
valoriefenris[m]: ^^^ - coordinate with Eickmeyer if possible00:24
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> i don't have permission 😏 : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/1625a630/Screenshot_from_2023_08_04_12_28_07.png04:28
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IrcsomeBot<myfenris> happened on edge but not firefox11:03
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> is this problem resolved? (re @IrcsomeBot: <santa_> - you access this samba share with kio, which would have an smb:// url)11:16
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> not working in dolphin but working in nautilus : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/957d989d/image_2023_08_04_19_18_18.png11:18
BluesKajHi all11:45
valoriehmmm, who set up the kubuntu-devel matrix room? and how to find out20:26
Eickmeyervalorie: We're going to have to hold-off on any plumbing for now. Per the global notice: The Matrix bridge is experiencing continued stability and privacy issues; we have requested it be shut down until they are resolved. Matrix have agreed to shut down the bridge no later than 1400UTC on Saturday. Feel free to ask further questions in22:50
valoriegot it22:51
Eickmeyervalorie: #kubuntu-devel:matrix.org doesn't exist, so nobody?22:51
valoriemaybe by then we'll figure out who owns the existing kubuntu-devel room22:52
Eickmeyer(only matrix.org rooms can be plumbed)22:52
valoriedid you see myfenris' image?22:52
Eickmeyerkde.org rooms cannot be plumbed unless Libera enables a bridge to do so.22:52
EickmeyerHe's using the portalled room. That won't work.22:53
EickmeyerPortalled rooms in Matrix are (in this case) #kubuntu-devel:libera.chat22:53
valorieok - there is #kde-ops in IRC22:53
valorieand Kenny there will know much more than me22:54
EickmeyerYeah, they are plumbed but I don't know how, that's their business.22:54
EickmeyerPretty sure it's a matrix.org room bridged to kde.org.22:54
EickmeyerOR... 22:54
EickmeyerMost likely it's the same room in kde.org set-up with alternate addresses.22:54
valorieok, maybe we don't need to worrry22:55
EickmeyerNot yet, at least, not until Libera reactivates the bridge after the outage staring at 1400 UTC Saturday (tomorrow).22:55
EickmeyerBut yeah, I'd just worry about the Kubuntu rooms for now, but not a huge priority as there's nothing to be done until the bridge comes back.22:56
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