
oerheksi find this00:03
oerhekssudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/hp-led.conf 'options snd-hda-intel model=hp-led-gpio'00:03
tweakoerheks: thank you i will try it00:04
oerheksbut there are a few laptops more ..00:05
tweakoerheks: i have tried quite a few options for it x.x all i could find00:06
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sarnoldzeroadrenaline: please disable the autoaway :)00:33
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SquareWhy doesn't "mounts" get mounted before I access them after reboot? Ie steam wont list the partition in question before I actually click the volume in nautilus.01:25
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romvnlyhello is this irc chat02:00
guivercromvnly, this is a Ubuntu Support room; use #ubuntu-offtopic for 'chat', or #ubuntu-discuss for ubuntu related 'chat'02:01
guivercIf you ask a question, it'll be answered as people are able... be patient (and try to keep to single lines where possible, use pastebins for pastes of details)02:02
frank_after todays update - none of my machines - with various nvidia cards work anymore.02:11
guivercfrank_, you'll have to provide clues .. we don't know what product, what release of that product etc..02:12
frank_what do you mean by product02:12
guivercUbuntu Core? Ubuntu Server? Ubuntu Desktop, or Ubuntu flavor....02:13
guivercUbuntu MATE 22.04 LTS just shifted (if using a HWE kernel stack)  from 5.19 to 6.2;  I'll suggest rebooting & selecting the older 5.19 kernel first  (if you were using GA kernel stack you'll still be on 5.15 - default kernel stack is set by ISO used to install)02:14
frank_tried that - same thing.02:15
guivercmesa & other components upgraded (as part of 22.04.3)... sorry you'll have to wait for others with clues frank_02:18
frank_thanks for screwing up all my machines that just took 2 weeks to build -  now they are all broke.02:19
RandolfHelp!  I just ran some updates, and now Ubuntu 22.04 doesn't start the GUI -- I can login but it's only text mode.03:00
RandolfWhen I try to run startx, I get an error:  /etx/X11/xinit/xserverrc: 3: exec: /usr/bin/X: not found03:00
RandolfThen it gives up and reports that it couldn't connect to the X server.03:01
RandolfHow can I get back up-and-running?  Thanks in advance.03:01
RandolfDo I need to re-install gnome, or xorg-xserver, or something else?03:03
RandolfI found the solution:  sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop03:05
RandolfSome of my other applications are gone now.  I don't know why the Ubuntu updates removed the GUI and various other software I use, but I guess I'll be working at getting all of these things back now.03:06
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
toddcafter todays update I am finding the same issues as those above no desktop just a log in screen one has nvidia the others not same issue in virtualbox I will test more in a bit as I restore them04:07
mantis`hi all. I'm not getting signal to my monitors from my ubuntu box, running 22.04. Either I've got an issue with my card or my cabling. I'm pretty sure the monitors are fine.04:48
mantis`I've shelled into the box. What diagnostics can I read that will tell me if the card is borked or not04:49
toddcmantis`: try to boot to a older kernal--- reboot press esc then advanced options pick 5.16 kernal --the latest update upgraded to a 6. kernal05:56
vordlokeke hey06:36
bombastickdoes it happen that apt mirrors end up out of sync? Latest Firefox is v116, this is what I get on my closest mirror https://paste.debian.net/plain/128785406:59
bombastick(spoiler: v111)06:59
ogra$ snap info firefox|grep installed:07:05
ograinstalled:          115.0.2-1               (290😎 256MB -07:05
ogra(116 is pending for update here)07:06
ogra(the deb is at 1:1snap1-0ubuntu2 but not used anyway in ubuntu anymore)07:09
bombastickChanging mirrors solves the issue but I've never had this happen in 10 years of using Ubuntu, so I was curious07:10
