=== black1 is now known as scottpedia | ||
cores | i'm running ubnutu 20.04 and the software update tool is saying "core22" is available. this isn't going to update my whole system to Ubuntu 22.04, right? | 00:57 |
Menzador | Also, for NVIDIA drivers in the main distro, you can use Jockey (Additional Drivers) | 01:39 |
tripstah | hi! i wonder why doesn't ubuntu detect my motherboard's soundchip. i normally use a dac. it shoes dac and hdmi/displayport there on settings/sound. | 01:48 |
rbox | what does 'aplay -l' say | 01:48 |
tripstah | rbox: https://pastebin.com/Gt2ckvJk | 01:50 |
rbox | i would assume card 1 is an onboard audio | 01:50 |
tripstah | can't use paste.ubuntu, have an account but no password here. | 01:50 |
tripstah | rbox: yes, seems so. how to enable it? | 01:51 |
rbox | its tehre... its enabled | 01:51 |
tripstah | rbox: but i can't choose to use it from settings/sound. | 01:52 |
rbox | weird | 01:52 |
tripstah | it's a new computer, have used it for a few months, didn't try to use the onboard chip before. | 01:53 |
bonachi | ? | 01:58 |
=== shokohsc5101 is now known as shokohsc510 | ||
nshire_ | how do I get my ubuntu install to stop installing firefox? | 03:31 |
nshire_ | its a desktop install but i really only use it as a fileserver | 03:32 |
rbox | "stop installing"? | 03:32 |
mybalzitch | sudo snap remove firefox | 03:35 |
mybalzitch | ? | 03:35 |
nshire_ | right I did that my | 03:39 |
nshire_ | the problem is when I sudo apt update && upgrade it reinstalls it | 03:39 |
nshire_ | The following NEW packages will be installed: | 03:39 |
nshire_ | firefox | 03:39 |
=== nshire_ is now known as nshire | ||
rbox | what is the full output | 03:40 |
rbox | what version of ubuntu is this | 03:40 |
nshire | 22.04 lts | 03:42 |
nshire | rhttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/JcQw93w2XH/ | 03:43 |
nshire | rbox, | 03:43 |
rbox | that looks cut off... | 03:44 |
nshire | didn't think you needed to see the 200 other package names that needed to be updated... | 03:50 |
nshire | here's the end of it though https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/dTsmfzSKMT/ | 03:50 |
rbox | well i'd say get it into a good state, since they're some held back packages and what not | 03:51 |
rbox | then see if its still trying to reinstall it | 03:51 |
toddc | nshire: sudo snap remove firefox | 05:01 |
nshire | that's what I did already | 05:01 |
nshire | but it tries to reinstall with every apt upgrade | 05:01 |
toddc | testing | 05:03 |
lotuspsychje | upgrade to jammy its got an auto deb to snap transition | 05:03 |
toddc | nshire: I tested a updated 22.04.3 Gnome and removed the firefox snap updated again and rebooted and re-updated both gui and update uprade and dist-upgrade firefox did not return rebooted again | 05:22 |
nshirelaptop | I wonder if it has to do with livepatch> | 05:22 |
nshirelaptop | its enabled on this machine | 05:23 |
toddc | should not you did remove the snap verion correct not a deb version? | 05:23 |
toddc | livepatch should ne t matter I can test it later --at work atm | 05:25 |
toddc | not | 05:26 |
nshirelaptop | it said "selecting previously unselected(snap or package, forgot), firefox | 05:31 |
nshirelaptop | when upgrading | 05:31 |
PunchingPaw | I can't change brightness of an external monitor.I installed ddcci-dkms and loaded its modules i.e. ddcci and ddcci-backlight with a systemd service but to no avail -- lsmod | grep ddcc gives both ddcci and ddcci-backlight but I can't see birghtness slider on the power manager.How can I make ddcci-dkms work? | 08:10 |
vordlo | I'm figuring out how to decrease brightness in Ubuntu 20.04 as there's no brightness option in the settings. I cannot access the feature even by using my Keyboard brightness adjust key | 08:13 |
PunchingPaw | I can't either with "xdotool key XF86MonBrightnessDown". | 08:16 |
rainer | i | 08:30 |
hid3 | Greetings. Is there any way to set (system-wide) a custom $TMOUT value for shell, being inistially spawned by `screen`? I've set TMOUT in /etc/bash.bashrc and made the variable read-only | 09:25 |
elias_a | Is there a way to check the current charge current in Ubuntu? | 09:52 |
elias_a | I know ways of showing the charging status and charge but I need the current in amperes. | 09:54 |
shamelessshill | Hello folks, need some help with networking (Ubuntu server 22.04, hosted on Virtualbox) - https://paste.rs/XnIxs.txt is my netplan config right now. | 10:54 |
