=== cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer [19:00] o/ [19:01] o/ [19:05] bdmurray: shall we proceed anyway even though other members are absent? We can probably discuss the outstanding items without needing quorum. [19:05] Since I don't see any applications today [19:06] It's an opportunity to catch up with the other items since they tend to get pushed back when we do have applications. [19:06] rbasak: That seems fine to me [19:07] #startmeeting Developer Membership Board [19:07] Meeting started at 19:07:08 UTC. The chair is rbasak. Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology [19:07] Available commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick [19:07] #topic Review of previous action items [19:07] #action teward follow up to get all application process wiki/docs to explain the process to be able to edit wiki pages, for applicants who don't yet have wiki edit access (carried over) [19:07] ACTION: teward follow up to get all application process wiki/docs to explain the process to be able to edit wiki pages, for applicants who don't yet have wiki edit access (carried over) [19:07] #action rbasak to document the decision on Keeping IRC meetings moving [19:07] ACTION: rbasak to document the decision on Keeping IRC meetings moving [19:07] ^ this needs carrying over but the documentation does currently exist in the form of the email; it just needs moving to the wiki [19:08] #action utkarsh2102 to handle announcement and PPU adjustments for nkshirsa [19:08] ACTION: utkarsh2102 to handle announcement and PPU adjustments for nkshirsa [19:08] #topic Outstanding mailing list requests to assign [19:08] Can we check on utkarsh's item? [19:08] Sure [19:09] #undo [19:09] Removing item from minutes: TOPIC [19:09] Looks like that's done actually? [19:10] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/devel-permissions/2023-July/002316.html [19:10] And the announcement was here: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/devel-permissions/2023-June/002312.html [19:11] And that did go to ubuntu-news-team@ and to ubuntu-devel@ it seems. [19:11] bdmurray: OK to continue? [19:12] I checked with edit-acl and agree they have upload rights [19:12] Thanks! [19:12] I'll remove it from the action items [19:12] So let's remove that action... [19:12] #undo [19:12] Removing item from minutes: LINK [19:12] #undo [19:12] Removing item from minutes: ACTION === rbasak changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Outstanding mailing list requests to assign [19:14] I don't know if Odd_Bloke's request is still outstanding, but I think that's down to the Ubuntu Membership Board now, and not the DMB, and that's been discussed in the thread. [19:14] So I don't think there's anything to do there. [19:14] Let me look at the last email about that [19:14] Perhaps we should follow up [19:17] I'm not finding the email but I got the feeling he wasn't being helped. [19:17] Let me reply to prompt the membership board to reply [19:20] Done [19:20] I agree he should have had a more definite reply by now, but I don't think that's within the scope of the DMB any more. [19:22] Any other comment? Can I move on? [19:23] No more comments, let's carry on. [19:23] #topic Open TB bugs [19:24] #info There are currently no open bugs. [19:24] #topic Why is mythbuntu-dev still a delegated team when it isn't a flavor? [19:24] Seems to me that this just needs some cleaning up? [19:25] And maybe some flavor removal process documentation updates but since there isn't any... [19:26] Would you like to take that action? [19:28] The action being removing mythbuntu-dev from ubuntu-dev or whatever teams are appropriate? [19:28] Yes [19:28] Does the packageset also need removing? [19:28] I think it would make sense to also remove it [19:29] Okay, yes I can do those things. [19:29] #action bdmurray to clean up the defunct mythbuntu-dev team, associated packageset and anything else related [19:29] ACTION: bdmurray to clean up the defunct mythbuntu-dev team, associated packageset and anything else related [19:29] #topic Reviewing members of Ubuntu Contributing Developers. There are some people whose membership in team appears redundant to me. Should people be removed when added to MOTU or CoreDev? [19:30] I'm still in ~ubuntu-server-dev IIRC. I don't see a particular reason to clean these up - seems like busywork to no benefit. Am I missing something? [19:30] I agree it's redundant though [19:32] I don't recall how I ended up looking at this and I agree cleaning it up would be busy work but if the redundant members keep renewing we'd be saving them some time? [19:33] They might object for nostalgic or social reasons though. [19:33] We'd have to ask, and that seems like a lot of work. [19:33] OTOH if they want to remove themselves they can. [19:34] Alright. [19:36] #agreed We won't remove members from the redundant uploading teams [19:36] AGREED: We won't remove members from the redundant uploading teams [19:36] #topic AOB [19:36] AOB? [19:37] Nothing from me. [19:39] #endmeeting [19:39] Meeting ended at 19:39:24 UTC. Minutes at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2023/ubuntu-meeting.2023-08-07-19.07.moin.txt [19:39] Thanks!