=== mr_sam_slayer1 is now known as mr_sam_slayer === irwiss4 is now known as irwiss === deepSleep is now known as Guest8356 === chris14_ is now known as chris14 === incomming_calls is now known as zerotwo [02:51] hey [03:19] sarnold: Thanks; my only wonder was whether there were some special things the desktop installer did with cryptsetup & such that would be missing if I went the server install route. === deepSleep is now known as Guest6412 === Vercas6 is now known as Vercas [07:02] Hello. I have to use gcc inside a docker container of an ubuntu 20.04 image, in order to build a program with it. Ubuntu 20.04 has gcc 9 as default and I wonder what can be side effects of installing gcc 10 ( https://ahelpme.com/linux/ubuntu/install-and-make-gnu-gcc-10-default-in-ubuntu-20-04-focal/ ) on it, instead of using 9, after it reaches EOL. [07:09] vcxza: you need to have the gcc inside the container - the container should be contained in a way so as to have almost zero affect on the host - unless you specifically setup things like shared internet, folders, etc. you also can probably find a container that is already setup to work out of the box the way you want. you should cotnact the poc for the product. [07:10] weedmic: of course I need gcc inside the container. I wonder if there can be disadvantages of installing gcc 10 on an EOL version [07:11] Hi, does anyone know what the little icons in some of the folders in this screenshot mean? https://imgur.com/a/0trFkpb [07:11] Are they from tomboy? How can we remove them? It even seems that caja crashes when trying to enter one of these dirs... [07:16] alkisg, no clues if you `stat` them? [07:17] (ie. I'd expect to guess what it's trying to show by what is similar between them, contrasted with other entries in that directory) [07:18] guiverc: they're the same as other dirs; and, renaming them removes the icon; so it's probably handled by some file manager plugin, but I don't see anything related in `ps`, I guess it's in-process plugin [07:18] I tried grepping the tomboy dirs for the directory names to no avail; I'll test more, but it would help if someone already knew what's all this about... [07:19] no idea sorry alkisg, all I could think of (don't recall seeing what you showed before) [07:19] Thanks! Let's see if anyone else happens to know... [07:20] Broadcom PCB Wifi Not Working In ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS [07:21] looking at my own ~ from within caja; only unusual icon there (notepad like without pen in your diagram) appears for non-local directories (ie. network shares) [07:22] Hmm, all of ~ is an sshfs mount... so if that was the case, all of them should have the icon... [07:30] vcxza: only if it conflicts with something you rely on or is not supported by your package manager - but... i have successfully used newer items with paitence and a lot of symbolick links. [07:32] weedmic: https://ahelpme.com/linux/ubuntu/install-and-make-gnu-gcc-10-default-in-ubuntu-20-04-focal/ <--- this is the installation procedure. I don't understand if it relies on something not directly done by the package manager [07:33] I see "apt upgrade" (which I presume is bad on an EOL) and "update-alternatives" inside it [07:35] I don't want to make newer gcc work by adjusting stuff with patience... [07:35] 20.04 is quite old, but still has life on the support cycle. i cannot help you. but, this kammer is full of smart ppl,many using 20.04. [07:36] well wifi on ubuntu 22 is not working [07:37] so the question becomes: what can be problematic, with this installation procedure of gcc-10 ( https://ahelpme.com/linux/ubuntu/install-and-make-gnu-gcc-10-default-in-ubuntu-20-04-focal/ ) on ubuntu 20.04 when it goes EOL ? [08:14] Greetings everyone. I am preparing linux builds based on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS in my company. However, web developers demand "latest stable releases" for software they use. To name a few, it would be PHP, MariaDB, Nginx, etc. My vision was to use everything from official Ubuntu repositories. However, developers say that versions