
nariyelHello, is it possible to report a bug for a packgage in lunar/universe? 22:59
nariyelit seems not to be updated for a long time...23:00
tomreynnariyel: yes, you can always report bugs on anything ubuntu provides.23:23
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.23:23
nariyeltomreyn: how can I explain the bug?23:24
tomreynuse words23:25
tomreyni guess i'm not getting the question23:25
nariyeli don't know how to use ubuntu-bug command23:26
nariyelI need a way to send a text to explain the bug because it is not obvious23:27
nariyeldo I need to hoave a launchpad?23:27
nariyelor ubuntuOne?23:28
nariyelje vais changer vers deepin mdr23:35
nariyelthere are actually translations23:36
nariyeltomreyn: 🙏23:37
nariyelI am just learning :P23:45
ItzSwirlzubuntu-bug <package>23:46
tomreynnariyel: what ItzSwirlz + ubottu said. Also, please join #ubuntu for any support questions, including how to file bug report. Thanks!23:51

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