[09:32] Yesterday: [09:32] - Debugging confined-shell on Core (realized portals are a thing) [09:32] - Fixed bad requirements on checkbox-mir.graphics [09:32] - Reviewed the [`graphics` extension](https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/4288) [10:41] About the build fail: I cannot explain why it is running a test that doesn't exist. But that extra "FFFF" argument??(whatever) is even more strange [12:11] Saviq, my apologizes for interfere in that pr. I though it was you and that comment would not means much. I hope that doesn't extend the pr flow (or times) because I cannot stay awake, I need a nap. Sorry, have a good day [16:54] alan_g any idea why miriway-shell would be spawning another miriway-shell process?... (full message at ) [16:55] ~$ ps aux | grep miriway [16:55] mir 22316 0.8 6.3 1285520 126944 tty2 Sl+ 18:50 0:02 /snap/confined-shell/x1/usr/local/bin/miriway-shell [16:55] mir 22526 0.0 2.7 974920 54572 tty2 S+ 18:50 0:00 /snap/confined-shell/x1/usr/local/bin/miriway-shell [16:55] * ```... (full message at ) [16:59] Interestingly, the same snap doesn't do that on my classic system, but does, on Core 🤷 [17:23] "alan_g any idea why miriway-..." <- > <@saviq:matrix.org> alan_g any idea why miriway-shell would be spawning another miriway-shell process?... (full message at ) [17:24] Today: testing PRs [17:26] alan_g[m]: I think I just worked it out… apparmor blocked dbus-update… because it's not in the snap [17:28] Probably need to handle failing shell-components= in Miriway better [17:40] Must be AppArmor denying [`execvp()`](https://github.com/MirServer/mir/blob/330961f02abd080596ec2af6936604dd09e408e5/src/miral/launch_app.cpp#L120) is special [18:07] Today: [18:07] - Debugged the last issue I found with confined-shell ([#26](https://github.com/MirServer/confined-shell-wip/pull/26)) [22:36] Today: [22:36] - Some more fixes for the Alt + Tab PR (I still need to solve a bug that was encountered there though) [22:36] - I have what I believe to be the correct skeleton for the Input Method V1 work, but I will need some input for tomorrow before I continue [22:36] - Also encountered some strange freeze in Miriway, but I am unsure how to repro. I will try again tomorrow