are outdated, no security and feature upgrades for them, so they want to tahev some custom/additional repos for each product [08:14] in this example it would be nginx, php, mariadb [08:15] Question: is this really a good idea to have such setup? I like and trust Ubuntu, I know that if you use Ubuntu packages, security and compatability is guaranteed [08:15] however, not sure what scenario will be with software installed from custom repos [08:16] e.g. php. php doesn't have it's official repo for Ubuntu 22.04. So that random/custom repo would be owned by someone else rather than by php.net officials. Nobody knows what quality of software is provided there, also, nobody can guarantee that repo will be still alive/reachable after 2-3-5 or so years... [08:16] these are my main concerns [08:19] all the software you mention gets security updates [08:20] Ubuntu will never have the latest versions. Especially not on LTS releases [08:21] i think your "web developers" aka devops should work with the PHP version available [08:21] Ubuntu 22.04 comes with PHP 8.1 and most project work just fine with it [08:21] i dont know a single web project that needs 8.2 [08:23] nginx seems to have some strange behaviour. i used a PPA when i ran into problems here. for both, PHP und nginx the sury.org repos are a good sourc [08:23] e [08:23] but as you said you rely on security and maintenance on this repo then [08:25] I pointed out to them basically same info. And their reply was that 'php 8.1 will be EOL sometime this November and after that, there will be NO security updates, because php themselves are not releasing them and backporting it is not possible' [08:25] LTS =latest stable vs latest testing is not always better and may have new bugs still present as ravage said they are maintaied so unless there is a certain feature in a newer verstion that is needed I avoid the latest [08:27] eol on PHP means they still maintained but developed stops at EOL date [08:28] debian and ubuntu backport php security fixes for years [08:28] so they have no idea what they are talking about [08:28] im sure most websites on this internet run on packages provided by the distributions. which is alomost never "latest" [08:29] but devops usually have no idea about the real world outside docker [08:36] hid3: if you absolutely need newer versions, you can get them via containers but that complicates the setup [08:43] points taken. Thanks a lot [10:06] Hi, I booted my Ubuntu fine until today, now I'm getting a black screen which is like blinking from no video input to input. The screen is working fine up to the initial disk decryption. Only thing I did yesterday is updating packages (maybe something related to Nvidia?) and adding fuse2 for appimage manager. Any idea what can I do since even safe mode doesn't boot? [10:49] My Firefox browser is corrupt how do I go about restoring it? [10:55] william_: corrupt how? it won't start, or throws errors when you start it, or what? [10:57] william_: it's doubtful that the binary is corrupt (although it could be) more likely you config files are borked. To test that, you can move the .firefox directory in your home dir to something different and try starting it again. Then if that works, either you're good to go, or put files back from the old dir to the new one until you find out what broke it... [11:01] Hi, really stupid question. I have a running system, it was setup with 4 disks in a RAID (/boot/efi:esp:256M,/boot:ext3:1G,/:ext4:all). I don't want to mess with anything. Is it still possible have a zpool on this system? === alkisg_irc is now known as alkisg [11:18] hid3: if you want bleeding edge, but mostly well tested, I suggest you try opensuse tumbleweed. lts is more like leap. stable, trustworthy, dependable - but not bleeding edge. [11:22] crst: zfs is a filesystem, raid is a hardware solution. You can use them together, or separately, but moving from one to the other is not possible on a running system without backing everything up, switching things and restoring it again. [11:23] well, one could add the zfs