=== shokohsc5101 is now known as shokohsc510 === JanC_ is now known as JanC === shokohsc5104 is now known as shokohsc510 [13:46] hey paride! I filed https://salsa.debian.org/debian/isc-kea/-/merge_requests/33 to update kea to 2.2.1 before we start the (major) 2.4.0 packaging work [13:46] -ubottu:#ubuntu-server- Merge 33 in debian/isc-kea "Update to 2.2.1 (main branch)" [Opened] [13:46] Let me know if you'd expect this to be done differently (since I had to file 3 different MRs - one for each branch). [13:50] athos, hi, saw those, and yes it's a bit odd to have 3 MRs, but I don't really have a better idea, at least not with this repository structure === shokohsc5104 is now known as shokohsc510 [14:05] athos, there are another couple of low hanging fruit Debian bugs (translations) [14:06] athos, but I guess we can handle those in a separate upload [14:06] athos, unless you want to add them to 2.2.2-1. I already merged pristine-tar and upstream [14:06] athos, CI is still running on debian/unstable [14:09] yeah... AFAICT, the gbp structure does not favor external contributions... The only idea that comes to mind is extending gitlab to accept package update MRs (updating the 3 branches and pushing tags) [14:10] for tags, I found https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/26276. For MRs, I saw lots of discussions such as https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/11648, but they are not there yet I guess... [14:10] -ubottu:#ubuntu-server- Issue 26276 in gitlab-org/gitlab "Specify that a merge request should create a tag when merged" [Opened] [14:10] -ubottu:#ubuntu-server- Issue 11648 in gitlab-org/gitlab "Cascading merge requests into multiple branches" [Opened] [14:12] paride: I added acomment about those translations in the MR comments. I was reading about those in the debian policy, and AFAIU, we should submit them to the l10n list for review (https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/developers-reference/l10n.en.html#how-to-get-a-given-translation-reviewed) [14:13] mostly because I do not speak spanish/dutch/german ^^' [14:14] I guess andreas will be happy to know we got all these translations already :) [14:53] FYI: libvirt 7.5.0 just landed in Mantic. 7.0.0 was the previous version. [22:18] How can this installer be so poor https://i.imgur.com/cjSlqNp.png [22:18] I configured the nic manually during the install, on first boot the NIC has a different name