=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [13:21] The following packages have unmet dependencies: [13:21] libkf5filemetadata-bin : Depends: libavformat60 (>= 7:6.0) [13:21] E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages. [13:40] It must be built against proposed, which has ffmpeg 6 in it. [14:17] i think libavformat60 is in built .. [14:19] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/mantic/amd64/libavformat60/7:6.0-5ubuntu2 [14:19] its weird not available on proposed [14:21] opsss .. there is .. but need to manually install it [14:21] but lots of dependencies :( [14:22] /me better wait [14:29] i decided to add ppa for ffmpeg6 [15:00] but its being build using gcc11 [15:42] the ppa is built against proposed usually as it is a test for what happens when uploaded to dev release [16:10] noted