=== shokohsc517 is now known as shokohsc51 === krzx_ is now known as krzx [00:19] Hola [00:19] alguien que hable español? [00:20] try #ubuntu-es [00:33] ew [00:33] hi [00:34] algum brasileiro aqui ? [00:34] try #ubuntu-br -- there's a few people there, but maybe not awake? [00:36] i don't now === chris14_ is now known as chris14 [02:23] Hello, I'd like to ask if someone can help me with a problem. I installed Podcasts from the software store, but it is in light mode when I've set Yaru-blue-dark on Tweaks [02:50] hi === msyke1 is now known as msyke === benny is now known as benny88 === Firestarter is now known as FirestarterRulez === nkshirsa_ is now known as nkshirsa [07:21] Is there a supported/recommended way to install an Ubuntu desktop with RAID? It has been so long since I set my laptop up that I've lost the info about how I did it. [07:21] Server installer to set up, then apt install ubuntu-desktop? Or desktop install and set up the RAID devices before invoking the installer? === RaGE_Syria59 is now known as RaGE_Syria5 [07:22] I seem to recall something about needing to add RAID to the initrd and update-initramfs to get it to work. [07:36] blahdeblah: do you need RAID? [07:38] generally, I recommend hardware raid with it's own battery. so when the machine comes back online after a cetestrphic loss of power, the last transactions will be written down. I also find most people do not need raid at all and don't really understand it's purpose. [07:41] weedmic: I don't really want to debate the merits of that choice. I just want to know whether there's a supported configuration for using software RAID on a desktop machine. [07:43] as you wish - https://www.servers.com/support/knowledge/linux-administration/how-to-install-ubuntu-with-software-raid-1 [07:44] That's based on the old Debian installer, which isn't available on 22.04 any more [07:45] On the old installer this was all super-easy and straightforward [07:45] It works fine on the server installer too, although the navigation isn't as simple anymore [07:49] (For the record, I've been using a software RAID setup since about when this was originally written, and most of the reasons given there are still valid: https://web.archive.org/web/20170324121027/linux.yyz.us/why-software-raid.html) === pikapika is now known as militantorc [08:09] ty blahdeblah. i didn't say one was better, I said why I recommend hardware raid with its own battery. For me/us data integrity is paramount. good luck and enjoy. if you find a better guide, pls post and I'll add it to my array. I generally found no use for raid once 20tb hdds dripped below 1k euro and are now only 400 euro. [08:52] so jammy ships pkgs that need python 3.10.5 but jammy itself does only ship 3.10.4 (if you out of user a/b testing, jammy-updates) there's a dependency problem [08:53] bug in python3-gdbm, -distutils, -lib2to3, -tk [08:54] _doko: src: python3-defaults [08:57] what is jammy? is that like synaptic or muon? === zniavre_ is now known as zniavre === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [10:20] are there any plans to get a sound system in ubuntu that allows to play back without glitches and stuttering? [10:21] pulse audio is an absolute horrible mess, it never ever worked reliable for me with default installation [10:21] it keeps switching the volume by itself, rapidly stuttering the audio by switching it between hdmi and analog several times per second [10:21] it's already there and called ALSA? [10:22] i thought ALSA is below the audio server, e.g. doing the hardware abstraction layer [10:22] for playback i recommend src:ocp [10:22] never heard of that [10:22] de-facto: yes but nobody forces you to install and use pulseaudio? [10:23] i want something that provides the functionality of pulse audio but is stable software [10:23] what did you expect, someone who writes systemd, can make a great audio server? [10:23] you want it, you write it? [10:23] ok so there is no stable audio server in ubuntu then? [10:24] which version of ubuntu you have? [10:24] i heard there's pulse wire something, forgot the name that seems to be better [10:25] i am no 22.04 [10:25] pipewire they call it [10:25] i am on Ubuntu 22.04 [10:25] debian 12 has it, or maybe also later ubuntu versions [10:25] 22.04 doesn't have it, among other problems [10:25] is pipewire more stable? [10:25] maybe jack is what you want? [10:26] i don't know, i'm happy with ALSA :) [10:26] i basically only want playback from all software at a constant volume [10:26] or macOS :) [10:26] hahaha ^ best joke [10:26] i dont want a sound system that changes output sinks and volume by itself [10:26] half volume, fixed sinks. [10:27] if only i could tell pulse audio to never change anything by itself [10:27] stay with one sink, dont change volume on your own [10:28] i would already be happy but apparently its not possible with pulse audio [10:28] try pipewire and tell us if it solves your issue? [10:29] Hi all. I have two non-existing old drives listed under gnome-disks (see the last two entries in this screenshot: https://unsee.cc/album#3uKlnzAhIirS). These drives that are under /dev/test are not in /etc/fstab. How can I remove them from gnome-disks? [10:30] bad url YoungPotato ? [10:31] Let me reupload the image [10:35] https://picallow.com/gnome-disks/?usp_success=2&post_id=148327&form_id=27 [10:36] lotuspsychje: hey i remember you. what is the latest ubuntu version you have access to? (you did so much software testing for me...) [10:37] tarzeau: hey mate, i usualy hang in #ubuntu-next for very early LTS devel, so october i will work for you again hehe [10:38] currently on 22.04 [10:38] yeah pipewire works great, now i dont have any output device anymore (installed it according to https://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Pipewire/ ) [10:38] YoungPotato: define non-existing. if they are not physically existent anymore try a reboot [10:39] why is something as simple as audio such a mess on ubuntu? [10:40] de-facto: welcome [10:41] audio basically is not usable [10:41] de-facto: well audio is not always just audio. there's no audio hardware, multiple audio hardware. and well a lot of audio APIs. and a lot of software interfacing all sorts of apis [10:41] de-facto: that's what you claim. i'm fine HAVING audio. and it works for me just good enough [10:41] yeah and none of them works [10:42] you can go complain to IBM to create computers without audio [10:42] because every computer vendor HAD audio. but IBM didn't. still you can buy computers (clones) without [10:42] broken for 40 years. [10:44] yeah i dont care about IBM, it does not help me here [10:44] LANG=C pactl info | grep '^Server Name' [10:44] Server Name: PulseAudio (on PipeWire 0.3.48) [10:44] ok so how do i get output devices to show up in pipewire? [10:47] de-facto: I have found sound issues are solvable with pulse, but... mostly, I need to stop wait restart the service. if you find a real cure, let me know. I do not think ALSA is noticeably different in any way, imho. actually i'm not sure I get the difference between them (nor the relationship). [10:48] wireplumber? [10:48] I'm not ready to do the work myself :D - I want you to find the answer and let me know <(") [10:50] installing wireplumber and removing pipewire-media-session shows up the output devices [10:51] if you would use 23.04 you would have had these out of the box :) [10:51] ok that seems to work ... for now [10:51] no stuttering so far [10:53] well good that those are in the repos for 22.04 too then i guess [11:15] hello === LVSMBDHRLBDIK is now known as zerotwo [11:20] After recent update, Ubuntu 20.04.6 frequently fails to connect to wifi because DHCP4 activation times out. Trying to figure out whether this is a bug or a configuration issue and how to troubleshoot. Any help much appreciated. [11:22] thanks ravage! [11:49] after booting ubuntu this morning i cant ssh intu it anymore [11:50] when i try to ping the ubuntu machine from another the ping gets looped back [11:50] when i try to ping any other device from ubuntu it works fine [11:50] i did a ufw reset but it did not fix it [11:50] What can cause this behavior? [11:55] Hello everyone. How can I change the time when unattended-upgrades are being done? Currently it seems to install automatic updates at random time of the day. I want to make it install them only during nighttime. But for it to be able to check/download updates any time. [12:02] Crin: sshd on the machine you can neither see nor reach may not be on. [12:03] could also be on a different network (or separated physically, no nic, cable, switch, etc.) if it is a vm on the same machine, check the nat/bridge sets. [12:04] I'd check the daemon first, personally. === shokohsc517 is now known as shokohsc51 === henry404083 is now known as henry40408 [12:07] I cant ping ubuntu [12:07] i cant ping from ubuntu to somewhere else [12:07] u cannot connect to it physically? [12:08] What do you mean connect physicly? run an ethernet cable between them? [12:09] I can* ping from ubuntu to other machine [12:09] yes, kvm, cable, com port, something? everyone must have a procedure on how to reach a machine when ssh is down to see if it is the daemon or not. [12:09] It is not the deamon [12:10] I cant ping the machine [12:10] so the sshd wont be reached [12:10] if you cannot ping the machine, how do you know the sshd daemon is not down on that machine? [12:11] the machine is 6 feet away [12:11] I'm still in the proces of setting everything up the way i want it [12:12] the result you have is exactly what one would expect if the daemon is down. [12:12] you cant ping ubuntu if ssd is not installed? [12:12] sshd* [12:13] sure [12:14] sshd status is active and nothing weid in the logs [12:14] oic, i thnk you could ping it. - so then try to find out why it is unreachable. [12:14] weird* [12:14] yes maybe im phrasing my questions wrongly [12:14] my apoligies [12:14] do you ping from same subnet? [12:14] Hi all [12:15] your gateway might be wrong [12:15] i cant reach ubuntu with a ping [12:15] start with traceroute and see where it ends, if ou can ping with numbers but not names, it is dns. if you cannot ping w numbers, it's not visible to the machine you are on. [12:15] i can ping other machine from ubuntu [12:15] disabling and reseting ufw did not help [12:16] if target is and you are and gw is, you can ping target [12:18] both machines are on same subnet [12:18] both linux? [12:18] Yes [12:18] i tried windows and linux [12:19] are either machine a vm? [12:19] no [12:19] that makes it much simpler, imho [12:19] same switch? [12:20] or hub [12:20] run route -n on both pc [12:20] bad rj45 cable? [12:20] mentioned that - in my list of things to try (in order). [12:22] Crin: you could give more details instead of us asking questions. [your ip, target ip, network]. All this should be in private range, no need for public ip's [12:23] might also want to double check both PCs with "ip a" for the ipv4 just to ensure there isnot a typo. couldn't hurt. [12:23] could post both results in a link [12:24] the ip of the ubuntu machine is [12:24] example of route -n ... https://termbin.com/g21b [12:25] the wndows machine is [12:25] the ip of the other debian machine is [12:25] Gateway is [12:26] so debian pings win but gets network unreachable? [12:26] no debian ping ubuntu did not work [12:26] windows ping ubuntu did not work [12:27] ubuntu ping windows works [12:27] ubuntu ping debian works [12:27] thats why i disabled ufw after a reset of ufw did not work [12:29] the pc with ubuntu is 22.04 basic install? [12:29] I was