=== rbmarliere_ is now known as marliere === marliere is now known as zaratustra === deepSleep is now known as Guest1212 [01:42] good morning === deepSleep is now known as Guest151 === JanC_ is now known as JanC === JanC_ is now known as JanC === JanC is now known as Guest8450 === JanC_ is now known as JanC [12:43] !info linux-generic-hwe-22.04 jammy [12:43] linux-generic-hwe-22.04 (, jammy): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Built by linux-meta-hwe-6.2. Size 2 kB / 21 kB. (Only available for amd64, armhf, arm64, powerpc, ppc64el, s390x.) [14:55] alright, I know it's probably too late, but does anyone want 1? https://photos.app.goo.gl/cEEoc5QxYZTWrjp89 [14:56] awesome! [14:56] Why too late? as the logo changed a bit? [14:57] yeah [14:57] sadly i live on the other side of the ocean [14:58] would I need to jump through hoops just to send an envelope? [14:59] these are the originals we (Ubuntu MA LoCo) made back in I think 2008/209'ish [14:59] 2009* [15:00] back before anyone else made them [15:00] Mark had one on his machine for a bit [15:00] i used to have those blobby patches on my laptop and desktop [15:01] I had one on my Dell mini 9 which I just sold on FB marketplace last week [15:01] (removed it before sending it out) [15:01] I think I still have a couple of those stickers as well [15:03] oh, Posting a letter is not that expensive, usa > nl, under $2 [15:04] happy to do it. How many you want? [15:04] Can you spare 4? [15:04] you saw the bundle, I got plenty to give out [15:05] 4 will be fine, 2 to give away [15:05] i'll pm you my address [15:06] yeah, looks like it'll only cost $1.45 [15:06] i was thinking 5-7 .. [15:07] sending a desktop without powersupply 8kg was $60, few years back [15:07] no priority [15:08] yeah, this is just a letter envelop though [15:08] I'll have some thin cardboard covering the badges [15:09] :-) [15:09] hm, looks like it might need a customs form [15:09] I'll hit up my father, he used to be a Postmaster [15:10] customs only when it has value ? [15:10] oh wait, hold on [15:11] "Mailing label (item 11FGG1)" [15:11] trying to find out if that's just the normal to: and from: or if it's something else like a waybill [15:12] ah, nevermind [15:12] Global Priority Mail (GPM) items, airmail letter-post items, and economy letter-post items" don't require anything [15:12] cool [15:16] I was wrong, we started the case badge project in 2007 [15:38] these badges from 2014 .. https://www.dropbox.com/s/kd07gatly526b9q/2015-Openstack-amsterdam.JPG?dl=0 [15:40] wrong picture? [15:40] indeed, it was 2015 [15:41] it also just shows Mark in front of a display [15:41] no badges or computers [15:41] yes, with his orange box [15:41] deskside cluster [15:41] there's no OB in the picture [15:41] I got to play with an OB :) [15:42] actually had to take it to my makerspace to repair it after it got damaged in shipping [15:42] just 10k back then.. [15:45] https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/t64v1bqsoq5jlej1m388h/mscb.jpg?rlkey=3oxdwgj502vo4yvv5vbnozdfw&dl=0 [18:01] "An administrator" already knows the proper way to accomplish this sort of thing [18:01] sorry, had to be said [18:02] why changing dns to download a file .. [18:03] he's a youngin just figuring things out. They're eventually stop creating packages/scripts for every tiny little task and learn to pick their battles [18:03] "My org uses DNS blocking services" [18:04] yeah, said org has poor security [18:04] if that's the only way they're "blocking" endpoints [18:04] Indeed, him.