[00:50] "The room will be there, just get..." <- *Ideally* we'd have left a tombstone behind in the previous room directing it to here (which would also put a link in the top of *this* history to the old room), but that would have required admin permissions on the previous room, which we didn't have. [07:13] Happy Monday o/ [08:17] Today: [08:17] * Still not 100% [08:17] * Tried to start chasing down why Alan's evdi testing ended in OOM. I suspect we're not feeling DRM buffers correctly, but haven't yet found a culprit. [08:20] Hm. My Synapse install appears to be on fire 😐. I may have put that maintenance off a little too long. 😬 [08:25] I'm not suggesting that the evdi work leads to the OOM. Memory usage seemed stable after I'd set up a swapfile. And I was running some memory hogs (firefox, clion). (The test laptop has 8Gb and ran fine for hours with 1-2Gb of swap in use, so I'm guessing usage peaked at around 10Gb, Miriway was using less 1Gb) [09:43] alan_g we can push https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/call-for-testing-ubuntu-frame-mir-test-tools-mir-2-14-1-update/37217 now? [09:43] Saviq: Agreed. Just not got to it yet [10:12] "*Ideally* we'd have left a..." <- OTOH plumbing does give us the benefit of administering the room ourselves. What did we want to do that we couldn't b/c of lack of admin again? [10:21] FYI: uploaded wlcs 1.6.0 with the FTBFS fix into mantic: [10:21] https://launchpad.net/~mir-team/+archive/ubuntu/rc/+sourcepub/15048198/+listing-archive-extra [10:21] Saviq: > <@saviq:matrix.org> FYI: uploaded wlcs 1.6.0 with the FTBFS fix into mantic: [10:21] > [10:21] > https://launchpad.net/~mir-team/+archive/ubuntu/rc/+sourcepub/15048198/+listing-archive-extra [10:21] Cool! [10:22] alan_g[m]: Shouldn't that be 1.6.1? [10:24] Don't think it warrants a point release [10:25] (can still be, if you think otherwise) [10:26] Saviq: 🤷 [17:30] Today:... (full message at )