the issue happened after i did an upgrade [12:29] It [12:31] btw while we were talking i was trying stuff an renabling ufw to get logs and it now works again [12:31] now im even more curious [12:32] does an upgrade reset ufw in some ways? [12:32] Where can i find logs that can show what changed just now? [12:34] I will try a reboot and see if it permanently fixed [12:34] /var/log/ dir has a bunch of logs [12:36] It still works after the reboot [12:36] so i guess it was a bug [12:37] i know but im new to linux is there a log you would look at? [12:37] sudo ufw status should show inactive [12:39] I reenabled ufw [12:41] try sudo ufw status | nc termbin.com 9999 and post the link [12:41] ok after renabling ssh stopped working again but i can still ping ubuntu from everywhere [12:42] so i have to find which rule is block ssh [12:46] can you guys recommend resources on hard-realtime programming in linux / ubuntu? all i can find is "don't do heap allocation and disable RTTI" [12:46] https://termbin.com/c9ds [12:47] try "sudo ufw status verbose | nc termbin.com 9999" and post the link [12:50] https://termbin.com/eope [12:51] you dont have any rules defined [12:51] I did a reset so [12:53] the default policy is deny (incoming), allow (outgoing) which is standard [12:55] this was different from a frsh 22.04? because i did not have to add any rules but could ssh before [12:57] this policy is default on 22.04 [12:58] ok but i still did not have add ssh to rules but it worked before the upgrade [13:01] so you had ubuntu 20.04 and upgraded to 22.04, ping worked on 20.04 but did not work on 22.04. Let me repeat, ping has nothing to do with ssh. [13:01] https://paste.simplylinux.ch/view/d98871dd [13:02] you are NOT running OpenBSD [13:03] hah [13:07] i noticed that [13:07] but i only did an sudo apt upgrade [13:08] here's a ufw tutorial ... https://phoenixnap.com/kb/configure-firewall-with-ufw-on-ubuntu [13:09] What does OpenBSD mean was somthing detected wrongly? [13:10] sudo ufw allow openssh [13:10] this is not the place to discuss OpenBSD, there are plenty of sites on OpenBSD [13:10] the license is BSD, no worries [13:11] im on ubuntu not BSD [13:11] sudo ufw limit ssh # to limit ssh attempts to 6 /30seconds [13:12] Crin: OpenSSH is written by the OpenBSD project [13:12] Ubuntu uses the OpenSSH sshd [13:12] hence - OpenBSD SSH [13:12] that is what i asumed but pavlos ointed t out so i got confused [13:13] Can someone helpe me understand this? [13:13] what is 'this'? [13:14] baby don't hurt me [13:14] https://pastebin.com/raw/h0DDtWyk [13:15] whoami = ubuntu [13:15] see permissions, only root can delete it [13:16] oerheks: ubuntu is user and group right? and since u+w is there ubuntu can delete it? [13:16] rick123: to delete a file, you need permissions on the directory the file is in [13:16] on the directory also u+w is there === Szadek5 is now known as Szadek [13:16] drwxrwxr-x 42 ubuntu ubuntu 12K Aug 1 13:12 . [13:17] It is /home/ubuntu [13:17] pwd = /home/ubuntu [13:17] use sudo? [13:17] rick123: sticky bit set? [13:17] $ chmod go+w production2 = operation not permitted [13:17] hmm [13:17] ty oerheks: that works [13:17] $ sudo rm production2 = operation not permitted [13:17] _hmm_ [13:18] i have to remember to check ufw after an upgrade [13:18] thank you for your time pavlos, weedmic [13:18] Sticky bit should show as `t` right? it doesn't [13:18] rick123: what was `lsattr` tell you? [13:19] `lsattr -a` on the directory, specifically [13:19] rick123: is this a live ubuntu session? [13:20] pavlos: Not sure what that means but I am logged into one of our ubuntu servers/VMs on GCP and trying to delete a file [13:21] Allie: `-----------I--e---- ./.` [13:21] this file is in /home/ubuntu/production2 [13:22] pavlos: yes [13:25] $ sudo su - && rm /home/ubuntu/production2 = Operation not permitted [13:26] rick123: can you *touch* things? [13:26] yeah touched a file [13:26] I can do `cp production2 production2-bkp && rm production2-bkp` works fine [13:26] do ls -al and show the two top files ./ and ../ [13:27] sudo rm -rf /home/ubuntu/production2 [13:27] pavlos: https://pastebin.com/raw/VsfcYa5x [13:27] oerheks: Operation not permitted [13:30] I was reading tghis - https://manage.accuwebhosting.com/knowledgebase/3352/How-to-Prevent-Fileor-Directory-Modification-Deletion-and-Renaming-in-Linux.html - but I don't see any immutable flag on the file [13:30] rick123: stat production2 [13:31] sorry there is i flag tghere [13:31] got it, thanks :) [13:32] chattr -i production2 should remove immu flag [13:44] Troubleshooting repeated wifi connection failure due to DHCP4 activation time-out, following recent update in Ubuntu 20.04.6. [13:44] try a previous kernel as a test ABZen [13:44] Good point. Will do. === KingKeA5 is now known as KingKeA === shokohsc510 is now known as shokohsc51 [14:16] how I can see which cpu are E and which ones are P with lspcu or htop any command? === bittin is now known as bittin_working [14:35] lotuspsychje I tried 5.15.0-76 and 5.15.0-75 with same result, i.e. dhcp4 times out 80-90% of the time. Current kernel is 5.15.0-78. Other updates done at the same time seem unrelated: R, CURL, SAMBA, Chrome, Python, MySQL, WinBind client. Possible exception is amd64-microcode but I don't really know. I also tried disabling iptables with no effect. [14:36] ABZen: best to share your full dmesg to the channel, might need a deeper investigation [14:41] when your problem started appearing? [14:42] maybe it's DHCP server's problem rather than your Ubuntu box? [14:42] lotuspsychje Okay thanks. Dumb question: I am an IRC noob. Do I just paste it into a message or is there a way to attach a file? [14:43] !paste | ABZen [14:43] ABZen: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [14:44] hid3 Problem started immediately