shamelessshill | If I remove the addresses and routes from enp0s8, I can connect to the internet from within the VM. | 10:54 |
shamelessshill | If I remove it though, I cannot access the VM via ssh from the host VM (which I need to do) since I don' have any configured addresses for that adapter. | 10:55 |
shamelessshill | Help? | 10:55 |
alkisg | shamelessshill: why do you need two adapters there? | 11:01 |
shamelessshill | alkisg: the first (03) is the NAT and the second 08 is the host-adapter | 11:02 |
shamelessshill | I'm installing Ubuntu server, and I wish to ssh into it from my host vm ... and also be able to access the internet from within the vm. | 11:02 |
alkisg | shamelessshill: and why do you want both of them? What's the purpose? E.g. you can have "only NAT" or "only bridged" | 11:02 |
alkisg | In bridged mode, you'll have access to all the VM ports. In NAT mode, you'd need to do port forwarfding. | 11:03 |
shamelessshill | So for my given scenario (sshing into the server, and accessing the internet from there), would only NAT or bridged work? | 11:03 |
alkisg | Yes, either (only NAT with port forward on 22) or (only bridged) would work. Bridged being the easiest. | 11:04 |
yes-ubuntu | Hey All! :) I am back with my weird issue of copying files from one pc to another this time, with cp over ftp over wifi; I only wanted to see if there is any difference between me trying to copy to an android device or copying between two PCs :) So, I have two PCs, both with Ubuntu (slightly different versions); I have same users on both PCs, and I | 11:05 |
yes-ubuntu | have vsftpd on the target PC. Now, I have done curlftpfs user:password@IP_ADDRESS /media/ftp (and I have modified the ftp folder in /media to be owned by the user I am trying to copy from). Previously, when I tried to copy from PC to android, I had issue with files containing a space in the name. I hoped this won't be the case between two PCs, | 11:05 |
yes-ubuntu | however, it still is! :( | 11:05 |
shamelessshill | alkisg: let me have a go with port forwarding and see... thanks! | 11:06 |
alkisg | shamelessshill: in that scenario, you'd run `ssh -P1234 localhost`, and you'd port-forward the local port 1234 to the VM port 22 | 11:07 |
alkisg | *small p | 11:07 |
shamelessshill | alkisg: Just one question ... so I only see addresses like for my VM - is that fine? (sorry, completely a newb for networking). | 11:11 |
alkisg | shamelessshill: yes it's fine. NAT means it's in an "internal hidden network", like behind a second router, but it can still access the internet properly | 11:11 |
=== ionut_ is now known as BlueChaos | ||
shamelessshill | Okay, so in the settings for the VM in Virualbox, I have set host IP as (host), port 2222 and guest settings as, port 22. Does this make sense? | 11:12 |
shamelessshill | (thanks for your help, by the way... this is all very confusing and annoying). | 11:13 |
alkisg | You shouldn't need to specify the VM IP... let me see the dialog | 11:13 |
shamelessshill | I'm using VirtualBox 6.1 (pretty old). | 11:14 |
alkisg | shamelessshill: yeah what you're saying is correct (there's a global dialog, I'm using bridged so I haven't seen the nat dialog in a while) | 11:14 |
alkisg | Go for it | 11:14 |
shamelessshill | Ah, okay. Thanks! Let me try it and see. | 11:14 |
shamelessshill | alkisg: "ssh: connect to host localhost port 22: Connection refused" | 11:17 |
alkisg | shamelessshill: ssh -p 2222 localhost | 11:17 |
shamelessshill | (also, I cannot ping that internal address from my host vm - is this a problem?) | 11:17 |
alkisg | It's expected that you won't be able to ping it | 11:18 |
shamelessshill | Ah, I see. That's good then! | 11:18 |
alkisg | It's like your PC is at your office and your VM is at your home, behind your home router. You can't ping your home PC when you're at the office, but you can do a port forward in your router and ssh to it. | 11:19 |
shamelessshill | alkisg: Wow ... brilliant! | 11:19 |
shamelessshill | It worked very nicely ... :) | 11:19 |
shamelessshill | Thank you so much, alkisg. Really appreciate it! | 11:19 |
alkisg | 👍 | 11:20 |
shamelessshill | alkisg: yes, that makes sense indeed. Thank you again - it was super frustrating! :D | 11:20 |
shamelessshill | Cheers! | 11:21 |
alkisg | Cheers | 11:21 |
salient | Anyone know a good channel for AI for Nvidia Jetson? | 11:21 |
