-on-launchpad-timing-out/31008." [13:26] this was a network issue I think [13:26] i think it's worth a try if anything, but yeah it might indeed not do much help for this case [13:26] hm [13:26] the current issue is textbook OOM [13:27] right. i mean otherwise i'd probably start with a revert of my commit bumping it to core22 and then try to figure out what could be causing it [13:27] * bandali sighs [13:27] I'm not sure it's also related to the core22 switch [13:28] 7GB of RAM is really low [13:28] pretty sure the only viable solution at taht point is reducing build parallelism on github actions [13:33] right.. if https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-github-hosted-runners/about-github-hosted-runners#supported-runners-and-hardware-resources is right, then we're already at only 2 cores, and the only step down would be a single-core build [13:33] worth a shot i guess [13:36] lissyx, btw i'm still hoping to switch stable from core20 to core22 this week, especially if i can get the nightly core22 to build. does that work for y'all? [13:36] lissyx, or would you prefer i wait until after 116.0 stable is out? [13:38] you switched core22 on nightly recently right? [13:38] we should probably wait for it to ride beta as well no? [13:38] lissyx, yeah but afaik we haven't had a successful nightly build after the switch. we do have them for beta too, though [13:38] either way I will be unavailable starting july 28th [13:39] well, not unreachable ... [13:39] right.. any preference/suggestion for how to go about it? [13:39] bandali, for whaat it is worth, my work of doing builds on treeherder landed and cron jobs are arriving as well [13:39] we would get at least some build coverage [13:40] for the timeline, I'd say it's up to you [13:42] i see. yeah i'd have more confidence once we've had successful nightly core22 builds as well and nothing is on fire [13:42] plus, seb is away this week, so i can't have him quickly do something on the store side if absolutely necessary [13:43] so i think i'll postpone the switch to core22 until at least next week [13:43] re landing those and having build coverage: nice :) [13:55] bandali, ok so either the limiting in: "SNAPCRAFT_BUILD_ENVIRONMENT_MEMORY=6G SNAPCRAFT_BUILD_ENVIRONMENT_CPU=2 snap run snapcraft --use-lxd" does not work, or my local LXD behaves differently than GitHub Actions :( [14:22] lissyx, huh :/ i'll try to investigate later today