after update. All other devices are able to connect to this wifi network and get an IP address correctly. [14:45] was it automatic/periodic/unattended update or did you issue it manually? [14:45] hid3 Confusingly this device is able to connect to the one other wifi network I've been able to test it on. It's just this device on this particular network that is a problem, and only since update two days ago. [14:45] hid3 I issued it manually. [14:45] ubottu Thank you. [14:46] ccha: lscpu --all --extended cpu on same core are P [14:48] Ok, I need someone smarter than I. I have a system boot drive with a separate home drive. Did a reinstall using the more custom install with separate partitions for each of the special folders, like /var /swap etc. Ok now the issue, /var became full, and I saw issues. I moved /var to /home/var as a quick fix. One problem I saw is I can't open [14:48] "settings" from the UI menu (gnome-control-center). So troubleshooting I tried from the cli (gnome-control-center) and get this. testparm: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/samba/libldbsamba.so.0. I have tried uninstalling, reinstalling, various little things like updates, autoremove, purge, on samba. Also, if I do sudo apt updat && [14:48] sudo apt upgrade -y, I get this one.                                  Setting up samba-common-bin (2:4.15.13+dfsg-0ubuntu1.2) ... [14:48] Checking smb.conf with testparm [14:48] testparm: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/samba/libldbsamba.so.0: undefined symbol: ldb_msg_element_is_inaccessible, version LDB_2.4.4 [14:48] dpkg: error processing package samba-common-bin (--configure): [14:49] ccha: on a 12-core (8-mt/4-st) 12th Gen Intel Core i7-12700K ... https://termbin.com/p1ys4 [14:50] pavlos: I don't see any diff about E or P [14:52] ccha: the 12700K has 12 cores, 8 P and 3 E [14:52] ccha: the 12700K has 12 cores, 8 P and 4 E [14:54] I mean there are CPU0 to CPU20 but which one are the 4E? CPU0 to CPU3 are the E ones? or is it CPU15 to CPU19? [14:55] so with htop I know there are loads on the E or P CPUs [14:56] ccha: cpu0 and cpu1 are core 0, 2-3 are core 1, ... the last 4 (16-19) are E. [14:57] ok [14:57] I see that too in dmesg [14:58] [ 0.043940] pcpu-alloc: [0] 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 [0] 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 [14:58] [ 0.043945] pcpu-alloc: [0] 16 17 18 19 -- -- -- -- [15:01] hum, I see small activities more on P that on E. The kernel don't care about P or E and the load dispatch is like no P or E? [15:03] usually, E are parked until needed. Most of the work is done with P. [15:05] Pcores have higher performance and also support simultaneous multi-threading (SMT). Ecores, instead, are more focused on energy efficiency than performance. [15:07] watching youtube, and take only 1 or 2% cpus, isn't it better to use E cpus than P cpus? [15:08] to watch youtube you better use your GPU 🙂 [15:09] internal GPU [15:09] doesnt matter, it should not affect the CPU if the GPU renders [15:11] Ok, I need someone smarter than I. I have a system boot drive with a separate home drive. Did a reinstall using the more custom install with separate partitions for each of the special folders, like /var /swap etc. Ok now the issue, /var became full, and I saw issues. I moved /var to /home/var as a quick fix. One problem I saw is I can't open [15:11] "settings" from the UI menu (gnome-control-center). So troubleshooting I tried from the cli (gnome-control-center) and get this. https://dpaste.com/5BPRH96FN [15:17] hello, I am trying to get the tftpd-hpa server working with a bugged pxe client. It looks like it adds a 0xff byte to the end of the request filename. can tftpd-hpa compensate for this with a remapping file? [15:21] LoWang, most likely because /var/ contains snaps too .. time to backup data and reinstall? [15:22] ubuntu uses 1 partition standard, to avoid running out of space [15:22] LoWang: there is no benefit to separating out the partitions like you did. It only leads to your exact issue. Reinstall and stick with the defaults [15:23] du -a /var/ | sort -n -r | head -n 20 # would show largest files.. [15:23] err largest folders [15:31] alternatively, how can i make a file that has a 0xff byte at the end of the filename? [15:32] tepperson, http://rawtechnology.blogspot.com/2014/09/certain-machines-cant-boot-from-linux.html [15:35] Re wifi failure / dhcp4 timeout in 20.04.6, dmesg is at https://dpaste.com/4UBDUA8YC , captured immediately after it failed to connect. In the meantime, I've been able to ascertain that the problem is with wifi specifically; a wired connected to the same router / DHCP server works just fine. [15:36] on ubuntu for windows (wsl2) with no systemd, i can `service ssh start`, but how do i enable the ssh service to start on boot? [15:36] * NoImNotNineVolt can't remember a life before systemd [15:36] * Usage: /etc/init.d/ssh {start|stop|reload|force-reload|restart|try-restart|status} [15:37] you could add a line to /etc/rc.local calling /etc/init.d/ssh start [15:37] * bittin_working is installing some Debian and Ubuntu Server at work atm [15:37] NoImNotNineVolt, you'd create a symlink in the respective /et/rc.X.d directory for the runlevel in use [15:38] ogra: that sounds right, thanks [15:38] ubuntu for windows (wsl2) with no systemd ??? [15:38] oerheks: that's the default [15:38] took me a minute to remember too 🙂 [15:38] sorry, with no systemd as pid 1 [15:38] well, you can enable systemd [15:39] i could, but then i'd be running a lot of stuff that i don't need to [15:39] $ runlevel [15:39] unknown [15:39] hooray wsl :\ [15:43] ABZen, have you tried to disable power saving ? [15:43] tepperson: echo -n -e '\xff' [15:46] ioria I haven't. Do you mean Settings > Power > Wi-Fi - Wi-Fi