alkisg | !cookie | alkisg | 11:21 |
ubottu | alkisg: Please see my private message | 11:21 |
alkisg | :P | 11:21 |
alkisg | (hungry) | 11:21 |
salient | Need some help with object recognition inference | 11:21 |
BluesKaj | Hi all | 11:28 |
elias_a | Wow - someone has actually coded a python tool for monitoring charging current: https://askubuntu.com/questions/801003/are-there-any-power-consumption-indicators/801635#801635 | 11:49 |
elias_a | Cannot get it to work, though... | 11:53 |
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mrrobot | Hi | 13:44 |
afiefh | I am experimenting with btrfs with my system and was trying to restore my root partition to a different snapshot. I have created a new writable snapshot with subvolid=259, and modified my fstab to mount that subvolume by specifying: UUID=4f...f7 / btrfs defaults,subvolid=259 0 1 | 14:41 |
afiefh | However, when I reboot and run `findmnt -nt btrfs`, it shows taht the mounted subvolid=256 instead of 259. Is there something I'm missing to make the system mount a different subvolid? | 14:41 |
=== TomTom_ is now known as TomTom | ||
cbreak | with zfs I'd just make a new cloned FS and boot from that one, or use zfs rollback. Maybe btrfs has similar capabilities? | 15:36 |
cbreak | fstab wouldn't be involved in that, since it is not available by the time the root filesystem is mounted I think | 15:36 |
BlueChaos | ? help | 15:46 |
oerheks | !ask | 15:46 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 15:46 |
yes-ubuntu | Hi All! It's me again! I am having trouble copying a file from my pc to another pc, using cp (ftp mounted to filesystem over wifi). I played around and noticed that a space in the filename will cause error, even if I use absolute paths and even if the paths are quoted. is there anything I could do? I am looking to see if this is a bug of soome | 17:11 |
yes-ubuntu | sort? (Both pc's are Ubuntu and the target pc has vsftpd) | 17:11 |
oerheks | spaces in filenames,.. | 17:12 |
oerheks | quote the source folder, e.g. "Home/<name?/file" | 17:13 |
yes-ubuntu | (as soon as I replace the space with an underscore, there is no more problem, however, in 2023 I would have thought it's possible to copy even files with spaces?) | 17:13 |
oerheks | spaces in filenames are stupid, IMHO | 17:14 |
yes-ubuntu | oerheks: yes, I did quote them, no use. I have even escaped them and still to no use, same error | 17:14 |
oerheks | weird that your fix is _ | 17:14 |
jhutchins | yes-ubuntu: Give us an example of the command you're using. | 17:14 |
jhutchins | I'm a little confused by your mix of ftp and cp. | 17:15 |
yes-ubuntu | oerheks: fair enough, however, they are all over the filesystem nowadays, including other very special characters (I am only testing for spaces now, special characters could cause trouble too) | 17:15 |
oerheks | don' t use spaces in filenames, fixed. | 17:16 |
yes-ubuntu | cp "music_one.mp3" "/media/ftp/Downloads/music_one.mp3" <--- works | 17:16 |
oerheks | special characters should not be a problem if you keep itto valid characters | 17:16 |
yes-ubuntu | cp "music one.mp3" "/media/ftp/Downloads/music one.mp3" <--- error ---> cp: cannot create regular file '/media/ftp/Downloads/music one.mp3': No such file or directory | 17:16 |
rfm | yes-ubuntu, is that the exact command that fails? Yesterday a sudo was involved | 17:17 |
JanC | I have plenty of filenames & directory names with spaces, it's generally not an issue | 17:17 |
yes-ubuntu | rfm: yes, this is the exact command I am using now, and it works with _ (underscore) and it gives error with a space in filename | 17:18 |
oerheks | JanC, indeed if you quote them | 17:18 |
rfm | yes-ubuntu, OK. I wonder if it's something about that ftp file system? What happens if you do cp "music one.mp3" "/tmp/Downloads/music one.mp3" | 17:21 |
cbreak | maybe what ever weirdo FS FTP integration you use is dumb and can't handle spaces | 17:21 |
JanC | yes-ubuntu: maybe the FTP server doesn't allow spaces or such? can you create a new file with spaces in its name in that location? | 17:21 |
rfm | yes-ubuntu, oh no, I mean cp "music one.mp3" "/tmp/music one.mp3" | 17:22 |
cbreak | ftp is quite bad, do you have access to something better? | 17:23 |
cbreak | like sftp? | 17:23 |
JanC | (also, you don't need the filename in the destination when it's the same) | 17:23 |
yes-ubuntu | you guys are a bit confusing for me :) so, on the target pc, I have installed vsftpd | 17:23 |