bombastickogra: even in 20.04?07:10
bombastickI'll find out in a moment. Pulled like 1GB of updates. but the other mirrors around me suck, and I have a bad connection, that's why I was using that hand-picked one.07:13
ograbombastick, oh, focal, i missed that ... https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox  ... your mirror seems to be out of date or you are not having the security repo enabled ...07:13
bombastickHit:4 https://mirrors.nipa.cloud/ubuntu focal-security InRelease07:13
ogra116.0+build2-0ubuntu0.20.04.2 is wat you shoudl have07:13
bombastickyeah that's what I'm saying07:13
bombastickthe repo is out of date07:13
ograbombastick, there is #ubuntu-mirrors ... perhaps ask there07:14
bombastickok thanks07:15
=== spyspirit3 is now known as spyspirit
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chris64Is there a mechanism to update a snap app? I frequently get desktop notifications that I should close the app, although `snap refresh` does not show any update.08:13
chris64s/update/manually update/08:13
nteodosiochris64, if you get a notification, kill the corresponding running snap process, issue a 'snap refresh' and nothing happens (you can make sure no update was automatically done in the mean time with 'snap changes'), then something is broken in snapd as far as I can tell and you should file a bug with the details.08:16
chris64oh, ok, I'll try to gather more information. thank you08:17
nteodosioYou're welcome. Oh, and actually the problem could be on the desktop notification side and not snapd, but then the triagers will be able to redirect you.08:22
nteodosioGood information to include is 'snap info <snap-name>', that will tell whether there is actually an update available for that snap.08:23
chris64no idea how I missed snap info. turned out it updates just fine after killing it. I guess the update frequency is just high in general :-) I only got confused by the message that the update is available since 13 days or so. but I guess I misread that. Actual last update was 3 days ago08:46
=== zer0bitz_ is now known as zer0bitz
foxtrotSeems like the mantic desktop daily for ARM64 is landing at the GDM login prompt, is that intentional? i can'09:23
foxtrotcan't* find reference to any username/password combo to login09:24
foxtrotIn the early boot log I see it complaining that the "ubuntu" user doesn't exist09:24
nteodosioDId you try 'ubuntu' for user and password in spite of the log message, foxtrot?09:27
foxtrotI did, no dice09:27
foxtrotAlso tried ubuntu with no password, and ubuntu/live, some various combos of that kind etc09:27
foxtrotI'm downloading the image from 21-07-23 now to see if its changed since now ad then09:28
nteodosioIf that does not work then #ubuntu-release might like to hear about it.09:32
foxtrotNo luck either, this one fails to go from TTY to the GUI at all09:42
webchat65Hello, I have 1 ssd of 128gb and 1 hdd of 1TB in my laptop, I have windows 10 on the ssd, I have a 512gb ntfs partition on the hdd, I had left the rest as space free on the hdd. After installing ubuntu, in ubuntu, using ubuntu software, I installed updates, "Snap Store" update doesn't work and when I reboot I just get the prompt grub> that shows09:54
webchat65up. By going to the bios, in the boot override section, I chose Ubuntu and there grub displays the boot menu. there are 3 possibilities Windows boot manager, Ubuntu and Ubuntu again. The second possibility starts with the menu which is necessary for me to function correctly. How to permanently fix these 2 bugs?09:54
webchat65Description:    Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS09:55
effendy[m]Hello. I've been trying to test NXDOMAIN caching for systemd-resolved by setting Cache to 'yes' in /etc/systemd/resolved.conf. And it worked at some point: "invented.domain.rt IN ANY -- NXDOMAIN". But now when I try looking into the systemd-resolved for other NXDOMAIN (after sending DNS requests to made-up domains), there's no cache anymore and I don't understand why.10:28