can be turned off to save power? Or is there some more general power saving "all off" feature? [15:46] ABZen, sudo sed -i 's/3/2/' /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/* [15:48] ABZcheck for the bios update, yours seems old [15:49] Hello, I'd like to ask if someone could help me with flatpak theming in Ubuntu 23.04. Is it still necessary to create a "~/.themes" folder? [15:50] tepperson: echo -n hello > tepp; echo -n -e '\xff' >> tepp; hexdump -C tepp [15:52] ioria: that is what i was looking for, i had to put the literal bytes into my file with the suggestion similar to the one from pavlos though [15:52] tepperson, ok [15:52] jrom, this page might be a help https://www.linuxfordevices.com/tutorials/linux/themeing-flatpak-application [15:53] but flatpak is not our core, snaps are [15:55] I'm aware of this tutorial (and the It's foss version), but they don't specify if I actually need a "~/.themes" folder or if just overriding the variables should work [15:56] they do [15:57] and it might work, after logout/login again [15:57] else check #flatpak here on #libera [15:58] Thanks, I'll try again. I don't know why, but the last time I did it, Nautilus started having really big paddings in grid view [16:03] After logging out and logging in again, the flatpaks are still in the light theme (I'm trying to use Yaru-blue-dark everywhere). [16:05] jrom, i think you need to give application access to the theme location [16:06] But this is the default theme, it's not in my home folder [16:07] This is why I asked if I should actually have a "~/.themes" folder [16:07] default theme are not in ~/.themes [16:07] *s [16:08] maybe gtk3 vs gtk4 [16:08] Yes! But the tutorials say that I needed the command "sudo flatpak override --filesystem=$HOME/.themes" [16:09] and it's wrong [16:09] Hmm, how can I check if an app is Gtk3 or Gtk4? My flatpaks are zotero, g4music and flatseal [16:10] then use flatseal [16:10] jrom, add the /usr/share/themes/ directory to the application’s filesystem permissions [16:12] jrom, this link might help : https://devicetests.com/apply-system-theme-flatpak-apps-gtk4-ubuntu [16:15] I tried it, but they still have the light theme [16:17] How would I go about disabling all apt key checks ? [16:17] jrom, install the dark theme from flatpak [16:18] I already did, it's available when I type flatpak list `Yaru-Blue-dark GTK theme                   org.gtk.Gtk3theme.Yaru-Blue-dark                         21.10.3ubuntu5     stable          flathub     system` [16:19] I'm not sure what is happening, but if possible I don't want to actually create a "~/.themes" folder as my home folder is already cluttered enough [16:21] jrom, GTK_THEME=Yaru:dark [16:23] To be sure, I should also install the flatpak Yaru-dark theme? [16:23] Or would I need to edit the source for something like apt or dpkg in order to remove the key checks ? [16:24] WoC, unusual request. if your source gives no key, build packages yourself? [16:24] I only have the key id, so I have no way of installing the missing keys [16:25] care to share what does not give a valid key , and on what ubuntu? [16:25] Err:29 https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/jjriek/rockchip/ubuntu jammy InRelease [16:25] The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY F02122ECF25FB4D7 [16:25] E [16:27] Maybe my memory is broken, but it used to be some way to import keys by id [16:27] I tried installing the Yaru-dark flatpak (`org.gtk.Gtk3theme.Yaru-dark`) and I changed the key in flatseal (), but I've got no change after logging out [16:27] WoC, maybe you added the ppa wrong? https://launchpad.net/~jjriek/+archive/ubuntu/rockchip works here [16:28] sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jjriek/rockchip [16:29] ah, thanks. most appreciated [16:30] have fun! [16:33] jrom, btw, is Yaru-dark not Yaru:dark [16:46] what is the package / place / whatever to report bugs regarding the initramfs scripts that unlock the zfs encrytped root? [16:53] vic-thor: we reccomend before filing a bug, to describe your issue here, maybe volunteers are familiar with it, or know an existing bug [16:55] I'm back. [16:57] I downloaded ubuntu 22.04.02 and installed with the options zfs + encryption, after rebooting the password is not accepted [16:57] capslock ? [16:58] no, after dropping to the shell i can finally see something im typing, and i type correctly [16:58] most common problem is another keyboard layout [16:58] LoWang: please don't PM [16:59] it shows the layout i chose in the installer, and after dropping to the shell i can see what i type [16:59] vic-thor, are you on a non us keyboard ? such as french or german ? [16:59] ok, I don't use chat.....pretty much ever. [16:59] WoC: spanish [17:00] so, basically nobody has any more answers than I already do? [17:00] Maybe the symbols are different, i don remember the spanish keymap [17:00] but i can see them after it fails, i can retype and it matches what i could see in the installer [17:01] after two installations i took photos :D [17:01] odd [17:01] LoWang: did you try the advice oerheks and leftyfb suggested to you? [17:01] just make sure you are not trying zfs on an actual raid [17:02] i picked one disk the installer suggested me [17:02] vic-thor: in general it may be a good idea to use luks encryption and only use ZFS for storage. it is not even sure that ZFS will be supported again on 24.04 [17:02] in 23.04 and 23.10 it is absent from the installer completely [17:03] Hope you have good backups, vic-thor, recovering data from zfs is futile [17:03] this is a fresh install [17:03] ive double checked on virtualbox even [17:03] why would you use ZFS on virtualbox? [17:04] to test the bug :P [17:04] LoWang: you may state a summary of the problem if you wish, for those that didn't see the previous chat [17:06] sure, summary is /var filled, moved to /home/var. Most software is fixed, but still getting testparm symbol lookup error for libldbsamba.so.0  ldb_msg_element_is_inaccessible. [17:06] also, my google-fu isn't producing useful results. [17:07] LoWang: start with a `sudo dpkg -V` to check for missing or corrupted files [17:08] LoWang, nobody seems to have /var/ moved to /home/ have you tried simply reinstall samba? [17:11] dpkg -V , interesting, I'm getting results with that one, gotta remember that one. ok, finished, a couple doc and man files. 