yes-ubuntu | rfm: are you suggesting for me to just try and copy the file locally to /tmp ? | 17:24 |
rfm | yes-ubuntu, yes. if it works, it shows the problem is in the ftp file system, not in the command parsing. | 17:25 |
yes-ubuntu | rfm: yes, I just tried to cp to /tmp and it works fine | 17:26 |
JanC | it could be in the "FTP file system" or in the FTP server itself (some have options to block certain characters in file names etc.) | 17:27 |
jhutchins | y money's on restrictions in the ftp server and ftp fs. | 17:27 |
jhutchins | My | 17:27 |
jhutchins | yes-ubuntu: Do you control both systems? Are they on different networks and/or different locaations? | 17:28 |
jhutchins | yes-ubuntu: You're probably better off using native ftp commands rather than mounting the filesystem, or using ssh/scp. | 17:29 |
rfm | JanC, yeah, the way to tell whether it's the source ftp file system or the target ftp server would be to fire up the old ftp client and try to copy it over. But it's been too long for me to remember the commands... | 17:29 |
yes-ubuntu | jhutchins: yes, I control both systems, both pc's are mine, on my home network :) set up so I can test this awkward situation from yesterday :D | 17:30 |
JanC | I'm pretty sure Gvfs still supports FTP, so any Gtk-based GUI file manager like Nautilus or Nemo should work :) | 17:31 |
eMaks | ACHTUNG! there seems to be quite of race condintions now involved when trying to unpdate ubuntu desktop 22.04-2 LTS | 17:32 |
jhutchins | ftp is an archaic protocol and may not handle special file names. | 17:32 |
eMaks | thanks to ubuntu package holding system | 17:33 |
jhutchins | eMaks: What update method area you using? | 17:33 |
eMaks | failing both apt update and via software updates manager | 17:33 |
oerheks | phased updates, .. | 17:33 |
oerheks | not a bug. | 17:34 |
eMaks | forcing updtes will crash the ssytem | 17:34 |
jhutchins | eMaks: You might try apt-get - it is less prone to race conditions. | 17:35 |
eMaks | yep, phased updates again (not a first time) causes system crash if forced | 17:35 |
eMaks | i already founf the reapair just letting other to know | 17:36 |
eMaks | did't try apt-get, used apt, any diff? | 17:37 |
oerheks | file a bugreport, to do so.. | 17:37 |
eMaks | yeah, this time its priced for a report... | 17:37 |
eMaks | spent couple of hours to figure out | 17:38 |
eMaks | tested on a ubuntu desktop, not sure if server is affected | 17:38 |
eMaks | 22.04.02 | 17:38 |
eMaks | maybe (not really sure) but probably the move to 6. kernel is involved somehow | 17:40 |
oerheks | no, linux-firmware gave some issues, update today | 17:40 |
eMaks | kernel is not holded but its dependencies migh be | 17:40 |
eMaks | aha | 17:41 |
eMaks | i've got complete system carsh | 17:41 |
eMaks | *crash | 17:41 |
JanC | what do you mean by "forcing updates"? | 17:41 |
eMaks | but... its a KVM guest in BIOS mode, there firmware are not updated AFAIK | 17:42 |
eMaks | i mean there will ba warning of partial updates available but its possible to process regulalry | 17:43 |
eMaks | if you do, system crash | 17:43 |
eMaks | is a update-manager you select "All updates" | 17:43 |
eMaks | it will fail | 17:44 |
eMaks | youe force updtaes and i've got permament system crash | 17:44 |
oerheks | select "All updates" .. never got that done with the gui | 17:45 |
eMaks | son't try :D | 17:45 |
eMaks | *dont | 17:45 |
oerheks | you are just making jokes | 17:45 |
eMaks | but its just modyfying apt list | 17:46 |
eMaks | with the selsction of "Security updtaes only" its all OK | 17:46 |
eMaks | since it does not pull many updates | 17:47 |
eMaks | it seems to be that holding updates has a race conditions to previously installed | 17:49 |
eMaks | nice :D | 17:49 |
eMaks | or kernel itself... | 17:50 |
eMaks | so hold your updates for while, who knows for how long or be ready to install those that are holded | 17:51 |
yes-ubuntu | Any of you could suggest an alternative to vsftpd for me to give a try and replace it with? | 17:51 |
oerheks | nfs would be a choice | 17:52 |
cbreak | proper sftp might work better too | 17:52 |
JanC | yes-ubuntu: I doubt vsftpd is the problem (except maybe the way you configured it, but I'm not familiar with it enough to know what could be wrong) | 17:52 |
cbreak | with OpenSSHD | 17:52 |
JanC | yes-ubuntu: did you try connecting to the FTP server using a GUI client, and see if it works there? | 17:53 |