effendy[m]I'm checking the DNS cache like this: "pkill -USR1 systemd-resolved | journalctl -lu systemd-resolved --no-page"10:28
effendy[m]Actually I'm not seeing any new cache entries, be it negative or not. I'm using Ubuntu 22.04.2 (server)10:29
webchat65Compared to my ssd + hdd boot problem in a laptop, I disabled fast boot in the bios and I kept only the boot entries that suit me.11:11
webchat65thanks for ubuntu !11:11
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BluesKajHi all11:45
=== alkisg_irc is now known as alkisg
Rechyhi all13:07
RechyI got a couple of questions:13:07
RechyHow can I make my external monitor spot wiggling the letters horizontally?13:07
RechyIt's a VGA connection if that helps, and the letters are dancing like in a line-dance13:07
Rechyat first I thought it was my eyes, but other people confirmed that  the letters are in fact shifting forth and back by rougly 1 pixel13:08
Rechytypo: "spot" was meant to be "stop"13:08
Rechyand "rougly" should be "roughly"13:09
tomreynRechy: vga connection, are you sure? this is reaaally old.13:19
tomreynRechy: more likely dvi (also old), hdmi or display link?13:19
Rechytomreyn, It's the blue thingy with the many tiny holes in it.13:20
Rechyand 2 screws to screw it in13:20
tomreynokay, that's vga indeed.13:21
leftyfbvga is still widely used regardless of how old it is13:21
tomreynis it also a tube monitor?13:21
Rechywould it make sense for me to put in the effort to try to get HDMI working?13:21
Rechynot a tube13:22
Rechyit's flat... what kind of flat, I don't know, probably LCD ?13:22
ravagethen try HDMI or DVI13:22
ravageif your computer has such a connector13:22
RechyI have HDMI buuut I couldn't make it work13:22
Rechyit took me a long time to get VGA working, as my laptop's screen it broken13:23
Rechyand I finally made it work so I get the screen mirrored13:23
tomreynthere's a good chance the characters dancing is related to vga and would not happen with hdmi. but no guarantee.13:26
Rechywell, in that case I will put in the effort to make HDMI work13:27
Rechythank you!13:27
Rechyan other question, please:  I failed to make Apache execute Python13:28
Rechycan I stay or should I take this to #httpd or #python ?13:28
ravagei think most guide these days would use nginx for that combination13:28
ravageand it depends on how your python project is designed13:29
RechyI like Nginx but I love Apache more.  Can I keep using it?13:29
leftyfbyou can use apache just fine13:30
RechyIn regard to the project:  Simple, plain *py  standalones and also Flask and Django13:30
Rechythank you ravage, this is the very same tutorial I followed before coming here13:31
Rechythen I asked ChatGPT about a line which I failed to understand13:31
Rechyand then ChatGPT told me a different (better) way13:31
leftyfbRechy: feel free to continue that support in #httpd13:32
RechyI got stuck at this line in the tutorial:13:32
Rechyok sorry I go over there13:32
ograit could as well simply be that the broken screen of your laptop is causing something electrical that makes the graphics card misbehave ...13:32
RechyThank you for that idea, ogra13:33
Rechyalso thank you to ravage and tomreyn for the support!13:33
ograbut moving to HDMI will at least exclude any analog/shielding issues being a fully digital connection13:33
RechyVGA is no digital?!13:33
Rechythat's wild!13:33
ograits an analog connection, yeah (it transmits digital signals indeed)13:34
Rechythank you for bringing that up, I will definitely look into that13:37
tomreynalso consider replacing your lcd panel. you can do it yourself, or have it done.13:38
Rechytomreyn, Thank you, I will google changing LCD panels up13:41
leftyfbI think more troubleshooting is in order before spending the resources to replace an LCD panel13:42
leftyfbRechy: a good way to test if this is software or hardware would be to go into the BIOS of your machine. If the problem still happens, the problem is a hardware issue13:43