drive and use rsync to move the data to it and remove the raid - but I have doubts there is added value in that. === phonemic5 is now known as phonemic [11:25] crst: it's also dependent if you have your boot disk on the raid volume... [11:25] possible to move things if not, if so then backup, and rebuild with zfs [11:26] BedMan: Gotcha! So it's not possible to have ZFS virtually on top of another FS. Since my filesystem is already set to something else an option would be to add new disks and make those ZFS, right? [11:26] Hi all [11:26] crst: yep [11:26] hi BluesKaj [11:42] hi BedMan === shokohsc5103 is now known as shokohsc510 [12:41] hi, I'm trying to install xubuntu on an older machine, the live usb works perfectly, but when I reboot I get the blinking cursor on the upper left corner, cannot access any shell terminal. suggestions? [12:41] it's bios, not uefi if it helps [12:42] also on installation it cannot start snapd/unpack chromium [12:43] gareppa, what about Recovery ? [12:43] maybe it's because i'm trying to use lvm with fulldisk encryption? [12:43] mh... [12:44] lvm+luks it's a standard install, should not be a problem [12:44] gareppa: what kind of old machine is it === shokohsc5105 is now known as shokohsc510 [12:46] pentium dual core e5200, motherboard this one https://www.asrock.com/mb/Intel/G31M-GS/ [12:48] gareppa: what tool did you use to burn xubuntu on usb? [12:48] ram ? [12:48] 2gb for now, more soon [12:48] i used dd from the docs on ubuntu website [12:48] gareppa, again what about Recovery ? [12:49] https://ubuntu.com/download/iot/installation-media [12:49] you mean recovery from the livecd on the installation? [12:49] gareppa, nope, from Grub menu [12:49] gareppa, pressesc, if you don't see it at bootup [12:49] ESC [12:50] recovery mode ioria means gareppa [12:51] gareppa, i mean 'Advance Options' : https://linuxhint.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/image3-35.png [12:51] that's the thing, the grub menu is still far away, as soon as the bios goes away, I have the blinking cursor. also, the disk does not seem to be reading anything [12:51] nope, i do not get to the point of advanced options [12:52] gareppa, so you don't have Grub correctly installed, maybe ? [12:53] maybe [12:54] gareppa, in this case, you need the installer, openluks, mount bind ,chroot and reinstall grub (or just reinstall) [12:55] ok, I'll try that, thanks === pasiz7 is now known as pasiz [14:24] !fixgrub [14:24] GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 [14:24] There is no need to reinstall. That's for Windows. [14:25] gareppa: What sometimes happens is grub gets installed to a partition (/dev/sda1) when it needs to be installed to a device (/dev/sda). [14:33] ioria: I see you actually meant to reinstall grub, which is what the instructions above do. === tortilla is now known as tortillasandwich === chris14_ is now known as chris14 [15:22] Hello, I have trouble using a thunderbolt 2 dock on a ThinkPad W540, connecting the dock adds "DSL4410 Thunderbolt Bridge [Redwood Ridge 2C 2013]" to the results of lspci, but DSL4410 Thunderbolt Bridge [Redwood Ridge 2C 2013] remain empty. dmesg |grep thunderbolt only shows thunderbolt is part of the boot commandline "Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-5.4.0-150-generic root=/dev/mapper/vgroot-lv_root ro rootflags=subvol=@ cryptdevice=UUID=801516 [15:22] c2-0263-4b2c-816c-2d3b24b16a64:root thunderbolt" === alkisg_irc is now known as alkisg [15:25] Magissia: can you explain what happens exactly after connecting the dock, and wich ubuntu release are you on? [15:27] I'm on 18.04 (no upgrade in sight for me yet, kernel 5.4). What happens when connecting the dock is the whole interface freeze for 2 seconds, then new lines are shown if I do an lspci. there are few dmesg lines I do not understand [15:27] Nothing else after that [15:27] here's the dmesg lines https://kpaste.infomaniak.com/2iRegxk53Ywt3Rw5wAsANhMGoZhBZuaX#CgiapEksdJZyX264ryDFzHA12JZzmmSPnvZqKT1j46Ak [15:28] what happens when you boot with the dock connected? [15:28] 18.04 is EOl