3 locations missing winbind. ??5?????? /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/samba/libldbsamba.so.0 , double checked and it's there, not sure what the ?5?????? means. [17:12] same for /etc/sysctl.conf [17:12] of course samba is missing, but it can't install so that make sense [17:13] so, which package is responsible of the unlocking of the zfs root? [17:13] LoWang, time to reinstall [17:15] LoWang: upload the output of dpkg -V to a pastebin and paste the link here. There's also `sudo debsums -s` which shows the package name. For corrupted packages, you should reinstall them. [17:15] vic-thor: probably something under /usr/share/initramfs-tools; if you do find it, then run `dpkg -S /path/to/script` to discover the package to blame [17:16] https://dpaste.com/FV7Y8JDFY [17:16] debsums command not found. [17:17] LoWang: yes it needs to get installed. What's the output of: ls -l /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/samba/libldbsamba.so.0 [17:17] -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 191288 Mar 30 08:25 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/samba/libldbsamba.so.0 [17:18] LoWang: try: sudo apt install --reinstall samba-libs [17:18] LoWang: after that, run another sudo dpkg -V, and see if that line no longer appears [17:19] LoWang: also, how did you move /var into /home/var, just cp and then symlink? Or e.g. rsync/cp -a, and bind-mount? [17:20] bummer, same testparm error. on the /var/ question, it was a couple months ago? So, don't quite remember, I think it was a copy and bind-mount [17:21] LoWang: well it's easy to check, pastebin the output of `mount; cat /etc/fstab; ls -ld /var` [17:22] has anyone else had this issue? it doesn't seem to be very popular and I can't find out why other people aren't running into or why I _am_ running into it: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1433479/maximized-windows-become-maximized-behind-launcher [17:22] figure* out [17:23] LoWang: also, was the "ldb_msg_element_is_inaccessible" issue fixed, and what is this other "testparm" issue? [17:23] # UUID=ebe3f465-e674-4006-90f1-0b47662a3f69 /var ext4 defaults 0 2 [17:24] That's a comment, so no bind-mount there [17:25] I put that as a reference but apparently the second line didn't show. [17:25] ok, appears a line can start with '/' /home/var /var none bind [17:26] Checking smb.conf with testparm [17:26] testparm: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/samba/libldbsamba.so.0: undefined symbol: ldb_msg_element_is_inaccessible, version LDB_2.4.4 [17:27] Hello all, I have downloaded gcc-9.2.0.tar.gz files and how can I install and configure it in a specific path? [17:27] LoWang, question marks in listing files are not a good sign; might suggest wrong directory rights [17:28] I was wondering about permissions. [17:28] LoWang, execute permission in particular [17:28] LoWang: was the dpkg -V error line resolved after the reinstallation of the package? If so, the next thing to try would be to resolve the other error lines, and to reboot so that the libraries are properly loaded [17:32] alkisg: they didn't keep the permissions/ownership for any of the files. libraries and packages are all out of whack. Yes, it's possible to recover from this. The time it would take to do so is measured in days for someone not experienced. It's easier, quicker and recommended to just reinstall [17:32] ok so the ?5?????? is now gone for the libldbsamba.so.0 is gone. the /etc/sysctl.conf is still there. [17:33] leftyfb: ah, I thought we got past that part; yeah permissions of dynamically generated files under /var can be tricky to fix... [17:34] Niclos, you seem to have the source? build it, and use something like this page to select 9.2 https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-switch-between-multiple-gcc-and-g-compiler-versions-on-ubuntu-20-04-lts-focal-fossa [17:34] !build [17:34] Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) [17:34] LoWang, ls -l /etc/sysctl.conf [17:35] -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2391 May 7 21:03 /etc/sysctl.conf [17:35] Niclos, warning, you are using an unsupported gcc version, i guess you are on your own [17:35] LoWang, ls -ld /etc/ [17:36] drwxr-xr-x 151 root root 12288 Aug 1 12:33 /etc/ [17:37] LoWang, sudo apt install --reinstall procps [17:38] finished, but still got the same error. Of course I have installed things, got that error and it still worked. [17:38] LoWang, can you paste it ? [17:39] vic-thor: https://p.haxxors.com/3lh3xvmq.mp4 [17:39] https://dpaste.com/7XBB5KWCR [17:39] oerheks: the link is not shows specific version of gcc. [17:40] LoWang, sudo dpkg --configure -a [17:40] only after you build and installed 9.2, it can be shown there.. [17:40] good luck! [17:41] sadly failed, https://dpaste.com/HTYCCSA8E [17:41] I've been fighting this one for a while, but we did make a little progress. [17:42] oerheks: what about the manually downloaded tar files. [17:43] Niclos, build them? see the url ubottu gives. also 9.2 is so old, 2020, there is no valid reason to use it today [17:43] LoWang, sudo mv /var/lib/dpkg/info/samba-common-bin* /tmp [17:44] done [17:44] LoWang, sudo dpkg --configure -a [17:45] that worked. I knew there was something I was missing. [17:45] why not install 9.5? