[04:22] yo [04:23] lmao [04:23] fr fr [04:23] i like men [04:32] Should i enable all repos or just a spacific one? (re @profmissmani: Install synaptic. See if all repositories are enabled ....search "linux" ...then locate the packages and installl. Should be possible with Discover too) [05:23] i updated my system but now new kernel here [05:30] any help here? [05:57] Updating is not sufficient. Type this in konsole sudo apt-get install linux-image-6.2.0-1009-lowlatency linux-modules-6.2.0-1009-lowlatency linux-image-6.2.0-26-generic linux-modules-6.2.0-26-generic (re @Omar: i updated my system but now new kernel here) [05:58] main universe multiverse (re @Omar: Should i enable all repos or just a spacific one?) [06:18] Ok [06:18] That's all? (re @profmissmani: Updating is not sufficient. Type this in konsole sudo apt-get install linux-image-6.2.0-1009-lowlatency linux-modules-6.2.0-1009-lowlatency linux-image-6.2.0-26-generic linux-modules-6.2.0-26-generic) [06:19] Will i get the point updates for this kernel? [06:19] By sudo apt update? [06:20] sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade will keep your system up to date [06:21] or you can use the gui [06:23] ok [06:23] how can i add this if i dont have it (re @profmissmani: main universe multiverse) [06:24] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto [06:26] synaptic --> settings --> repos.. [06:26] ok thank u so much [08:14] /P3M [08:14] /P3MF [08:32] Kubuntu (wayland) neofetch shows default Ubuntu fetch instead of traditional Kubuntu's one. Any configs to show Kubuntu's fetch instead? [08:37] el3zizi, neofetch --ascii_distro Kubuntu [08:38] but previously typing neofetch would show kubuntu (re @IrcsomeBot: el3zizi, neofetch --ascii_distro Kubuntu) [08:51] el3zizi, check these two files if they both say Kubuntu/etc/os-release /usr/lib/os-release [11:28] Hi all === berg is now known as Guest6765 === Guest6765 is now known as Tyrone [13:58] PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu Mantic Minotaur (development branch)" [13:58] NAME="Ubuntu" [13:58] VERSION_ID="23.10" [13:58] VERSION="23.10 (Mantic Minotaur)" [13:58] VERSION_CODENAME=mantic [13:58] ID=ubuntu [13:59] el3zizi: if you had a support question, you can ask it shortly when Drone unmutes you [14:00] ubuntu support would be in #ubuntu (on the irc.libera.chat IRC network), though [14:00] It's kubuntu (re @IrcsomeBot: ubuntu support would be in #ubuntu (on the irc.libera.chat IRC network), though) [14:01] #ubuntu-next for development releases like yours === user|38 is now known as AndrewR [14:33] I am having trouble with shutdown.  The computer seems to ignore the command sudo shutdown -P 00:00 I wake up after midnight to go the toilet, but my music is still playing, when shutdown (a root command) should override the music player (a user command).  What is going wrong ? [14:37] AndrewR, try: systemclt poweroff [14:37] no root === TomTom_ is now known as TomTom [14:52] interesting, poweroff seem [14:52] interesting, poweroff does not have a timer [14:54] it's not a problem to make a timer. === Tyrone is now known as berg [17:25] Hi all [17:25] Is there a way to copy files from my win10 partition? [17:28] Omar, any problems with that? [17:32] I think a cant access all of my win10 partition just one [17:32] C partition i think [17:32] I wanna copy things and then delet them [17:37] Omar, why can't you access others? [18:04] i dont know they dont even show in dolphin [18:04] probably encryption, bitlocker? [18:05] install dislocker,... https://www.ceos3c.com/linux/open-bitlocker-drive-linux/ [18:05] no [18:06] oh, then i have no clue. [18:08] Ok (re @IrcsomeBot: install dislocker,... https://www.ceos3c.com/linux/open-bitlocker-drive-linux/) [18:08] Thanks [18:21] Seems like i can access them when i boot into fedora