btw [15:28] oerheks: Nothing [15:28] oerheks: EOL hardware, cannot move forward AFAIK [15:28] nvidia propreitary drivers wouldn't like it [15:29] hmm run a memtest86 job [15:29] passmark memtest didn't return errors last week, my issue isn't new I never managed to get this thunderbolt thing working [15:30] oke, so it could be a failing dock [15:30] I would need another thunderbolt 2 device to test then [15:30] Correct ? [15:31] yes [15:31] or other 540 [15:31] Might be easier to get another W540 actually [15:33] Not sure how you determined i'm using a 540 [15:33] Hello, I have trouble using a thunderbolt 2 dock on a ThinkPad W540, connecting the dock a [15:33] Yes, forgot that part [15:33] afaik that combo passed here before without issues [15:34] so i wonder, is it the dock failing.. [15:34] we do have a lot of thunderbolt/dock bugs around on LP [15:35] I'm using a startech TB2DOCK4KDHC === ashafq_ is now known as ashafq [15:42] I'm in trouble...My Ubuntu 20.04 system shows static for a second on the left side of the screen, then the screen shifts. The image is clipped vertically from the left and shown on the left. ie, battery% and wifi icon, etc shows up on the left. https://ibb.co/YcRp4ZR See here(right side of the screen is shown on the left). Also mark the line of dots at the top left. After freezing, the capslock key doesnt register a light. the keyboard Fn keys [15:42] don't work. [15:42] Please help. [15:43] Should the spec sheet specifically mention linux support for the TB2 dock ? (It is the case for the startech one, but i'd rather try a completely different brand while we are at it, and most only say macos) [15:43] Fantastic777: can you not update versions? 20.04 is pretty old [15:43] Fantastic777: Are you able to reproduce the issue from the livecd ? [15:43] See full image here: https://ibb.co/mbHdD98 [15:44] or, boot a newer release via. USB and see if it goes away [15:44] See gist here: https://gist.github.com/Ativerc/9ff73a1d0f3209e640c2fe08b7fcac94 [15:45] Fantastic777: It fails to fetch update atm, could you try to reproduce it from a livecd to exclude a configuration error? [15:45] I don't have a liveusb at the moment. Also, reproducing the problem is hard since I don't know what causes it. [15:46] Magissia, could you check my github gist link and see the nvidia packages that are being held back. Could that be causing the problems? [15:48] Honestly i'm only good with servers and we don't have display issues over ssh. You're using gdm and I never used that (i'm using lightdm) [15:49] thrice, Is upgrading without a fresh install AFTER making a backup of the home folder in another partition, safe? [15:49] It's always safe if you have a working backup since you can restore [15:50] Backup your whole system if installing the system back could be difficult for you [15:51] by no fresh install, you mean upgrading from 20.04 to 22.04? [15:51] Honestly, you have the obs ppa, verify if restoring the packages from there to their default canonical provided version helps [15:52] Also you're using snaps and I have no idea how it works, i remove snapd on my installations [15:53] thrice, yes from 20.04 to 22.04 [15:54] i wanted to switch to popOS rather than upgrading this ubuntu 20.04 [15:55] You will have a different kernel and DE, would be a different experience [15:55] Won't be an inplace upgrade there [15:55] Magissia, hence trying to make sure i have 20,04 -> 22.04 as an upgrade otion for now. [15:56] Okay I removed obs [15:56] Make a full backup and go for it, if you're using btrfs you can make a snapshot, if you're using ext4 you can use timeshift [15:56] i installed afew things yesterday and this didn't freeze up before that... [15:57] Let's see what i did. [15:57] Start by verifying that then [15:59] installed programs: bat, aria2, gping, tldr [16:00] removed bat and tldr [16:00] keeping gping and aria2 [16:00] for now [16:05] bye for now === db` is now known as db`` === db`` is now known as db` [16:53] 12/ns identify Dondon [16:54] fail === db` is now known as db`` === db`` is now known as db` === db` is