[03:19] good morning [07:49] can someone running jammy who is fully upgraded; can you confirm you still see 22.04.2 (not .3) (lsb_release -a) [07:50] rmadison reports base-files is still 12ubuntu4.3 meaning I'd expect 22.04.2 on installed systems still... alas I'm not using jammy and can't thnk of a jammy box I can `ssh` into & confirm... [07:52] guiverc: Description: Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS [07:52] thank you kind sir lotuspsychje === tpiekarski1 is now known as tpiekarski === tpiekarski1 is now known as tpiekarski [17:56] weekend support is the best :p [17:57] no [m] are the best [17:57] :p [17:58] https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/modern-communication-platforms-call-for-feedback/36763/14 [17:59] https://libera.chat/news/deportalling-delay