
guivercno issues with latest (lubuntu) mantic daily on my box ^  which is good06:30
rfmguiverc, might want to try the pre-release 6.5 kernel to make sure it's still OK... https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/introducing-kernel-6-5-for-the-23-10-mantic-minotaur-release/3689607:37
guivercack...   I assume it was an updated package, but none stood out (that i noted) ...   i'll continue exploring over coming days..  (if it's a package update, i expect issues on daily for example tomorrow or next day).. 07:40
guivercthanks rfm 07:40
guivercissue I mentioned ^ (yesterday) now appearson the mantic daily... i have two dailies to compare now; one without issue & newest where only primary GPU is used..   will be bug report anyway given now appears on daily23:41

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