now known as identfy === identfy is now known as db` === db` is now known as db`` === db`` is now known as db` [16:58] hello all, quick question does any had an issue were you delete a printer and it keeps showing up. I've checked lpstat its not listed, removed cups restarted PC and still is showing [16:59] any ideas? [17:04] Zumo: How is the printer connected? [17:20] wifi [17:35] zumba_addict: If you turn it off, does it stay deleted? Where are you deleting it? Gnome Printer Management? CUPS? [18:02] i have a ubuntu mirror via debmirror, and every few weeks clients using it see errors like E: Failed to fetch http:///ubuntu/dists/jammy-updates/main/cnf/Commands-amd64.xz Hash Sum mismatch [18:03] i think whats happening is the mirror im pulling from is updating at the same time as i'm updating, so i end up with a mismatched InRelease/Release files, which has the hash for the url above [18:03] i've tried shifting what time i update by +/- 4 hours with no luck. How do I avoid this issue? [18:07] a few fixes, but no prevent for such event, xMopx [18:07] https://askubuntu.com/questions/1434130/hash-sum-mismatch-local-mirror [18:09] and a curl --silent "thought", https://github.com/rsslack/fix-apt-mirror-hash-sum-mismatch/blob/master/update-zips.sh === alkisg_irc is now known as alkisg [18:20] thanks oerheks, i like the look of that script. I was doing something like that but manually when i was debugging this [18:32] xMopx, i think there is also an IRC channel dedicated to ubuntu mirrors, perhaps other admins have hints 😉 [18:35] hello [18:35] I think I'd avoid that update-zips.sh script [18:35] hi boy [18:35] hi [18:36] xMopx: debmirror is just going to do that. rsync mirrors are far more reliable (though not perfect) [18:36] hello [18:36] help [18:36] how i use browser [18:37] hmm that sounds like a good idea too sarnold [18:37] not super happy with how debmirror spend like an hour grinding through parsing metadata lol [18:37] tell me [18:38] although, with rsync mirrors, i think it is not possible to omit distros/components? Since all the debs end up in the one `pool` dir... [18:38] boy: try running "firefox https://wiki.debian.org/GettingHelpOnIrc &" in a terminal [18:39] xMopx: pretty much :( [18:48] xMopx: if you have limited space maybe a proxy with cache (nginx for example) is enough? [18:49] set the cache size to the space you have and you should get almost the same result as with a complete mirror [18:50] i do that for steam. i dont have enough space to mirror steam :D [18:58] How to install mmc-utils on latest ubuntu ???? [18:58] that would probably work for my use case too. [18:59] cool. if you need help with the config let me know. but i think nginx + cache should give enough results [18:59] !info mmc-utils [18:59] mmc-utils (0+git20220624.d7b343fd-1ubuntu1, lunar): Userspace tools for MMC/SD devices. In component universe, is optional. Built by mmc-utils. Size 42 kB / 119 kB. (Only available for linux-any.) [18:59] enable universe [18:59] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mmc-utils [19:01] hello everyone. since today I cannot boot my ubuntu 23.04 any longer without setting nomodeset in grub2 before booting. I suspect something is wrong with the amdgpu driver, as this is the last syslog line I get before the boot process finally is stuck (prior to even being able to show the password dialog for the LUKS encryption): amdgpu 0000:0d:00.0: [drm:jpeg_v4_0_early_init [amdgpu]] JPEG decode is enabled in VM mode [19:01] the Xorg log file btw says "(EE) AMDGPU(0): [drm] Failed to open DRM device for pci:0000:0d:00.0: No such file or directory" before telling me that it unloaded the amdgpu module. It then goes on trying to load the ati_drv module, which doesn't seem to be compatible with my GPU. [19:02] Yesterday I installed an upgrade for the package "linux-firmware" which I somewhat suspect to be the culprit, honestly. however, I have no idea what to do now honestly and I'd be happy if someone could maybe point me into the right direction :) [19:02] oerheks, thanks [19:02] i had it installed