
novaTopFlexI am sorry, but I do not know if this is the correct IRC channel for this issue. I have attempted to run MusE from the official Ubuntu repositories on my 22.04 LTS "Jammy Jellyfish" system, but the software is invariably stuck on the screen displaying the text, "Populating Track context menu." I would like advice on how to fix this issue (I am running Ubuntu 22.04 LTS on a system with an Intel Core i5-7267U (Kaby Lake-U) CPU @00:47
novaTopFlex3.10 GHz with both cores enabled. My system operates only on the graphics processor integrated into the CPU, if that makes any difference, and I am unsure if the instruction set available to the CPU prevents MusE from loading. I am also unsure if either my display manager, SDDM, or my window manager, JWM, are preventing MusE from launching properly, or if the indexing requires an extensive amount of time.)00:47
novaTopFlexSorry about the confusing at symbol by the way.00:47
sarnoldoo pretty https://github.com/muse-sequencer/muse/blob/master/muse.png00:52
sarnoldlol, you've beat me to their issues :)00:53
sarnoldnovaTopFlex: try running muse from a terminal, maybe you can get more useful messages from it that way?00:55
sarnoldxueshengmin: you have to stick around long enough for someone to reply :)01:17
sarnoldxueshengmin: it also helps if you ask a useful question01:17
jdsfighterIs there a way to setup palm rejection with Elan touchpads? I'm seeing it for synaptic, but I'm not finding much information about how how to do similar elan01:21
akiksome people01:21
akikit's amazing how these translation services let you understand chinese01:23
sarnoldjdsfighter: try running "xinput list-props" on your device, as shown in this first post https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=26850801:26
sarnoldjdsfighter: if you've got "Disable While Typing" listed like that, try: xinput set-prop "Elan Touchpad" "Disable While Typing" 1   -- or something similar01:28
jdsfightersarnold: I do have it, but it appears to already be set to 1. "libinput Disable While Typing Enabled (330):    1"01:29
sarnolddang :( I really hoped it was going to be that easy :(01:29
jdsfighterIt's almost like it's not sensitive enough. Every time I so much as think about the trackpad, it's shifted its focus over to another window. It's VERY sensitive. And I like to rest my hands right next to the trackpad :c01:31
sarnoldI've always had the impression that the linux userland code just pokes a configuration for it -- and the hardware device is responsible for implementing it01:33
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sarnoldif i"m right, it means you don't have a whole lot of choice :(01:33
jdsfighterThat's unfortunate! Guess it'll be easier to adjust my hand position than write a driver01:34
rboxkeyboard layout/touchpad position is always #1 on my list when looking for a laptop01:34
jdsfighterThis 2023 Lenovo Legion 5 Pro was just on too good a sale to pass up. 24 core i9, RTX 4070, 32gb ram < $1600 USD. Unfortunately it mean leaving a very well supported ~10 year old asus01:35
rboxit takes me weeks and many trips to stores to pick somethign01:36
sarnoldjdsfighter: wow that does sound like a pretty good deal :)01:36
jdsfightersarnold: Lenovo 16" Legion Pro 5i 16IRX8 on bhphotovideo to be precise. It's still fairly bleeding edge, but I've been quite happy in the last ~4 days I've had it01:38
sarnoldjdsfighter: nice nice :) I hope you can find a good way to deal witht he touchpad :(01:46
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abbotttoes = yum03:19
adminmasterLiunx bug terminer cd ../  <<  adminmaster root ....04:59
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cawxI'm trying to 'sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade' WSL 20.4, but it says repo no longer has a release file. --allow-unauthenticated doesn't seem to help. Unsure what to put in /etc/apt/sources.list either. Any tips? https://pastebin.com/Wi3FQ4j310:35
noob23122hello everyone, does anyone know if ufw firewall is able to close idle connections and where to set that up?10:38
itaiis there a way of tuning ubuntu for a apecific laptop, architecture? I have had some glitches after installing it on my new pc.10:42
weedmicitai: do you mean beyond setting a master up perfectly and cloning it to other machines and then changing their host names?10:45