Rechyleftyfb, thank you, I will check that as soon as I reboot13:47
RechyAt the moment, I am still in #httpd13:47
Rechyby the way, #httpd was not the right channel13:48
Rechythey support apache but not any modules13:48
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anddamhowdy, I am looking at a binary library listed available for "Ubuntu 20.04"14:09
anddamyet running ldd on it on a 20.04 system yields https://termbin.com/ok5x14:10
anddamnow I see the libc6 packages in 20.04 is 2.31, but I do not get the relationship between the `GLIBCXX_3.4.29' requested and the libstdc++6 that at https://packages.ubuntu.com/focal/libstdc++6 is listed as version 10.5.014:11
anddamanyway that library is not for Ubuntu 20.04, since it's linking newer library versions than those in official repo, right?14:12
lotuspsychjeanddam: can you also elaborate your whole story, what are you trying to make/fix or install and can you pastebin the whole output of what apt suggests?14:14
anddamwhat has apt to do with what I said?14:15
anddamliterally I got this lib https://github.com/orthanc-server/orthanc-explorer-214:15
anddamthe README says "Binaries are available: […] for […] Ubuntu 20.04"14:16
leftyfbanddam: you'll need to contact the maintainer of that library for support with that library. Especially since you're finding information that conflicts with their documentation.14:17
anddamsince I am on Ubuntu 20.04 and see version mismatch I am asking for confirmation "yes you are right that library is not meant for Ubuntu 20.04 since using only libs in official repo you won't be able to satisfy the library requirements"14:17
anddamleftyfb: that's what I want to do, armed with the aforementioned confirmation14:17
anddamI am not asking "hey fix me this", I am asking "I am seeing this and reading `suchandsuch` statement, am I right saying `suchandsuch` is actually false?"14:18
ograanddam, wll, fle an issue on their issue tracker ... we cant relly help with someone compiling binaries against the wrong libc14:18
ogra(or build it from source yourself)14:19
anddamok, but again I am not asking for help. To rephrase: is a package linking libc6 2.34 —opposed to 20.04's 2.31— "meant for Ubuntu 20.04"?14:19
anddamI will build it14:20
* ravage thinks ogra has to pay his internet bill by bytes and leaves out letters on purpose14:20
ograunlikely to be "meant for 20.04"14:21
* ogra grins at ravage 14:21
ograi really need a new laptop ... this kbd is slowly giving up14:21
anddamravage: can you imagine the $vng?14:21
ravageit incrdbl14:21
anddamogra: time to plug a beautifyl mech to that14:22
ogralol, well, then i could sit on my desktop instead ... i really dont want to clutter my sofa with additional kbds 🙂14:22
anddamI just keep the appropriate number of keyboards on the sofa14:36
anddamand cats14:36
ograyeah, definitely cats14:36
anddamI have the appropriate number of those as well14:44
ograi only have one left ... but he keeps me busy like three ...14:44
al_ciao a tutti!15:11
lotuspsychje!it | al_15:17
ubottual_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi «/join #ubuntu-it» senza virgolette)15:17
=== BlackDog24 is now known as SketchyButcher
=== SketchyButcher is now known as BlackDog24
NiclosHello All17:06
NiclosI was running this command "make clean "its output is "segmentation fault"17:35
tomreyni was running this command "makemehappy" its output is "command not found"17:38
effendy[m]The correct command is "makemehorny".17:39
tomreynNiclos: my point there: unless you run into issues with ubuntu packages, or get around to describe at least the very essential details of what you are trying to do and how you approached it, and what you got instead, with the full output, it's less likely that we can help.17:39
tomreyn(start with ubuntu version, any tutorials you followed, what you did so far, why you are doing this, etc.)17:41