cbreak | yes-ubuntu: what do you use on the client side? | 17:53 |
yes-ubuntu | JanC: give me a suggestion to try, please? | 17:54 |
yes-ubuntu | cbreak: so far I mounted the ftp filesystem and tired cp | 17:54 |
cbreak | yes-ubuntu: don't confuse FTP and SFTP, they're basically unrelated | 17:55 |
JanC | how did you mount the ftp filesystem? | 17:55 |
cbreak | SFTP uses SSH, you can for example mount it with sshfs servername:path localpath | 17:55 |
cbreak | I just tried that, spaces work fine with an OpenSSH server | 17:56 |
JanC | they work fine with vsftpd too | 17:56 |
eMaks | well, proftpd but its just same eggs from another angle | 17:57 |
eMaks | not designed for many (thousands) of file transfers | 17:59 |
eMaks | thats probably where u see the problem | 17:59 |
eMaks | mounting ftp as a filesystem, on paper its possible but a recipee for data loss | 18:00 |
cbreak | again: ftp and sftp are not the same. | 18:00 |
eMaks | sftp has nothing to do with ftp :D | 18:00 |
cbreak | exactly. | 18:00 |
eMaks | then yes :S | 18:00 |
JanC | the problem is not FTP vs sftp, so please don't make things more complicated | 18:02 |
JanC | yes-ubuntu: how did you mount the "ftp filesystem"? | 18:02 |
yes-ubuntu | JanC: I used curlftpfs user:password@ipaddress /ftp_dir_on_my_source_machine | 18:02 |
yes-ubuntu | I have just tried from my source PC to just use ftp IPADDRESS and copy a file having spaces to my destination machine (to the vsftpd) and it worked (ex: ftp> put file\ one.mp3 and it went well) | 18:04 |
JanC | seems like this is a curlftpfs bug | 18:05 |
eMaks | pipe? | 18:05 |
JanC | should be fixed by this commit: https://github.com/JackSlateur/curlftpfs/pull/4/commits/5bebe533ef9a15d341fc1e46407137007c190709 | 18:06 |
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Pull 4 in JackSlateur/curlftpfs "spaces in file and dir names fix" [Merged] | 18:06 | |
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Pull 5bebe533ef9a15d341fc1e46407137007c190709 in JackSlateur/curlftpfs "removed getpass, added readpassphrase" [Open] | 18:06 | |
eMaks | see quotation marks | 18:06 |
JanC | it was curlftpfs not encoding URLs with spaces correctly | 18:07 |
yes-ubuntu | How is it possible to have that fix on 17 Feb 2023 and apt install would still install an old, unfixed version? :( | 18:09 |
yes-ubuntu | and moreover, how can I use the fix you just pointed at on github JanC? | 18:09 |
JanC | because your Ubunt uinstall probably has an older version & nobody applied the fix, I suppose | 18:10 |
=== p is now known as Guest6916 | ||
JanC | yes-ubuntu: do you really need curlftpfs? it seems to have several other problems too? | 18:17 |
yes-ubuntu | JanC: I can use anything else! :) What's on the menu? :) | 18:18 |
JanC | well, what exactly are you trying to accomplish? | 18:18 |
yes-ubuntu | Just copying files from pc1 to pc2 :D | 18:19 |
rfm | yes-ubuntu, you should mention that you're eventually going to want to copy to an android device (at least you were yesterday) | 18:20 |
JanC | preferably on the command line or in a GUI or both? or only in scripts? or? | 18:20 |
JanC | IIRC android has its own stuff for that? | 18:20 |
yes-ubuntu | rfm: I am over that one for now :D as I used my usb cable and am done with android :) | 18:20 |
yes-ubuntu | JanC: yesterday, I wanted to copy files to an ftp server (believe it or not, android has ftp server, optionally, via f-droid)... and I remembered that Ubuntu used to have a built in way to mount an remote ftp mountpoint to the local filesystem ... however, that was back some years ago? Maybe 10 years or so before? So, yesterday, I started to google | 18:24 |
yes-ubuntu | for a way and curlftpfs popped up, hence I used it and now, thanks to you JanC figured out, there is a bug with curlftpfs ... :( so, for future use I am looking for a solution, the simpler, the better :) | 18:24 |
JanC | if you are on a regular Ubuntu Desktop system, you can just use the file manager to access FTP servers using the file manager | 18:27 |
lotuspsychje | ctrl + l and enter ftp adress indeed | 18:27 |
rfm | yes-ubuntu, if you're just copying between ubuntu (or other linux) systems, getting ssh access between the systems and use scp or rsync would be the usual CLI way... | 18:28 |
JanC | yeah, if you don't need anonymous access ssh/scp/sftp might be a better option | 18:30 |