itaiweedmic: how do you mean?10:49
davegarathHi all, someone use steam with proton ? I'm trying to run a game but I have some problems11:03
weedmicitai: what do you mean by "way of tuning ubuntu for a apecific laptop, architecture"?11:05
BluesKajHi all11:15
jpeis there a specific channel for lxd?11:21
weedmicunder f5 (channel list) in konversation, I saw #lxd with 44 users in there right now.11:26
weedmicjpe: ^11:26
jpeok thanks11:27
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itaiweedmic: I thought that after installing ubuntu, some work that can be done to make it faster. reconfiguring the kernel, etc...11:54
itaigetting proper drivers.11:55
EdwardIIIcan anyone link me some up to date info on how to stop (i guess gnome?) stealing my bluetooth headphones connection? only seems to happen with ubuntu, other devices don't seem to do it. when i search i find stuff like this from 2015, so not sure if it's still relevant today: https://askubuntu.com/questions/605878/how-to-prevent-a-bluetooth-headset-to-autoconnect-without-disabling-bluetooth12:28
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ApostleInTriumphHello! I've upgraded to 22.04 LTS and since then, I am unable to install Slack. I tried via snap and apt. Both doesn't work. Neither trying to start the app from terminal. Can someone help figure what's going on? Restart didn't help either. When I try from terminal, however, I get this error, `mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/run/user/0’:13:42
ApostleInTriumphPermission denied`13:42
ograApostleInTriumph, are you trying to run slack as root ? /run/user/0 kind of indicates that ... dont ever try to run graphical applications as root ...14:35
ApostleInTriumphAh yes, it was from sudo su -14:36
leftyfbApostleInTriumph: don't do that14:36
* zeroadrenaline is away: auto-away16:31
lexandropHi. Kubuntu LTS user here. What's the point of using non-LTS kernels in LTS ubuntu releases? I'm on 22.04.3 now and my kernel version is 6.2.0 . Previously I had 5.19.0, and before (AFAIR) 5.17.something . I do understand that ubuntu developers make these kernels "LTS" on their own, but why don't they just use "officially LTS" kernel versions?16:39
lexandropI even tried to google it, but couldn't find any solid reasons in the top results.16:40
oerhekslexandrop,  we recently switched to 6.2, for LTS.16:41
leftyfblexandrop: maybe ask in #ubuntu-kernel16:41
lexandropoerheks: but, according to https://kernel.org/ , 6.1 is LTS, not 6.216:41
oerheksstart with Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS16:41
oerheks Linux kernel 6.2 isn’t the most recent kernel release it’s newer than the GA kernel16:42
hggdhbecause 6.2 is a newer kernel, and it is offered to 22.04 (part of what is called "hardware enablement"). The Ubuntu kernel team will support it16:43
oerheksjups !hwe16:44
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack16:44
lexandropok, it seems like they just take the latest stable kernel version available at the beginning of new ubuntu version development, and continue supporting it. Kernel 5.17 was available when Ubuntu 22.04 was released, 5.19 - 22.04.1, 6.2 - 22.04.216:50
lexandropstill a bit questionable approach in my own opinion, but at least it makes sense now :) thank you for your replies16:50
oerhekshave fun!16:51
maarten-laptopHello, I installed ubuntu cinnamon. Why is gnome installed? Can I remove it?16:52
lexandropbtw, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases page doesn't mention anything about 22.04.3 yet. I'm to lazy to register there on my own, but I do recall mentioning the similar thing once in the past, and someone added the info :)16:52
oerhekslexandrop,  time to do a apt dist-upgrade16:54
jhutchinsmaarten-laptop: Why not just leave gnome alone for now.  You can always remove it later when you're more familiar with why it might be there.17:02
maarten-laptopjhutchins: it's quite rude to assume you know anything about me from one sentence17:02
oerheksadding a desktop is no problem, removing one is interesting17:03
oerheksstart all over if it fails? https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntucinnamon/releases/lunar/release/17:03
coconutmaarten-laptop, there is no irc support for cinnamon here at Libera server. There is on irc.spotchat.org however.17:04