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gcc-9/ [17:45] LoWang, sudo apt update [17:45] although, I did get : Could not execute systemctl: at /usr/local/bin/deb-systemd-invoke line 142. [17:46] I'll try an update first. [17:46] local bin is not a standard path to install things [17:47] not sure why it's doing that. [17:47] the location is /usr/bin/deb-systemd-invoke [17:47] update seems to work ok [17:47] LoWang, ls -l /usr/bin/deb-systemd-invoke [17:48] -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 6156 Feb 15 2022 /usr/bin/deb-systemd-invoke [17:49] LoWang, ls -l /usr/local/bin/ [17:51] https://dpaste.com/ACY8NG8AQ [17:51] you have a problem [17:52] mentally yes. Spent too many years with microsucks [17:52] LoWang, nope,i mean;that directory should be (virtually) empty [17:53] yeah.... that's weird. [17:54] LoWang, i think you cp /usr/bin to local [17:54] *cped [17:55] not sure how [17:56] or when [17:57] LoWang, well, if /usr/bin is ok, you can remove the content of local [17:57] so I did a diff and they aren't the same but very similar. [17:58] LoWang, sy,have to go; good luck [17:58] I got a meeting starting. [17:58] thanks [18:04] oerheks: the petalinux build required gcc version 9.2.0 [18:04] can i ask an nginx reverse proxy question here? [18:08] Niclos, not true; this guide just adds gcc, that could end up with gcc 9.4 on Focal https://www.fpgadeveloper.com/how-to-install-vitis-and-petalinux-2022.1/ [18:08] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gcc-9/ [18:10] oerheks: petalinux version that I have is 2020.1 === TomTom_ is now known as TomTom === PATO_ is now known as patocan [18:39] has anyone else had this issue? it doesn't seem to be very popular and I can't find out why other people aren't running into or why I _am_ running into it: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1433479/maximized-windows-become-maximized-behind-launcher [18:41] ash_m: maybe related to bug #2021915 ? [18:41] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Bug 2021915 in gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock (Ubuntu) "dock overlays the rename box" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2021915 [18:54] so it used to be discouraged to do a dist upgrade on ubuntu if installing from a fresh new base was difficult or challenging. is that still the case and if so why? [18:56] jongsta: sudo apt full-upgrade [18:56] no problems here, with apt dist-upgrade [18:56] jongsta: also, did that terraform function I gave you last week work out? [18:56] i haven't tried it yet, thanks for reminding me! [18:57] leftyfb: so you're saying it's safe to do this for like a production server? [18:58] instead of a fresh install of ubuntu 20.04 for example [18:58] if upgrading from 18.044 [18:58] uh [18:58] Completely different topic [18:58] i mean i'm not talking about messing around in a hacker space :) [19:00] do-release-upgrade did not fail on me since 8.04 [19:00] it's one thing to fail. it's another to avoid as many headaches as possible if possible [19:04] jongsta: are you saying you're going to upgrade to 20.04 from 18.04 using apt dist-upgrade? [19:05] that's what one of my coworkers plans to do [19:05] I never suggest in-place upgrades in production. Always a fresh install [19:05] do you have any documentation that would elaborate on why to do it that way? [19:05] jongsta: what's your plan when/if the upgrade fails? [19:05] oerheks: petalinux version that I have is 2020.1 [19:05] leftyfb: he's doing it on a backup first [19:06] roll out a test server > production [19:06] Niclos, on what ubuntu? [19:06] 2020 is a bit old .. [19:06] i would use the 22 factoid i posted [19:06] and i suggested doing it on a fresh server as i always thought it was "best practice" to do it this way but i'm having difficulty finding documentation to support that [19:07] is there any way to route a sata dvdrom from 'server' over ip to another computer 'client' so that it could be used as if it were local? like usbip for usb devices? [19:07] i've found a few articles that suggest doing it this way but they're no different than any given opinion [19:07] hard to explain 20 years of experience to a new sys admin heh [19:08] Bombo: sshfs, cifs, nfs the mount. But no, probably not in the way you're thinking === BedMan_ is now known as BedMan [19:08] oh wait [19:09] iscsi [19:09] forgot about that [19:09] Bombo: look into iscsi [19:09] oerheks: ubuntu 22.04 [19:11] leftyfb: ok *looks* [19:12] Bombo: why not just copy the files off the DVD onto a flash drive or something? Or copy them over a network mount? [19:13] Niclos, i leave you with it, there is no reason to install gcc 9.2 [19:13] leftyfb: not sure if that would work with the css [19:13] Bombo: css? [19:14] leftyfb: crypted dvd [19:14] Bombo: oh, so you're talking about a move DVD [19:15] also, css was broken a LONG time ago and is literally just a library that installs from 1 package these days [19:52] Back to troubleshooting wifi/DHCP problem, where 80-90% of the time fails to connect because DHCP times out. [19:52] Syslog extract is here: https://dpaste.com/GHGQMR6BY [19:53] This happens with my laptop running 20.04.6 on my home network. All other devices on the same network are working fine. [19:54] Started after system update to kernel 5.15.0-78 two days ago, but rolling back kernel did not help. [20:01] Question: How do I figure out why it is timing out, e.g. is it genuinely not receiving a response or is something else getting in the way? The syslog isn't very helpful here. [20:02] yeah :( === cambria6 is now known as ordovician_invad === ordovician_invad is now known as silurian_invader [20:31] I had a system that did that. Turned out the $5 network card was