JanC | when using a Gvfs-based file manager you can also do it from the command line after mounting BTW :) | 18:32 |
JanC | and you can use "gio" directly from the command line also... | 18:40 |
wantsEncryption | Best guide to manual Full Disk Encryption install (nvme) ? | 19:03 |
src | wantsEncryption: what's manual? | 19:11 |
src | https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Full_Disk_Encryption_From_Scratch_Simplified fdisk, cryptsetup, not sure how cross-compatible this is | 19:12 |
wantsEncryption | Where I control the partitions and which physical disk gets used | 19:12 |
src | https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Dm-crypt/Encrypting_an_entire_system | 19:12 |
src | wantsEncryption: doesn't the Ubuntu installer let you do this? | 19:12 |
src | (I think it does but might be wrong who knows) | 19:13 |
wantsEncryption | It doesn't allow any control | 19:13 |
wantsEncryption | I plan on using a platter drive for /home, /var, and /tmp to minimize nvme write cycles | 19:15 |
src | seems like if you boot into live you can just drop into a console, set up your partitions and encryption first and then run the installer | 19:15 |
src | skimmed over https://www.tecmint.com/encrypt-disk-installing-ubuntu/ | 19:15 |
src | it's covering 22.04 and is from 2023-02-20 so reasonably current | 19:16 |
src | (sorry I can't help more than that) | 19:16 |
wantsEncryption | yep - but then I realized that luks1, grub boot partitions, etc was complicated and dependent on stuff like kernel support (vs luks2) | 19:16 |
src | I thought the ubuntu installer allowed for manual partioning etc | 19:16 |
wantsEncryption | So I popped open the IRC help channel :D | 19:16 |
wantsEncryption | Yes - it's very manual, and I didn't see any lvm options. | 19:17 |
wantsEncryption | Here was my first thought https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Full_Disk_Encryption_Howto_2019 | 19:17 |
wantsEncryption | I figured I could translate that into gparted actions easily enough | 19:18 |
wantsEncryption | then I recognized the LUKS1 vs LUKS2 issue for GRUB boot drives.. I've never really understood GRUB | 19:18 |
wantsEncryption | Google can show me options, but it can't tell me which is appropriate for 23.04 :P | 19:19 |
rbox | sounds like you should just let the installer do it | 19:20 |
wantsEncryption | I considered that, then coming back after and moving/reassigning everything in fstab | 19:21 |
=== justache is now known as reddit-boat | ||
=== reddit-boat is now known as justache | ||
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yes-ubuntu | JanC & rfm & lotuspsychje Thank you! :) I was referring to the easy connect to server option in older Ubuntu desktop... yes! lotuspsychje has mentioned ctrl + l which I tried but it does not work... I looked around the nautilus menu and it has no such option as connect to server :( | 20:05 |
yes-ubuntu | Actually, never mind... midnight commander (aka mc) can also connect to FTP servers... I totally forgot about this... | 20:09 |
JanC | yes-ubuntu: I can connect to FTP servers using Nemo, so that should work from Nautilus too (as both use Gvfs)? what Ubuntu-version are you on? | 20:15 |
yes-ubuntu | JanC: 23.04 | 20:16 |
JanC | I tested with 22.04; maybe someone decided to remove FTP-support...? | 20:17 |
JanC | seems like that would be weird | 20:17 |
yes-ubuntu | JanC: nope, sorry, you are right! FTP connection works from Nautilus too... I did not use the correct FTP addressing (I only entered my IP whereas it needs ftp://ip-address) It is wonderful! :D If I knew this yesterday... I would have saved a lot of time and would have not bothered anyone with my messages in here ... | 20:20 |
JanC | otherwise it doesn't know what protocol you want to use :) | 20:20 |
yes-ubuntu | JanC: I just tried to see if ip-address:port-number would help but it actually needs ftp:// to start with :) | 20:22 |
JanC | it has support for FTP, WebDAV, SFTP, NFS, MTP, SMB, etc. | 20:22 |
JanC | so, yes, it needs a protocol in the URL | 20:22 |
yes-ubuntu | MTP is usually via usb cable isn't it? | 20:22 |
JanC | yeah | 20:22 |
JanC | but it's not normal USB Mass Storage | 20:23 |
JanC | it's a somewhat weird & limited protocol | 20:23 |
yes-ubuntu | Thanks All for your help! :) | 20:27 |
