[05:24] hi, can I just mention how much I dislike how firefox handles the open/save file dialogs? k. thanks :) [05:24] wish dolphin had its own dialog [05:28] mainly just frustration directed @ the gtk dialog. "Open in file manager" being disabled when picking files. Not being able to type out a path manually. Thumbnails only visible if you select a file & not viewable at a glance through a folder. [05:28] for some reason the save dialog at least has manual path entry [05:30] ...and that trying to save the same file twice doesn't try to assign a different name to it so you have to type that out manually in case trying to save "image0.png" from discord [05:34] cheers! i'll take my leave now. [06:33] samba === vcxza is now known as p-4oop === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [12:14] Hi all === TomTom_ is now known as TomTom