
guiverc@Leokolb, not sure if you noticed but we're back to 5.19 on https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/jammy/daily-live/20230802/jammy-desktop-amd64.manifest  ... older casper too..   I've completed two QA installs with it & may not do third   ...   maybe issues beyond 'our part of the pond' is why.. 03:45
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> tks for heads up @guiverc (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <guiverc> @Leokolb, not sure if you noticed but we're back to 5.19 on https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/jammy/daily-live/20230802/jammy-desktop-amd64.manifest  ... older casper too..   I've completed two QA installs with it & may not do third   ...   maybe issues beyond 'our part of the pond' is why..)07:48
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> re 5.19 kernel ..@guiverc will wait for next daily before re-testing07:55
lubot[telegram] <guiverc> yep.   what I decided to do...07:56
guiverc(likely of no interest; the latest casper contains fix for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1990621 or PXE boot)...  alas casper changes are a 'trigger' to retest images (boot & install)07:59
-ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 1990621 in casper (Ubuntu Jammy) "[SRU] PXE Boot contains wrong suggested link to ISO for live file system" [Low, Fix Committed]07:59
* guiverc wonders if 6.2 kernel & that casper change are linked; though can't see how...08:00
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> Strange that the QA site still no mention of the .3 jammy @guiverc ???08:06
guiverci'm not fussed yet.  I wonder if the Release Team have a number of 'balls in the air' & are thus a little behind...  I always use 'daily' so as long as .3 appears when we reach RC (which ain't yet!) I'll be happy08:08
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> good (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <guiverc> i'm not fussed yet.  I wonder if the Release Team have a number of 'balls in the air' & are thus a little behind...  I always use 'daily' so as long as .3 appears when we reach RC (which ain't yet!) I'll be happy)08:10
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> also see that  Kubuntu daily 03.08.23 with 5.19 ..@guiverc 😕08:18
lubot[telegram] <guiverc> 😱  (had to switch to telegram as no idea what to type for any 'emoji' like that..)   I suspected as such, but I didn't look behind Lubuntu08:20
tsimonq2Quite a few uploads just hit Mantic.15:55
tsimonq2wxl: Backports> Yeah, I think only lxqt-build-tools made it so far, unfortunately. I'm making some more progress.16:09

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