NiclosHello tomreyn: I was configure and build  gcc, autoconf, and make from source code successfully, but when I do cleaning the environment  and then run the command  'make clean' to clean the build. ubuntu 22.04LTS17:49
tomreynNiclos: why don't you just use the build-essentials ubuntu provides?17:51
tomreynnewer versions may be available in a PPA provided by https://pad.lv/~ubuntu-toolchain-r17:54
Niclostomreyn: default version is not compatible for the project,17:54
tomreyn22.04 offers gcc-10 in addition to -1217:56
tomreynalso -11 and -1317:57
Niclostomreyn: the project requires the old version of gcc, make, autoconf, glibc.17:58
tomreynwhich is "the old version"?17:58
tomreynif you need something really old you'll probably be better off using a seaparate build environment ((s)chroot), i.e. an older ubuntu installation providing the version you need.18:01
Niclosgcc-2.17, make-3.82, autoconf-2.69, glibc-2.17.18:01
tomreynwoah, that's reaaally old indeed18:01
Niclosyes, I'm using a build environment.18:01
tomreyndo you run a museum?18:02
Niclostomreyn: configure:5365: result: autoconf18:14
Niclosconfigure:5380: checking whether autoconf works18:14
Niclosconfigure:5391: result: no18:14
Niclosconfigure:5400: error:18:14
Niclos*** These critical programs are missing or too old: make18:14
Niclos*** Check the INSTALL file for required versions.18:14
leftyfbNiclos: you've been at this since April. You and your team refuse to listen to reason and port your code to something modern and supported. You also refuse to take any advice given here to try older ubuntu releases with the older python to support your code. Please stop wasting our time and either fix your code or use outdated and unsupported OS's to support your code and ride that until you have no choice but to fix your code.18:18
Niclosleftyfb, I listen the advice given here, what the team decides is first the project should be up and running as soon as the upgrade we are taking place at the same time.18:24
leftyfbNiclos: good luck18:25
leftyfbNiclos: let us know when you need help with supported releases of python and ubuntu18:25
Niclosleftyfb: thank you. I already fix the Python issue I just need help for Glibc.18:28
leftyfbNiclos: same support applies18:28
=== alkisg_irc is now known as alkisg
yes-ubuntuHello! What am I doing wrong in the next bash script? for f in *.mp3; do fn=$(printf "'%q'" "$f"); sudo cp $f /media/ftp/$fn; done18:49
yes-ubuntuI get --> cp: invalid option -- '\'18:49
rfmyes-ubuntu, at a guess you need double quotes around the $f in the cp command (like in the printf)18:51
rfmyes-ubuntu, and probably around the other arg to cp too.18:52
yes-ubunturfm: I tried for f in *.mp3; do fn=$(printf "'%q'" "$f"); sudo cp "$f" /media/ftp/$fn; done     and still get the same --> cp: invalid option -- '\'18:52
rock_drogonHello everyone!18:53
rock_drogonI am happy to be here.18:54
leftyfbyes-ubuntu: put #!/bin/bash -x    at the top of your script to get an idea of where it's failing18:55
yes-ubunturfm: I tried, no luck so far. The file names are long and have spaces and other characters in them that maybe do not go well with cp over ftp ? I tried to escape all the characters by printf using single quotes at the beginning and end, no luck :(18:55
yes-ubuntuleftyfb: I am running this directly from the terminal :)18:55
yes-ubuntuleftyfb: why?18:56
leftyfb"to get an idea of where it's failing"18:56
leftyfbyes-ubuntu: also https://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/handling-filenames-with-spaces-in-bash.html18:56
leftyfbbut I would suggest maybe learning your current issue first before moving onto the answer18:56
`nilsyes-ubuntu, try also: rsync -av *.mp3 /media/ftp/18:57
leftyfbspaces in the name will still cause the issue18:58
`nilsthey won't18:58
leftyfb`nils: yeah, you were right. Good ol rsync19:01
yes-ubuntu`nils: I tried and get this for each mp3 file --> failed: Operation not supported (95)19:02
yes-ubuntu`nils: and I ran sudo rsync ...19:02
leftyfbyes-ubuntu: permissions19:03
