
lotuspsychjegood morning02:06
oerheksFriday horror story; " some have friends.."  https://www.reddit.com/r/debian/comments/15bw3qg/someone_manipulated_my_friend_in_entering_a/16:00
ogra$ man netcat|grep "\\ -e"16:47
ogra     There is no -c or -e option in this netcat, but you still can execute a command after connection being16:47
ograthat must be fake unless someone really made that person compile nc from source ... debian and ubuntu explicitly disable -e 16:47
sarnoldogra: there's at least three netcats :) nc.openbsd, nc.traditional, ncat -- I bet the other two support -e and -c just fine18:45
ograouch ... 18:47
oerheksbut not the standard one? good.18:47
sarnoldoh yeah, socat EXEC too :D18:52
billy1guten tag20:56

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