
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> waiting for build to finish ..00:49
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> The following packages have been kept back:09:03
IrcsomeBot<myfenris>   kate kdegraphics-thumbnailers kio-extras kio-extras-data konsole konsole-kpart libokular5core10 okular09:03
IrcsomeBot<myfenris>   okular-extra-backends print-manager09:03
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> dependencies ....09:03
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> The following packages have been kept back:09:03
IrcsomeBot<myfenris>   kate kdegraphics-thumbnailers kio-extras kio-extras-data konsole konsole-kpart libokular5core10 okular okular-extra-backends print-manager09:03
BluesKajHi all10:59
-queuebot:#kubuntu-devel- Builds: Kubuntu Desktop amd64 [Jammy 22.04.3] has been marked as ready14:39
santa_hi everyone19:00
santa_RikMills: whenever you have 5-10 mins for a quick chat, please give me a ping19:01
RikMillssanta_: ping19:02
santa_RikMills: pong, alright so here's the thing:19:03
santa_after your last kdevelop merge, I can't build the source package :D19:03
santa_the merge is fine of course, but I found some interesting things19:04
RikMillsI was just working on kdevelop19:04
santa_to be able to source build kdevelop we need the latest grantlee dev package19:04
santa_which is fine19:05
santa_so I did backporting of grantlee here: https://launchpad.net/~panfaust/+archive/ubuntu/ka-exp/+packages19:05
santa_so, apparently we would be able to build kdevelop at least from jammy or later, not bad19:06
santa_I could try to do further backporting19:07
santa_so first thing, once I test this, I would like to:19:07
RikMillsjammy is our earliest supported release though19:07
santa_- copy those grantlee5 packages to the PPAs where we have KA19:08
santa_- at some point add in KA a dependency on libgrantlee5-dev19:09
santa_any objection to this?19:09
santa_alright, now another interesting bit:19:10
santa_while building that package on the PPA, I have observed a couple of things:19:11
santa_- KA doesn't work with non tar.xz tarballs (actually I already knew this, but never had time to come up with a solution)19:12
santa_- we don't have grantlee5 in our git repos, and imho we should have it as it's something maintained by the debian kde team and we are its counterpart in ubuntu19:13
santa_regarding the first point, I have some code here that might fix the problem19:14
santa_I would like to put it in a separate branch named 'tarball_ext_support'19:14
santa_would be possible for you to test doing the next applications RC release from this branch? (I would do a pre-testing on my side, if it fails, we abort and we try later)19:15
RikMillscan do19:16
santa_ack, thanks a lot, when is the release btw?19:17
RikMillsprobably late in the day19:19
santa_alright, if it's late in the day I expect to have things ready on my side by then, will ping you with short news19:21
santa_and that's it: 20 mins, sorry for the underestimation :P19:22
RikMillsno problem19:22
RikMillssanta_: konqueror FTBFS without webengine, so I think the refresh of the optional webengine patch missed something22:25
mmikowskiRikMills: Wow, I used to *love* Konqueror. Haven't tried it in years though.23:19
santa_RikMills: ack, building modified version, if it works I will push the fix to git23:25
santa_thanks for noticing23:25

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