yes-ubuntuinterestingly, if I only run sudo cp file_name_with_spaces_etc.mp3 /media/ftp/file.mp3 all workd fine, however, if I have sudo cp file_name_with_spaces_etc.mp3 /media/ftp/file_with-escaped_characters.mp3 or sudo cp file_name_with_spaces_etc.mp3 /media/ftp/"file_with-escaped_characters.mp3" it does no longer work19:04
rfmyes-ubuntu, try   sudo cp -- "$f" "/media/ftp/$fn"19:05
rfmyes-ubuntu, finally, "set -x" before running the command, this is the way to trace commands in the terminal.19:06
`nilsyes-ubuntu, you can also try, which helps if it's a mounted fat filesystem: rsync -av --no-times --no-perms --size-only *.mp3 /media/ftp/19:06
yes-ubunturfm: sudo cp "long filename,mp3" "/media/ftp/long\ filename.mp3" <---- does not worn :(19:06
leftyfbyes-ubuntu: what exactly are you trying to accomplish?19:07
leftyfbyes-ubuntu: why can't you just: sudo rsync -av *.mp3 /media/ftp/19:08
yes-ubuntuleftyfb: copy some mp3 files from my pc to android over wifi / ftp19:08
leftyfbsudo rsync -av *.mp3 /media/ftp/19:08
yes-ubuntuleftyfb: I tried rsync and for each mp3 file I get --> failed: Operation not supported (95)19:09
leftyfbyes-ubuntu: ok, i'm pretty sure it's telling you you can't set some attribute on the file due to the end filesystem, but the file copies just fine19:09
leftyfbyes-ubuntu: sudo rsync -rlhtzv *.mp3 /media/ftp/19:10
yes-ubuntuleftyfb: if I only do for one file like so: sudo cp /path/to/file with special characters.mp3 /media/ftp/simple_file_name.mp3  <--- this works19:11
leftyfbyes-ubuntu: ok, so is your end goal to "copy some mp3 files from my pc to android over wifi / ftp" or do you really want to "copy some mp3 files from my pc to android over wifi / ftp using cp"?19:12
leftyfbyes-ubuntu: sudo rsync -rlhtzv *.mp3 /media/ftp/19:13
yes-ubuntuleftyfb: I just tried your suggestion sudo rsync -rlhtzv *.mp3 /media/ftp/   <--- it gives failed: Operation not supported (95) :(19:14
yes-ubuntu(failed: Operation not supported (95) for each mp3 file)19:14
leftyfbyes-ubuntu: are some of your "files" actually symlinks?19:15
leftyfbyes-ubuntu: sudo rsync -rLhzv *.mp3 /media/ftp/19:18
yes-ubuntuleftyfb: no, they are usual files; I have just tried to rename one file to only contain just one space (ex: 'music metallica.mp3') and tried to copy like so: sudo cp /path-to-file/music\ metallica.mp3 /media/ftp  <-- will give cp: cannot create regular file '/media/ftp/music metallica.mp3': No such file or directory ..... if I instead do sudo cp19:19
yes-ubuntu/path-to-file/music\ metallica.mp3 /media/ftp/file.mp3 (renaming while copying) it works fine19:19
leftyfbyes-ubuntu: ok, good luck19:19
yes-ubuntuleftyfb: sudo rsync -rLhzv 'music metallica.mp3' /media/ftp/ ---> rsync: [receiver] mkstemp "/media/ftp/.music\ metallica.mp3.m1P523" failed: Operation not supported (95)19:22
yes-ubuntuleftyfb: thank you19:22
leftyfbyes-ubuntu: again, it's probably still copying the file, just failing to set some attribute which your mounted filesystem doesn't support. Mission accomplished19:24
yes-ubuntuleftyfb: how can you explain that copying to a simple filename (without space etc) works? there is no need to set any attribute there?19:25
leftyfbyes-ubuntu: file creation time, file modification time, owner, group, executable bit19:26
leftyfbfor instance, NTFS/FAT do not support the last 3, not in the way linux does it anyway19:27
leftyfbso it'll fail trying to set those after copying, which rsync attempts to do. You can play around with rsync options to discover which one is causing the issue19:27
leftyfbor just copy the files, ignore the benign error and call it a day19:28
yes-ubuntuleftyfb: sure, thank you for your time and help and for everyone else too!19:30
yes-ubuntudoes it help if I say I used curlftpfs to mount the filesystem to a folder?19:34
leftyfbyes-ubuntu: why not just use https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/1319/gsconnect/ ?19:36
leftyfbor something like dropbox19:36