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Guest98476 | My Ubuntu 20.04 is broken now. I saw a red circle icon at the upper right corner, I clicked it, it said something about problems related to package manager or something like that. There was an option like "show updates" to show me what' | 20:55 |
Guest98476 | s broken or something. I clicked it and saw a blank update window, with all the buttons and everything, just nothing to show. But there was a size to it. | 20:55 |
zetheroo | Is it possible to view mounted NFS shares in the Files app? | 20:57 |
Guest98476 | I clicked to install these ghosted updates... I saw it say something like "Removing GNOME..." or similar. Then it left me with a small blinking cursor in the upper left corner on a completely black screen. I tried waiting for 10 minutes. Nothing happened. So I started pressing a bunch of buttons to see if it's alive. Nothing. So I switched it off. | 20:58 |
Guest98476 | It's a laptop. I powered on again and it just said "login" on a black screen. It's what you call TTY. | 20:58 |
Guest98476 | Did my DE just got uninstalled? | 20:59 |
Guest98476 | What are NFS shares? I can't see Files app. | 20:59 |
Guest98476 | The text in notification said something about deprecated packages or something like that. | 21:00 |
Guest98476 | Before this, I tried to go behind its back (since it wasn't telling me anything about what updates despite clicking "show updates), by using Terminal to download and install 130 updates. | 21:01 |
Guest98476 | I had fallen back on updates. This is not my main laptop. So I thought I might as well do the updates first. The GUI was not very useful by showing me blank list of updates, and also talking about deprecated updates and other stuff I don't understand. | 21:03 |
Guest98476 | Did I say 20.04? I meant 22.04. I have been running Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04 on a laptop for about three to four years now and for the most part it has worked well. But in the past year I started seeing odd notifications about Firmware/BIOS updates in app center, and when I click to update it doesn't work. Also there is/was one app that occasionally | 21:04 |
Guest98476 | appears/ed to have a new update in app center and when I click to update it, I get a warning or error message telling me I can't do that while the app is running... but why would it tell me to update if I can't do that? Doesn't make sense. Or at least try to quit it for me? I don't remember what app it is, but it's something essential like Firefox | 21:04 |
Guest98476 | or similar. | 21:04 |
Guest98476 | I also noticed for some time, when I do updates using Terminal, there were always increasing number of packages not upgraded, skipped or so. Recently that number was 9 packages. And right when I clicked that button in app update manager, it said something about 20 packages being removed... so it removed 20 instead of 9? I have no clue. I just want | 21:06 |
Guest98476 | my desktop back. | 21:06 |
callmeasparagus | yo | 21:23 |
bprompt | yo sup! | 21:24 |
callmeasparagus | what is this chat for? | 21:24 |
bprompt | callmeasparagus: ubuntu linux support channel | 21:26 |
Guest98476 | How about some support then? | 21:35 |
Guest98476 | How do I start Ubuntu desktop from TTY? | 21:36 |
Guest98476 | If Ubuntu desktop is installed, should I be seeing "not found" for gnome-shell? | 21:37 |
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valdema | <3 | 22:32 |
Guest98476 | Am I invisible? | 22:42 |
jeremy31 | Guest98476: No | 22:45 |
jeremy31 | But I don't know the answer to your issue | 22:46 |
thrice | Guest98476: why are you on tty, instead of launching through gdm ? | 22:47 |
Guest98476 | jeremy31 thanks for confirmation. I really started to believe no one is seeing my call for help. But never mind. I fixed the problem myself. It only took me good 2 hours to figure out what works and what doesn't. But I fixed it myself and there is no better feeling than getting things done yourself. But I should not be in this position to begin | 22:51 |
Guest98476 | with. To click the "Install Now" button in Software Updater (with blank list) should not end with 20 packages being removed including gnome-shell and a single blinking tiny weeny cursor in the upper left corner, and unresponsive system that after forced reboot leaves the user at a TTY login. | 22:51 |
jeremy31 | Guest98476: You could file a bug report, hopefully the apt logs have some useful information | 22:52 |
