[00:00] https://jriddell.org/2023/07/28/openuk-awards-2023-open-for-nominations/ [00:01] renamed I suspect Bashing-om ^ [00:01] (I can screw up URLs on fridge [wordpress] when editing if I forget to be careful) [00:02] https://siliconangle.com/2023/07/26/canonical-launches-real-time-ubuntu-intel-core-processors/ opens for me thoug [00:03] s/thoug/though ^ [00:06] guiverc: Fixed the Optimised Real-time Ubuntu is now ... URL :P [00:09] the riddell one was issue I get; url I think it should being ^ (I assumed edited by Jonathan & URL change not rejected; thus my wordpress stuff) [00:15] guiverc: Not sure how I screwed up Jonathan's URL - Think I have that one fixed also - try it now such that my cache does not interceed properly :P [00:16] yep. jonathan's opens for me, thank you Sir. [00:17] ps. I've still not done my read thru (sorry) [00:23] guiverc: Like putting dead men in a box - I do it one at a time :P The above proves that close proof reading is required ! [02:01] Bashing-om, I suspect we can drop "Details are provided." on the openssh summary... it's covered in the "This post discusses" (I wrote i as I wanted the post longer but hadn't worked out how) [02:03] guiverc: looking again :P [02:03] * guiverc still reading [02:07] guiverc: I do like that "Details are provided" for the summary - Prompt the reader to see the details maybe. [02:07] no prob. [02:11] looks good Bashing-om , my read thru completed & that was all that 'grabbed me'. [02:14] guiverc: Wonder of wonders nothing more for errors - For some reason this issue was challenging to get it together. Glad it worked out. [11:52] Bashing-om: 1.) I feel like all the security-related stories should be moved from Press and Other to Blogo. 2.) There is an opening '[' missing in the title of one of the latter. 3.) There is unescaped "WiFi" [19:29] UWN: Will start the push soonest - made krytarik's 3 edits and pulled "WIP". [19:46] UWN: M/L is away - Doing the Forums posting next. [20:05] UWN: Forums Posting completed - doing the re-directs next. [20:15] UWN: Re-directs completed - Making the Discourse post next. [20:24] UWN: Discourse posting also done - up next is a blog on Mastodon. [21:04] UWN: Mastodon bloged - Pending now is release to the other Social Media as we have access to. [22:47] https://fridge.ubuntu.com/2023/07/31/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-798/ [22:50] ridge: Spot check - all looks good. [22:51] Yukkie ! ^ [22:51] thanks. posted to twitter, reddit (both links used; wiki + hub) [22:51] (twitter used fridge only) [22:52] posted to telegram [22:52] guiverc: Do awy now with our evidence ? [22:52] yep scrub away & thanks Bashing-om [22:54] (posted uwn 798 to mewe) [23:05] (still no posting to fb... still no working.cell.phone to receive 2fa sms) [23:06] Curious, do you folks have a Mastodon/Bluesky/etc? [23:06] Seems Mastodon, since it's in scrollback right there. :P [23:07] I'm on popey's mastodon (instance?) [23:14] Unit193: https://ubuntu.social/home . [23:15] ...TIL [23:16] I was expecting fosstodon or whatnot. Anywho, guess not on Bluesky, but that one is still pretty new. [23:16] UWN: Issue799 off to a roaring start :D