
* mwhudson eyeballs new livecd-rootfs versioning scheme03:32
mwhudsonxnox: was that you?03:32
schopin@pilot in10:37
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Mantic Open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Bionic-Lunar | Patch Pilots: schopin
rbasakahasenack_: o/ I've heard you talk about the autofs authentication issues before, so I think I understood why you wanted the SRUs at the time. But as I look now, I don't follow why these are justified for SRU. Please could you expand on that?14:40
rbasakAt the moment, they look like feature requests in the stable release, but without justification. What is so broken that we must fix these in SRUs?14:41
ahasenack_rbasak: the original bug was to fix SCRAM14:41
ahasenack_the justification is that the other shared secret mechanism that works is DIGEST-MD5, which has been deprecated by RFCs as deemed not super secure anymore14:41
ahasenack_SCRAM is the alternative, and due to the bug, it wasn't working in autofs14:42
ahasenack_while investigating that bug, I found out that CRAM-MD5 and NTLM are also broken, so those fixes are just taking a ride with the other fix14:42
rbasakAh OK. So without SCRAM, we would have no reasonable secure authentication left, apart from the behemoth that is Kerberos?14:42
rbasakGot it - thanks!14:42
rbasakI'll write that up in the bug description if that's OK.14:43
ahasenack_it is, I think it was in the original description of the SCRAM bug, but I might not have transposed that to the sru template14:43
ahasenack_please take a look at the [Original Description] section14:43
rbasakAh. Right, thanks.14:44
schopin@pilot out15:31
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Mantic Open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Bionic-Lunar | Patch Pilots: N/A
ahasenack_bdmurray: paride: hi, I'm getting a "server error" when trying to retrigger a dep8 test. URL is https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/request.cgi?release=mantic&arch=amd64&package=libsoup3&trigger=samba/2%3A4.18.5%2Bdfsg-1ubuntu117:44
bdmurrayahasenack_: I'll have a look we just deployed a change to prevent duplicate test requests17:48
ahasenack_ok, thx17:49
bdmurrayahasenack_: Fixed and I queued the test. You could try it again to see the duplicate message. ;-)18:00
ahasenack_that's awesome18:01
sergiodjbdmurray: that's really great, thanks!18:01
bdmurrayIts a team effort with andersson123 doing the majority of the work.18:02
sergiodjkudos to you folks, especially to andersson123 then :)18:03
ahasenack_bdmurray: and your retry passed, combo success!19:36
tsimonq2_Someone might want to check on MoM. I may have to get another bouncer working in light of the Matrix disconnect, feel free to shoot me an email if it *is* broken and I can help.21:48
=== tsimonq2_ is now known as tsimonq2_ephemer
tsimonq2_ephemerIn other news, ubuntu-dev-tools' syncpackage should now support non-free-firmware. That's been uploaded to Sid, feel free to test more.21:50
mwhudsonwho wants to review https://code.launchpad.net/~mwhudson/livecd-rootfs/+git/livecd-rootfs/+merge/44774922:42
tsimonq2_ephemer@pilot in23:53
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Mantic Open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Bionic-Lunar | Patch Pilots: tsimonq2_ephemer
tsimonq2_ephemerPing me if you have patches, I'll be floating around.23:54
tsimonq2_ephemerBy the way, impressive work on the sponsorship queue. I was shocked to open it and see like, four items. Amazing.23:54
tsimonq2_ephemermdeslaur: I'm hoping my libvirt merge didn't interfere with your CVE update in any way. :)23:56

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