=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [11:48] [telegram] just ran a quick install jammy iso 08-05-23 and kernel now @guiverc looks like we need to retest all on the checklist..will check the manifest and update later today.. [12:33] @Leokolb, note the line following the package lists (ie. casper 1.470.3)... ISOs 0802-0404 all used 1.470.2; WITH ONLY 0801 using the 1.140.3 casper .... ie. only our currently oldest needs to be re-done.. (1.470.3 is a PXE fix we don't test for, but we've run a BIOS, uEFI + Secure.uEFI with & without that fix; i noted that on the bug report) [12:34] I grabbed the ISO earlier today, wrote to thumb-drive & intended doing 2 qa-test installs (bios + install.using.existing) but never got around to it (lack of time) [12:40] casper 1.470.3 fixes https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1990621 [12:40] -ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 1990621 in casper (Ubuntu Jammy) "[SRU] PXE Boot contains wrong suggested link to ISO for live file system" [Low, Fix Committed] [12:42] (if its the kernel you're worried about; it only returned to 5.19 for 2 ISOs, then back to 6.2 as I recall) [12:44] (i'm happy with where we are, and aren't worried about kernel... I'll do the two I wanted to do today tomorrow ; those 0801 need refresh with older-casper) [14:26] [telegram] Will re-do mine later today or in AM 07.08..@guiverc tks (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) (i'm happy with where we are, and aren't worried about kernel... I'll do the two I wanted to do today tomorrow ; those 0801 need refresh with older-casper))