maarten-laptopcoconut: do you meant #linuxmint-help? Is there a specific one for ubuntu cinnamon?17:05
oerhekscoconut, we do support cinnamon17:05
coconutoh ok17:05
oerheksjust not a dedicated channel, that is all17:05
jhutchinscoconut: The base OS on all of the flavors is the same and is supported here.17:05
coconutmaarten-laptop, yes i was thinking that channel indeed since i was reading this website: https://community.linuxmint.com/tutorial/view/1217:10
coconutbut there seems support here, so i have not said...17:10
ravage[..] In the Ubuntu Technical Board meeting over IRC on March 28, 2023, Ubuntu Cinnamon was officially deemed a flavor by Ubuntu17:10
coconut...that's not even lang ago i see17:12
oerheksit has its own iso too17:13
maarten-laptopI didn´t spot that it was that recently, perhaps that's why it's a bit of a mess.17:13
maarten-laptopAs in some windows don´t have a close button but require closing using the context menu.17:14
oerheksalt + F4 is magic17:14
maarten-laptopOr well maybe it's minor stuff, but it would be nice if there were an official chat to ask whether these are known issues17:15
oerhekshttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cinnamon/+bugs?orderby=-datecreated&start=0 .. not that much17:16
maarten-laptopoerheks and also ask why gnome is installed as according to wikipedia cinnamon doesn´t use gnome at all.17:22
oerheksdid you use the ' ubuntu' iso and put cinnamon on it?17:22
oerheksthen you have gnome3+cinnamon17:23
maarten-laptopI used the official ubuntu cinnamon iso17:23
oerheksweird, did not test it myself, but sound awkward17:23
maarten-laptopthere's also the gnome store and gnome default apps such as gedit instead of xed17:24
maarten-laptopthough it does come with nemo so that does work17:24
ravageinstalling from ubuntucinnamon-22.04.2-amd64.iso right now17:24
oerhekshttps://ubuntucinnamon.org/ is not ubuntu??17:24
maarten-laptopoerheks if you go to the ubuntu website and look at official flavors it redirects you to that site17:25
oerhekshmmm, https://sourceforge.net/projects/ubuntu-cinnamon-remix/files/latest/download >> https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntucinnamon/releases/lunar/release/17:26
oerheksi would not use sourceforge17:27
oerheksremix sounds like a mint people project to me..17:27
oerheksyes you are right, the flavors page point to https://ubuntucinnamon.org/ ....17:27
oerheksbut the download, weird17:27
oerheksand sourceforge stopped after 22.1017:28
maarten-laptopoerheks https://ubuntu.com/desktop/flavours17:28
oerhekstime to file a bug report, this is not clear17:28
maarten-laptopoerheks so instead I should reinstall from https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntucinnamon/releases/lunar/release/ ?17:29
oerheksmaarten-laptop, yes please.17:30
maarten-laptopMy system hasn´t automatically updated to 23.04 even after running apt upgrade17:30
oerhekslunar is 23.04, one could get the lts version too17:30
ravagefrom what i see from the 22.04 release it just uses parts of the original Ubuntu tools17:30
ravagelike the software center and some basic tools17:30
ravagethere is no full gnome desktop installation17:31
oerheksso the remix <> cinnamon iso are different?17:32
ravageboth names somehow are still valid17:33
ravagethe official new name is "Ubuntu Cinnamon"17:33
oerheksas of 23.04?17:33
maarten-laptopravage the 22.04 version I installed has 3 GUI apps for installing software by default.. GNOME Software, Software Updater and Synaptic Package Manager17:33
oerheksoh oke solved17:33
ravageyes. not sure why synaptic is there17:34
oerheksi like synaptic, despite there are no snaps listed17:35
ravagesnap is present btw :)17:35
maarten-laptopravage yes that too, but I assume that's because I pressed install additional apps during install17:37
ravageand so far i dont see any problems with closing windows17:37
maarten-laptopsynaptic is an app that normally comes with linuxmint afaik thus that's the only one that makes sense I think17:37
maarten-laptopravage try to install hexchat for example17:38
maarten-laptopravage the channel list window doesn´t have a close button17:38
oerheksthat would be a bug.17:39
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.17:39
maarten-laptopor without installing anything.. shotwell -> edit -> preferences17:39
