[19:11] FYI, in case you all didn't hear, libera is dropping support for portalled Matrix bridging. Any Matrix bridging will have to be plumbed starting August 14th. https://libera.chat/news/deportalling-delay [19:31] yay, 15 is my birthday. [19:31] not related, but a nice present [20:30] oerheks: Maybe not so nice as the Community Team wants to move to Matrix: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/modern-communication-platforms-call-for-feedback/36763 [20:31] are you already in our main matrix room Eickmeyer? :) [20:31] ravage: Not yet. [20:32] Mostly because it was never plumbed to #ubuntu. [20:32] in hindsight a good decision :D [20:33] https://matrix.to/#/#ubuntu:matrix.org [20:33] Not necessarily. Portalled rooms are being dropped, not plumbed rooms. [20:33] Ubuntu Studio's rooms are plumbed, so they're unaffected. [20:33] i always find the IRC bridge a little awkward. also a lot of lags [20:34] That's why the portalled rooms are being dropped, to get rid of the lags. [20:34] https://libera.chat/news/matrix-deportalling [20:34] So it will be a backtalk network, seperate from IRC? [20:35] why on earth would the community team move #ubuntu off of IRC? IRC is where open source projects live [20:35] oerheks: I'm not sure what Canonical's plan is for that. [20:35] i dont think anyone is really thinking about closing IRC at this point [20:35] leftyfb: You'd have to ask for more specifics from Fallen, ilvipero, and aaronprisk[m]. [20:36] But, as I stated, anything like that would have to go through the IRC Council. [20:36] I should hope the IRC council wouldn't vote in favor in moving away from IRC [20:37] In light of the new developments, every Ubuntu channel would basically have to be portalled. [20:37] er, plumbed.