but only source [19:02] how to build i t [19:02] What's the go to package for backlight brightness management? [19:02] sudo apt install gcc . gcc mmc.c -o mmc ?? [19:03] JJLOc: that looks about right [19:04] mmiller: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-firmware/+bug/2029396 this one maybe? [19:04] JJLOc: "sudo apt install gcc && gcc mmc.c -o mmc" [19:04] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2029396 in linux-firmware (Ubuntu) "20230323.gitbcdcfbcf-0ubuntu1.4 borks amdgpu" [Undecided, New] [19:04] JJLOc: what are you trying to do? [19:04] gordonnjcp, change cid on mmc card [19:04] @ravage: hah, I guess that's it. gpu matches :D [19:05] so downloading the old package and install it should solve it for now [19:05] JJLOc, and why do you not just use the binary package for this ? [19:05] mmiller: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-firmware/linux-firmware_20230323.gitbcdcfbcf-0ubuntu1.2_all.deb [19:05] ogra, where are they ? [19:05] I will try. basically just getting the right .deb and install via "dpkg -i"? [19:06] JJLOc, sudo apt install mmc-utils [19:06] mmiller: yep [19:06] ogra, not working [19:06] cool. I will give it a try soon and will report back. thanks! [19:06] enable universe? [19:06] JJLOc, thats not an error description 😉 ... [19:06] they are there [19:07] JJLOc, what did you try, what happened, what did you expect when you tried ? [19:07] mmiller: if that works please mark yourself as affected and maybe add a comment too [19:07] oerheks, can you share universe mirror link ? [19:08] sudo add-apt-repository universe [19:08] JJLOc, it should be in your sources.list already ... depending on how you installed your system it might be commented out, just edit the sources.list in this case and enable it [19:08] JJLOc: sudo add-apt-repository universe [19:08] or your guig [19:08] or do what the others said 😉 [19:08] =g [19:09] @ravage: sounds like a good idea, for sure :) [19:10] ogra, thanks i google that and add-apt-repository universe add it in source.list :) [19:10] great ... now just install it and be done 🙂 [19:12] mmc --help [19:12] yep it works thanks 10x [19:12] @ravage: it's fixed \o/ thanks for saving me so much time! [19:12] \o/ [19:13] you're my personal hero of the day :D [19:13] now I just need to create an account and +1 on the ticket :) === zerotwo is now known as LVSMBDHRLBDIK [20:13] hngh, I wonder if anyone else is having snap firefox killing cookies, local storages *every week* [20:14] no more: https://github.com/alexmyczko/autoexec.bat/blob/master/config.sys/ubuntu-remove-snap-firefox [20:14] tarzeau: yea so about to. :( [20:14] well i'm going a step further and replacing all our ubuntu 22.04 w/ debian 12 :) [20:15] on-the-fly [20:15] sounds even better. [20:15] I feel this is a plot to try to get last users of firefox to that google garbage [20:15] ... [20:16] spoiler, debian ships oooold FF [20:16] it is never anything else but the entire session/cookie storage gone then I need to relogin to these 2000 sites again. [20:16] there is a good ubuntu PPA for debs [20:17] I don't what's happening any more [20:17] maybe the cookies itself are limited in time [20:17] no, it clears *all* at once. [20:17] every single website where I've logged in. [20:18] Firefox 91 Introduces Enhanced Cookie Clearing [20:18] browser crashes, all gone :P [20:18] lolz [20:19] Strict Tracking Protection https://blog.mozilla.org/security/2021/08/10/firefox-91-introduces-enhanced-cookie-clearing/ [20:20] can't be that :( [20:20] it doesn't happen e.g. the windoze that I unfortunately need to use occasionally [20:21] see if it happens with the deb version [20:22] yea going to :( cookies + site data says all these sites are storing loads of data. [20:23] fortunately I've got yubikey for MFA :d using TOTP would make me totally insane [20:29] What's the go-to package for backlight brightness management? Using a monitor on a server install. [20:32] ayjay_t: https://pod.haxxors.com/posts/1131210 [20:32] brightnessctl, perhaps? [20:40] latest bitchx on latest ubuntu compile for