Guest98476 | thrice hello! GDM? Graphical Desktop Manager I suppose? I have no idea. For some reason a bunch of GNOME related packages started to be removed when I clicked on "Install Now" in Software Updater. This was after a red circle appeared in the upper right notifications area, talking about deprecated packages or something. I clicked "show updates" and | 22:57 |
Guest98476 | it gave me a blank list, to which I replied with "install now". And it removed some 20 packages including gnome-shell and showed a black screen with just a cursor... you can read the rest above. But why? I think it's that time again, when I have to reinstall the system to get it to work out the kinks. | 22:57 |
Guest98476 | jeremy31 thanks for the suggestion, I will have a look at that tomorrow. It's getting late here now. Will APT log include the message that came up in the notifications? | 22:59 |
jeremy31 | Guest98476: I am not sure but the apt log is a start | 23:01 |
leftyfb | Guest98476: sudo apt install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop gnome-shell-common | 23:02 |
Guest98476 | OK. Just to give you an idea where or how this little incident started. Have a look at the image on this post. https://askubuntu.com/questions/873677/how-can-i-hide-the-an-error-occurred-tray-indicator-icon | 23:03 |
leftyfb | Guest98476: we have no way of knowing what happened since all you have us was "I click *something* and *something* happened and it said *something* *something*" We're going to try to re-install the desktop packages to get you back to a desktop. If that doesn't work, then I highly suggest you re-install with Ubuntu 22.04 and restore from backup | 23:05 |
leftyfb | wait, you fixed it already? | 23:06 |
Guest98476 | Not sure I fixed it correctly, but it looks pretty good and it works. I did not use the exact same command line but something like sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop. | 23:08 |
leftyfb | Guest98476: future reference, if you require support, you really need to pay attention to error messages and the exact commands you type in. Take screenshots and/or copy/paste if you have to. *something* doesn't help us at all | 23:10 |
Guest98476 | I also did sudo apt install gnome-shell previously from TTY screen and that gave me a different looking desktop. Gnome 4? With a big square for mouse pointer and other weird stuff. So I installed ubuntu desktop on top of that. | 23:10 |
ray_ | how can i get nvidia 535 to work with kernel 6.2 ?? | 23:12 |
Guest98476 | I am usually good at taking screenshots. But this time it caught me off guard and it was too late. I didn't think it would break down by using the GUI. | 23:12 |
Guest98476 | But I appreciate the suggestion, I know it's important to have something to go on. | 23:13 |
rbox | ray_: you have to fix the broken code | 23:13 |
ray_ | rbox - gimme a link - thanks. | 23:14 |
rbox | link? | 23:14 |
ray_ | what code | 23:14 |
rbox | the code thats broken | 23:14 |
ray_ | lol - never seen any broken code. | 23:14 |
rbox | theres broken code all around us | 23:14 |
leftyfb | rbox: you're not being helpful | 23:15 |
ray_ | which code got broken ? | 23:15 |
leftyfb | ray_: what I think rbox is trying to allude to is there's been known issues with nvidia and the new 6.2 kernel. You might want to just boot into your last 5.19 kernel and wait it out | 23:16 |
ray_ | I tried from nvidia site but keeps telling me its not right kernel. | 23:16 |
ray_ | leftyfb, UBUNTU UNINSTALLED IT WHEN IT INSTALLED 5.2 | 23:16 |
ray_ | 6.2 | 23:17 |
leftyfb | boot back into 5.19 | 23:17 |
ray_ | ubuntu uninstalled it | 23:17 |
ray_ | 22.04 | 23:18 |
leftyfb | ray_: sudo apt install linux-image-5.19.0-50-generic linux-modules-5.19.0-50-generic linux-modules-extra-5.19.0-50-generic linux-headers-5.19.0-50-generic | 23:18 |
ray_ | i need to know what kernel to re-install | 23:18 |
ray_ | cool beens leftyfb thanks. | 23:19 |
ray_ | nouveau dont cut the mustard on ubuntu. | 23:19 |
ray_ | lets try - reboots. | 23:22 |
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ray_ | leftyfb, same thing with that kernel. | 23:33 |
ray_ | meybe kernel 5.15 ? | 23:35 |
jeremy31 | ray_: can you reinstall the nvidia driver in older kernel | 23:37 |
ray_ | maybe i shold just go get a 5-5600G and not just 5-5600 to avoid nvidia. | 23:37 |
ray_ | i tried jeremy31 | 23:38 |
ray_ | wont work | 23:38 |
ray_ | anyway, thanks for trying. | 23:42 |
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