akikhi, can somebody explains why this apt-get dist-upgrade fails and it doesn't pull libegl-mesa0 automatically? https://paste.linux.chat/?e32563b225a5a980#7TyPEJ5YcVpS1XBvYxpRPtiKjdCThzA4d2sQaTDrL4GF19:38
leftyfbakik: what release of ubuntu is this?19:39
akikleftyfb: 22.04.219:39
leftyfbakik: try: sudo apt full-upgrade19:40
akikleftyfb: same error from that19:40
tomreynapt list libegl-mesa019:42
akikleftyfb: this is a container. i can try re-creating it and see if the error comes up again19:42
leftyfbakik: docker?19:42
tomreyndid you run   sudo apt update    first of all?19:43
akiktomreyn: https://paste.linux.chat/?83807e1f806b5bc6#CHYn3C2QoLtQ2fHhp5WvXMiBWdRVUM9Sd68Z7jM2vb2A19:43
akiktomreyn: yes always19:43
akikleftyfb: yes docker container with systemd19:43
yes-ubuntuleftyfb: thank you for the suggestion. I reverted to the simplest solution... via usb cable...19:44
tomreynakik: hmm, no idea then. i'd like to blame the docker container.19:48
akiktomreyn: i'll re-create it19:48
tomreynakik: running the apt commands with -V and comparing version numbers to https://packages.ubuntu.com may help you identify the root cause (if you intend to), as may    apt list ~o19:55
akiktomreyn: but my original question was why didn't apt-get pull libegl-mesa0`and i had to tell it "install it too"19:58
akiktomreyn: and then the error went away19:58
tomreynakik: it must have been held then really19:59
akikohh... i rebuild the image and got 22.04.320:00
akikand apt-get dist-upgrade works now20:00
tomreynthat's nice.20:01
akikwas it just released?20:02
=== copec_ is now known as copec
akik" Marius Nestorby Marius NestorAugust 3, 20234 Comments20:03
akikUbuntu Linux Kernel 6.220:03
akikA week before the planned Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS point release for the long-term supported Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish) series, Canonical updated the kernel packages from Linux 5.19 to Linux 6.2."20:03
akiksorry about the bad paste20:03
akiki used "FROM ubuntu:22.04"20:06
tomreyna fully updated 22.04 would currently state to be 22.04.3 because the package indicating the version number has been updated in preparation of the upcoming release.20:07
akik22.04.3 is supposed to be released on august 1020:09
=== seer__ is now known as morgan-u
=== A_Dragon is now known as A_Noodle
=== morgan-u is now known as dAAl
=== dAAl is now known as morgan-u
=== phonemic5 is now known as phonemic
VidLauncherHave a New Website Or YouTube Channel? Let Us BLOW you up with our one-of-a-kind new ALGORITHM TRICK for only $39.95 https://vidlauncher.com21:04
jeremy31VidLauncher: no spam here21:05
=== A_Noodle is now known as A_Dragon
=== frank_ is now known as toney
toneyAfter yesterdays update - i caan no longer use proprietary nvidia drivers - how can i fix this ??22:37
natewrenchhey what does ubuntu do when I select the safe graphics option at install, my laptop seems to not like nouveau and after I select ubuntu it just gives me a black sreen (screen is off)22:47
=== Liowenex is now known as Birthday_Liowene
=== Birthday_Liowene is now known as Birfday_Liowenex
natewrenchJust add nomodeset to your kernel parameters. I found the fix22:54
=== jean-loups is now known as white-wolf
tomreynnatewrench: you can press 'e' on the grub menu, to see which options are being passed on the kernel command line23:17
jhutchins !nvidia23:25
ubottuDrivers for Nvidia graphics cards: (A) No gaming/CAD/CUDA needed or legacy hardware? Use "nouveau" (open source, lacks many features). (B) Otherwise, "nvidia" (proprietary driver, fully featured). Install using "ubuntu-drivers" CLI or apt - not from nvidia.com. Driver series, hardware support (release notes): https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/drivers/unix/ - Latest drivers !PPA: https://pad.lv/ppa/graphics-drivers23:25
natewrenchhad to append nomodeset to grub boot23:48
natewrenchnvidia wouldnt work it has intel23:48

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