=== chris14_ is now known as chris14 === shokohsc5101 is now known as shokohsc510 [10:15] znf, device naming is handled by the kernel or UEFI/BIOS firmware, this appears to be not an installer bug but a kernel (or systemd) bug ... https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/PredictableNetworkInterfaceNames [12:56] ogra, well, I could say it's both [12:58] I'm usually using the HWE kernel(s) as I have to handle 100gbit on a regular basis [12:58] so I booted the installer with the HWE kernel option [12:58] but the newly installed OS has the 6.2.x kernel branch === justache is now known as reddit-boat === reddit-boat is now known as justache === effendy[m] is now known as effendy [21:10] I know with VMs, you've got snapshots that you can revert to if you want to undo changes. Is there anything like that for bare metal installs? [21:22] snapshots [21:26] either LVM snapshots or filesystem-based snapshots (with e.g. ZFS or btrfs) === adendrag3320998 is now known as adendrag332099