=== tristan123 is now known as tristan_ [06:00] [telegram] Yes windows is installed. But this problem started recently only. === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [10:26] [telegram] I red of someone who 'solved' his issues by disabling fast boot [12:16] [telegram] ^ in Windows that is [12:16] [telegram] sorry [12:16] [telegram] should've added this (re @Michaël: I red of someone who 'solved' his issues by disabling fast boot) [12:42] vanitas_77: in case you're still around: you shared your wireless passwords above - might want to replace those / inform the admin. [12:43] intel wireless should usually work fine, given you have installed all updates (to get newer driver loadable firmware and kernel versions) [12:46] various reports of linux users where the device generally works: https://linux-hardware.org/?id=pci:8086-24fd-8086-0110 [12:55] Michaël has a point about the possibility of Windows causing the problem by not shutting down cleanly and leaving the firmware in a bad state, though. [12:56] look into a bios update, too === Levy is now known as qiedk1