[04:22] hi all how can i install py3.11 and switch to it [04:39] I installed it by [04:39] sudo apt install python3.11 [04:39] Will switching to it couse any problems? === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [15:39] Hello [18:35] Hi === carm is now known as struktured [22:45] I'm new to Snap, and I just read that Firefox 116 released the other day. What is the schedule for Snap updates? [22:48] sudo snap refresh [22:48] 116 is availabla, no? [22:49] 116.0.1 [22:50] Nope. When I do sudo snap refresh, it says everything is up to date. I'm still on Firefox 115.02. [22:52] KevlarUnicorn: upstream mozilla maintain the snap, so that is a question for them. but as in this case it is likely to be rapid, as most releases include some security fixes [22:53] still i have 116... [22:53] weird [22:54] I'm on Kubuntu 23.04 if that makes any difference. [22:54] should not.. [22:54] I have 116.0.1 in 23.04 [22:54] I've got Snap fully enabled, I haven't disabled or changed anything, so I'm not sure why it hasn't updated. [22:56] https://i.imgur.com/7Rg18BP.png [22:56] that is in testing VM, but should be the same as any other install [22:57] run some proper updates? sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade # and reboot [22:58] i see no slow mirrors in USA [22:59] I did that earlier this afternoon, and this is my current list: [22:59] https://i.postimg.cc/Kc67p34y/2023-08-061691362624-3840x1080.png [23:00] try change mirror to main? [23:01] changing deb repos won't help snap updates [23:01] oh, correct [23:01] this seems a snap specific issue, not kubuntu, so maybe there is a better place to ask [23:03] kubuntu does nothing to alter any config that might affect snap updates [23:03] if there is such a thing [23:04] It must be something, because just for a lark, I went into the Discover app, looked up Firefox, listed as 116. I open it (because it's shown as installed), and it says Firefox 115.0.2. I had my hopes up for a second. :/ [23:06] my knowlegde of snaps is not great, but maybe there are the equivalent of apt phased updates. i.e. update are rolled out gradually across users over a few days rather than all at once [23:07] * RikMills shrugs [23:09] I'm not sure. I'll talk to some Snap folks, though, see if they can help me work this out. I appreciate all of the help! :)