=== paolo is now known as p4o0p [07:57] https://thehackernews.com/2023/07/gameoverlay-two-severe-linux.html [07:58] What should be done to avoid that for people that don't use OFS module? === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [11:46] what do you mean, if you don't use overlayfs you aren't vulnerable to this [11:47] you can also avoid it by not giving people local access to the machine. [12:45] OK fine, wanted to confirm thanks [12:52] Hi all [15:46] login, set never expire, paste settings https://paste.ubuntu.com/ [21:24] Trying to use waypipe to replace my usage of `ssh -X` and . . . lol nope. Well maybe one of these years Wayland will reach feature-parity with Xorg . . . [21:57] Hi when I download files a window pops up and asks to save the file. Great however the size of all the fonts on that window is like size 0.00000000000000000001 font. I can see that I can increase the icon size but i can't find how to adjust the font. Using the settings in fonts increases some things randomly as I would have to do research to figure [21:57] that out but this one window is very small any ideas? [21:58] I think the program that gets launched is all files- portal