anyone else? [20:40] i think its newer gcc versions [20:43] Is it possible to install Ubuntu server from a standard Ubuntu install USB? [20:44] that's a vague question, but "ubuntu-server" is a metapackage [20:44] n [20:45] not sure bitchx is SALS compatible [20:45] UndrWater: you install it from the ubuntu server iso [20:46] highrate, of no use with #libera https://libera.chat/guides/sasl [20:46] latest version 2014 🤣 [20:47] ravage: so that means no go with the graphical iso? [20:48] UndrWater, sure, but you loose cpu power to a desktop. [20:48] if you want so, use a lightweight one like xubuntu, standard is gnome [20:49] oerheks: just hoping there was a way to install server from the USB I already had running. I'll create a server USB. [20:50] No, after install you would need to remove the desktop metapackage.. easier to start over with server iso indeed [20:51] Ok. I was hoping for some kind of "secret handshake". Thanks! === ajfriesen847 is now known as ajfriesen84 [21:03] you can install stuff manually via debootstrap [21:03] but it's very inconvenient [21:16] cbreak: so...easier to use the server iso. it's writing now. appreciate the help folks. [21:16] indeed [21:16] UndrWater: do you know ventoy? [21:17] cbreak: sounds familiar, but not sure why [21:17] I've tried it a few times and it seems quite convenient [21:17] it's a boot usb software that allows you to boot from any iso or other image that you copy to it [21:17] no need to make a separate usb stick for each system [21:18] i see. looks useful. [21:18] I have a stick that can boot various kubuntu versions, stock ubuntu, server ubuntu, some other linuxes, and even windows. [21:18] (at least they claim it supports windows, I've not tried that) [21:18] i made something like that a few years ago. [21:18] but the images get outdated so quickly [21:20] ubuntu lts seems to stay relevant for some time, and some of the tool images (memtest, ...) as well. [21:21] but I mostly use it to not have to deal with etcher or what ever [21:24] basicly when grub is installed .. === phonemic9 is now known as phonemic [22:09] Hi, I somewhat pushed nano in a mode that I don't know, now it doesn't react on ctrl+ cmds like ^X [22:10] I can't quit it. [22:11] ctrl+D and ctrl+C don't do anything at all? [22:12] floogy: escape? [22:12] It shows: [ Zeile 33/66 (50%), Spalte 43/52 ( 82%), Zeichen 1049/1991 (52%) ] above the cmds on bottom. (de->en: Zeile:line, Spalte: column, Zeichen: char) [22:12] one of these ? https://www.nano-editor.org/dist/v2.1/nano.html#Feature-Toggles [22:12] are you sure it's nano? [22:12] No, ESC, CTRL+Z, CRTL+D or the like do nothing. [22:13] ctrl+G should show help info [22:13] floogy: if it's a one time deal you kan kill it from another terminal. === Aavar_ is now known as Aavar [22:13] I don't know the meta key [22:13] meta key? [22:14] oerheks, Meta-Z should do the trick [22:15] jax, none of the CTRL+ cmds are functional in this mode [22:16] and it shows nothing in the first row, and no commands at the bottom? [22:16] Aavar_, okay. I'll log into another ssh. [22:17] btw, from nano's help: Meta-key sequences are notated with 'M-' and can be entered [22:17] using either the Alt, Cmd, or Esc key, depending on your keyboard setup. [22:17] pressing F2 should quit nano as well [22:17] jax, thank you. I'll try esc then ... [22:19] nothing works, I'll ssh into another console and killall nano [22:19] GNU nano 6.2 [22:20] Puffer in config/config.php.save geschrieben (wrote buffer into ...) [22:22] Ah, I think it's more an issue of GNOME-Terminal, because thea terminal isn't functional. [22:31] Terminal>read only is set. I unselected that. Now it works. What's the short-key for that? It seems, I used CRTL+S. In a Terminal CRTL+Q or C seems to unfreeze it. I#m not sure though https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/12107/how-to-unfreeze-after-accidentally-pressing-ctrl-s-in-a-terminal === JanC_ is now known as JanC === root is now known as Guest8481 [22:59] hi === _enigma9o7_ is now known as enigma9o7 === jax is now known as pundragon [23:55] hi