
vpa1977Hi looking for review and sponsorship for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cron/+bug/2028894. Thank you !!!!02:37
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2028894 in cron (Ubuntu) "please merge cron 3.0pl1-163 from Debian unstable" [Undecided, In Progress]02:37
bdrungrbasak, suggested solution for the linter: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apport/+bug/2028881/comments/1 Do you agree?11:56
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2028881 in apport (Ubuntu) "apport FTBFS" [High, Triaged]11:56
rbasakbdrung: yeah that's fine in principle I think. Provided that --errors-only really does mean that it's impossible for correct but not recommended code to fail.12:04
rbasakbdrung: do you want to take care of the apport upload to Ubuntu then? I was just about to do it :)12:04
bdrungrbasak, yes, I will take care of it.12:04
rbasakThank you!12:04
bdrungi'll wait for schopin to review and merge the stuff upstream and then i'll do the upload to Ubuntu12:05
schopinbdrung: done12:58
ahasenackis there nobody on patch pilot today? The calendar is empty13:53
rbasakYou submitted an invalid request: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)16:06
rbasakThe URL is straight from the excuses page.16:06
rbasakAny ideas?16:06
andersson1234Hi! sorry I was out and I've been told there's  been some issue with autopkgtest-cloud. Could someone enlighten me ?16:13
bdmurrayrbasak: We suspect the server might have been / is out of disk space.16:15
rbasakAh thanks. As long as it's known :)16:17
rbasakandersson1234: o/16:18
rbasakandersson1234: for example https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/request.cgi?release=mantic&arch=amd64&package=weresync&trigger=pytest%2F7.4.0-2 results in:16:18
rbasakYou submitted an invalid request: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)16:19
andersson123Yuh, we suspect this is due to lack of disk space16:20
andersson123I'll double check now16:20
andersson123Can you check your cookies and see which SRV number you have please?16:20
rbasakI'm not sure what that means16:20
bdmurrayIt happened to me with S0 and S1 so maybe its not free space16:21
bdmurrayYour cookie will have an SRVNAME in it16:21
rbasakMy cookie named "session"?16:21
rbasakThat looks like some base64 variant16:22
bdmurrayMy cookie has two "pieces"(?) on with a key of session and one with an SRVNAME but you don't need to continue looking based off my test16:23
rbasakAh it's a separate cookie.16:23
andersson123Both are quite full (80% and 88%)16:24
andersson123but dw robbie16:25
rbasakI'm just curious about the cookie since I tried and failed to transfer it from Firefox to wget earlier.16:25
rbasakThe firefox database doesn't seem to have the second cookie.16:25
rbasakBut I hacked it out of there with sqlite so maybe I'm doing something wrong.16:26
andersson123we submitted your test robbie. There's a bug I will fix16:46
rbasakAh thanks. Actually it was one of a big pile. I'll send them now :)16:47
rbasakDone successfully16:48
rbasakFTR, this was: retry-autopkgtest-regressions -s mantic --blocks pytest --log-regex "module 'py' has no attribute"16:49
rbasakSince that issue seems resolved in the archive now16:49
rbasakAnd I'm making conscious use of your deduping feature by not worrying about the ones I've already done manually - thanks :)16:49
andersson123well, it's disabled right now.16:50
andersson123whilst I try to figure out what the hell is happening16:50
rbasakAh OK. Well, thank you for working on it!16:51
rbasakThese aren't urgent - they'll just help towards migrating pytest.16:51
* rbasak EODs now16:51
bdrungrbasak, fixed apport has been uploaded17:07
adrienrbasak: oh, coq-unimath.... I don't remember how long it took on riscv during my last +1 but maybe close to two days18:31
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