=== lesbraz is now known as sbraz [07:06] Hello , I want to install ubuntu system with cloud-init , the question is that how can I disable system upgrade when I install ubuntu system [07:07] I find that I can not install some offline software , and the error is "Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages" [07:08] "Depends: gcc-10-base (=10.3.0-1ubuntu1-20.04) but 10.5.0-1ubuntu~20.04 is to be installed" [07:08] so can anybody help me, Thanks. [15:30] Hi guys has anyone managed to use cloud-init to deploy ubuntu to bare-metal and install install nvidia drivers without having to manually enroll the MOK? [15:31] disable secure boot in the UEFI first? ;-) [15:32] alistair60: let's take this to #ubuntu-server, mok enrollment shouldn't be needed in that case though [19:47] just tried to build cloud-init Main locally and it failed with an error in the test section, ERROR collecting tools/test_tools.py, showing a stack dump. It's an AssertionError for /usr/lib/python3.11/distutils/core.py [19:47] I'm out of my depth here trying to figure out the problem. c-i 23.2.2 builds and tests fine in the same environment. [19:48] minimal: odd...can you pastebin a log? [19:48] yeah, one sec [19:52] https://pastebin.com/raw/J2pViF2i [20:02] I see that integration tests need pytest<=7.3.1 (whereas I'm on 7.4.0) but I'm not running integration tests [20:21] looks like pytest 7.4.0 contains a fix for #11104 which was the integration-related problem hit [20:30] weird, looks like setuptools is broken, but I have no idea [20:31] I see there were some recent setuptools related changes in git main [20:32] let me try building from a slightly older version of git main [21:05] falcojr: so a version of git master from 2 weeks ago works fine (some of my own tests fail but that's unrelated) [21:10] minimal: I can reproduce it now. I'll figure it out [21:16] minimal: See if https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/4315 works for you [21:16] -ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 4315 in canonical/cloud-init "Fix test_tools.py collection" [Open] [21:46] ok, I'll try that, thanks === dalurka_ is now known as dalurka [23:12] falcojr: nope, that hasn't made any difference [23:13] minimal: what version of python? Using tox? If not, whats your pip freeze show? [23:14] Python 3.11.4 [23:16] python and pytest are coming from the distro packages [23:16] ahh, 3.11 does it for me [23:22] tox is 4.6.4 [23:23] though originally I'd forgotten to install distro packaged tox [23:25] minimal: try the PR now? [23:26] unfortunately, one of those I have no idea why this changed anything [23:27] it was happening on import of setuptools, so there's likely something in how pytest is running things or some setuptools state doing weird things [23:49] falcojr: that's it now, some failures (to be expected as I'm work on stuff)