[14:43] Saviq: asking in case you know of a trivial solution (or know it isn't worth investigating)... [14:43] When trying to port the Wine example to `base: core22` I get a message from the Wine part: [14:43] > Error installing snap 'wine-platform-7-stable-core20' from channel 'latest/stable'. [14:44] Need to migrate what? [14:47] Saviq: Doh! [15:25] Saviq: can you solve this too?... (full message at ) [15:27] So, makes no sense to you either? [15:28] It is [15:28] But it is running whatever's in sommelier-core.git [15:28] s/running/making/ [15:30] Not got that far, was hoping you'd recognise something right away [15:31] Thanks, I'll dig deeper [15:57] Not sure why there's no sudo, but editing it out of the Makefile fixes the build [16:39] Today:... (full message at )