ravageyep no close button on hexchat17:40
ravageESC works find at least17:40
ravagealso alt+f4 and right click -> close work17:42
bombastickCan someone explain to me how Ubuntu packages are updated? I'm on 22.04. The package 'ranger' from Universe crashes when run in a directory with a YAML file in it. Upstream fixed it in Nov 2022 https://github.com/ranger/ranger/issues/2752 , however it doesn't seem to have made its way to Ubuntu LTS. Does this mean it's because no maintainer made the effort to patch it? Or are there policies18:01
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Issue 2752 in ranger/ranger "Ranger crash for YAML files - Color number is greater than COLORS-1 (7)" [Closed]18:01
bombastickpreventing it?18:01
bombastickI see ,there are policies in place preventing it: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates18:03
cbreakbombastick: it might be from debian somehow... LTS versions, and ubuntu in general, won't update major versions for most packages18:03
cbreakbut you can get ranger from source, that's what I did18:03
bombastickthat's what I will do too18:03
cbreakyou could also use pip I suppose, but... git seems better18:04
bombastickah, you mean building from source18:04
cbreakwell, "building", yes18:04
cbreakit's python, so I think it's mostly copying stuff18:04
bombastickI prefer having a static binary to put in /usr/local/bin, if possible. I'll see what releases ranger has.18:04
bombastickor build from source18:04
cbreakif you clone the repo, you should be able to run `sudo make install` to get a ranger binary in /usr/local/bin18:05
cbreak(well... it's a python text file as usual)18:06
bombastickoh you're right, it's just a python file I can copy there18:07
cbreak(you'll need more than just that file, but the sudo make install part should take care of that)18:08
bombastickit's still crashing, I didnt realize the tag 1.9.3 was from 2019. How does one undo make install?18:11
bombastickI'll install from master18:11
bombastickok, all good. there's no make uninstall but I just reran install.18:12
bombastickI forgot what I was doing before I got sidetracked by this :/18:14
maggafor some reason i cant connect my airpods anymore with bluetooth. has worked for a long time18:40
maggaFailed to connect: org.bluez.Error.Failed br-connection-page-timeout18:40
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mihonI have a problem regarding permissions, i ran a docker command and after that it is all screwed up. I am in bash all the time. I can't even cd and when i try it says user: Permission denied. HOw do i fix this?19:02
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!21:26
ray_whats the best way to get a - creative sound card to work - thanks.21:49
jhutchinsray: What did you try to do?  How did you try to do it?  What did you expect to happen?  What happened instead?21:56
ray_i installed a creative sound card - pulse sees the card - no audio output.21:57
jhutchinsray_: Did you check all of the outputs?21:57
ray_yes - alsamixer i changed to creative - as all other settings - they see the card - no output21:58
jhutchinsray_: This is a bit old but might help: ALSA Checklist:21:59
jhutchins1) add yourself to the 'audio' group (log out & in again)  2) unmute and raise channels w/ alsamixer (also try muting some & toggle jack sense if available)  3) <pulseaudio> or other daemon stopped?  4) speakers on?  5) does "aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Noise.wav" work for root?  6) purge any installed <oss4> packages to remove ALSA blacklist.21:59
ray_ok - will read -  thanks jhutchins22:00
ray_ill give it a shot.22:01
jhutchinsray_: Also I was suggesting you check all of the physical outputs.22:01
coressome time between last night (usa eastern time) and a few hours ago my laptop powered off and i'm trying to figure out why. Ubuntu 20.04 on Dell XPS 13 w/ no extra power managment tweeks.23:01
coresit looks like it just decided to shutdown on its own like it was supposed to do that23:01
coresbut as best i can remember, i left everything running: desktop, firefox, terminals23:03
guivercI'm betting I hit a random key & made my menu bar disappear from my hexchat IRC client... Anyone know the correct key I should hit to return my menu bar to viewable?   (23.04 currently)23:57

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