bad, never saw the replies. I think we used wireshark to detect the problem. [20:45] ola [20:53] Asking again for the other side of the world: is there a supported/recommended way to get software RAID installed on an Ubuntu desktop? [20:53] Last time I did this it was on the old Debian installer, but now RAID seems to be gone from the desktop installer. [20:53] Is it a better option to use the server installer, then apt install ubuntu-desktop? [20:58] blahdeblah: I don't know the desktop installer well, but server installer and then installing desktop stuff later sounds like the path I'd take :( [21:39] Are there big-endian ubuntu ISOs available for download without needing a special IBM account? I tried s390x but seems there's some IBM developer account hoops through which I do not wish to jump. [21:42] oac: What kind of hardware do you have? [21:43] pretty sure big-endian was unsupported many years ago [21:44] jhutchins: I have an x86 machine, I'd just really like to do some big endian testing on an Ubuntu image in a qemu VM. [21:46] oac: I would be really surprised if that worked. [21:48] i was able to use qemu for running aix, but it was very slow [21:49] jhutchins: I mean, qemu supports full hardware virtualization, including big endian VMs on little endian hosts, I thought. [21:49] it does [21:49] but it doesn't mean that it can do it quickly [21:50] oac: unless you're running stuff in qemu on the same CPU as the host you can't really do hvm [21:56] yeah, it's really useless to do hw virt, you're better off getting a ppc or something [21:59] Well, I downloaded the Ubuntu s390x ISO, and I can install qemu-system-s390x, shouldn't that work alright? I don't need kvm, don't care about performance at all really, just need to guarantee correctness. [22:03] i don't think there's a guarantee of correctness === Guest5210 is now known as nate [22:12] yo [22:12] I'm having some strange issues with my touchscreen === framework is now known as hellscaped [22:13] For some reason its identified as STMD1234 in xinput? [22:13] and yes I am the same guy [22:14] I accidentally had two sessions open with one on a different nick [22:14] anyways so [22:14] the touchscreen is being recognized as a mouse [22:14] which is strange [22:15] I tap the screen and it just stays there [22:15] I debugged the presses with Xev [22:15] and its mouse clicks not touch press [22:15] which is very strange [22:15]  hellscaped  ~  xinput [22:15] ⎡ Virtual core pointer id=2 [master pointer (3)] [22:15] ⎜ ↳ Virtual core XTEST pointer id=4 [slave pointer (2)] [22:15] ⎜ ↳ ELAN0B00:00 04F3:306C Touchpad id=17 [slave pointer (2)] [22:15] ⎜ ↳ STMD1234:00 06CB:1058 id=15 [slave pointer (2)] [22:15] ⎜ ↳ WCOM0032:00 2D1F:001D Stylus Pen (0) id=18 [slave pointer (2)] [22:20] hi, if you install the update-motd package, the motd gets printed twice when you log in via ssh [22:20] imi: don't install the update-motd package [22:21] leftyfb: how can I update the motd by hand (from a shell script)? [22:21] !info show-motd [22:21] show-motd (3.10, lunar): show message of the day in interactive shells. In component main, is extra. Built by update-motd. Size 3 kB / 16 kB [22:23] imi: from: apt show update-motd: This package installs a script that immediately dynamically generates a message-of-the-day by running scripts installed in /etc/update-motd.d, in lexical order. Other packages, or system administrators should symlink scripts into /etc/update-motd.d, pre-pending a 2-digit number to handle ordering. [22:24] I'm not concerned with the motd being shown or not, I'm concerned with it being updated at will [22:25] ok, then update it as you see fit [22:25] the update-motd just generates a number of those files, which already exist so you get dupes [22:25] Executable scripts in /etc/update-motd.d/* are executed by pam_motd(8) as the root user at each login [22:26] you can force with sudo run-parts /etc/update-motd.d/ [22:34] oac: https://p.haxxors.com/9ytw9tiv.txt === chris14_ is now known as chris14 [23:17] audio stuttering is back, less than with pulseaudio but pipewire also is buggy :( [23:17] is there ANY sound server for linux that is stable? [23:18] de-facto: There must be, a lot of professionals use Linux for audio recording and editing. [23:19] de-facto: I know there are resources on the net, there are even printed books. [23:20] de-facto: It may involve using something like a realtime kernel. [23:21] none of them seem to work on my ubuntu it always switches by itself between hdmi and analog which makes me want to throw this computer out of the window [23:22] de-facto: Not all hardware is up to the task either. I have a dedicated SoundBlaster card. [23:22] it was a LOT worse with pulse audio but it just started to occasionally happen too with pipewire [23:23] de-facto: Ubuntu might not be the solution. Again, there are a lot of guidelines available on the web, including which flavors of which distros are best. [23:23] i dont want anything fancy, just an audio playback at constant volume in the same sink [23:24] how can any sound system assume the user wants it to automatically switch audio sinks? this pretty much ALWAYs is against the users interests, hence why do they implement that at all? [23:36] maybe blacklisting snd_hda_codec_hdmi ? === msyke1 is now known as msyke [23:43] audio in linux really is a complete disaster since years [23:51] ok removing all kernel modules that contribute more than one audio sink disabled that stupid automatic switching of output sinks during playback. i really dont understand why developers would think that this is a feature that users would appreciate if the audio server changes output in the middle of playback [23:51] if it could at least be disabled, but apparently it can not support more than one sink at the same time