=== Rhvs is now known as Rhys === shokohsc517 is now known as shokohsc51 === sdeziel_ is now known as sdeziel === shokohsc517 is now known as shokohsc51 [21:10] OK, so I know the ubuntu auto installer isn't preseed. But is there a way to prepopulate debconf options? [21:12] Without having to install debconf-utils. LIke, I know I can just install debconf-utils and `echo "foo" | debconf-set-selections ; dpkg-reconfigure foo` but that seems like a pretty obtuse way of going about it. [21:13] bahamat: yes - https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/install/autoinstall has an example, heading debconf-selections [21:13] awesome, thanks. [22:41] bahamat, basically it's a clusterfuck, and the new preseed/autoinstall way is pretty bad [22:41] who doesn't love booting 1.4GB ISO over PXE [22:43] I mean, it has the advantage of having a similar interface to cloud-init. And I liked that I could drop a yaml file on my raspberry-pi SD card to pre-configure it. [22:43] But yeah, I would really love for there to be a mini installer like debian's net iso that's only like 50M or whatever. [22:45] https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-mini-iso/daily-live/current/ [22:45] So it will be available for 22.04 at least [22:46] 24.04 I mean [22:47] 24.04 is probably the one I skip [22:47] as I usually replace/upgrade every ~4 years [22:47] not backporting that to 22.04 is a mistake [22:47] It is [22:48] But that's what we get [22:48] not to mention subiquity still sucks majorly [22:49] whoever made that UI for manual configuration of the network cards must have never heard of a CIDR [22:49] I replaced my pxe install for 22.04 with a bash Script [22:49] Will give the installer a new try next year [22:49] like, who asks for SUBNET first [22:50] in CIDR format [22:50] but then you ask for IP address [22:50] ???!! [22:50] That is an odd choice [22:50] How did that make any sense [22:50] I've talked with a lot of people with 10-15+ linux experience under their belt and everyone was insanely confused by that [22:50] ravage: nice! I'll definitely be looking forward to that. [22:51] don't get your hopes up, last time I checked that mini.iso bootstraps the larger one [22:51] ie: you're still download like 1.4GB for the installer, but at least you're not doing it over the initial PXE stuff [22:52] Nobody really cares about 1.4gb on a server setup [22:53] Usually has gigabit [22:53] also if you can define a location where to get it via http that allows for the installation without actual Internet again [22:53] Used that a few times already [22:54] I'm aware of that, and I already do it [22:54] Still not optimal [22:55] Still time for improvements. As I said I will give it another go next year [22:55] And I have installed servers in remote locations with very poor network connectivity before, wasn't pleasant to do that with 22.04