
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
=== shokohsc5101 is now known as shokohsc510
ograznf, device naming is handled by the kernel or UEFI/BIOS firmware, this appears to be not an installer bug but a kernel (or systemd) bug ... https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/PredictableNetworkInterfaceNames10:15
znfogra, well, I could say it's both12:56
znfI'm usually using the HWE kernel(s) as I have to handle 100gbit on a regular basis 12:58
znfso I booted the installer with the HWE kernel option12:58
znfbut the newly installed OS has the 6.2.x kernel branch 12:58
=== justache is now known as reddit-boat
=== reddit-boat is now known as justache
=== effendy[m] is now known as effendy
SuperLagI know with VMs, you've got snapshots that you can revert to if you want to undo changes. Is there anything like that for bare metal installs?21:10
JanCeither LVM snapshots or filesystem-based snapshots (with e.g. ZFS or btrfs)21:26
=== adendrag3320998 is now known as adendrag332099

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